Scenario Based learning activity Click here to enter By Meg, Carolina and Dominic MM1

Caring For Children 6 12a

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Scenario Based learning activity

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By Meg, Carolina and Dominic MM1

Page 2: Caring For Children 6 12a

Welcome to this scenario basedlearn presentation package. You will work your way through three scenarios:

Coping Skills For Children Television and Your Child Bullying and Your Child. You will be presented with

threeoptions to choose from. Each will take you to a feedback screen. If you pass you can proceed to the next scenario, if not you go back to the main page where you can click on the relevant links for more information.

Proceed to first scenario

Page 3: Caring For Children 6 12a

SCENARIOYour children have recently gone through many changes including: moving house, changing school, trying to make new friends and are feeling a little lost and showing signs of stress as a result. What can you do as a parent or carer to help alleviate the stress and help your children to cope?

GUIDELINES Helping children build inner

strengthto cope with the ups and downs of growing up is one of the best things parents can do for them. Often we cannot prevent things going wrong for children but we can try to help them build the strengths that will help them cope.

Click on answer A, B or C opposite which you think reflects the best choice.

Your choices are: Take time to sit down and talk and listen to them. Remind them of their good points. Help them build friendships and do things they enjoy.Arrange to take them to the aqua park to cheer them up in the hope that they will forget about feeling stressed.

Tell them to pull themselves together, go outside and not get under your feet as you are busy doing other things.

For more information click the link below http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/docswr/_assets/main/documents/parcope.pdf

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CHOICE A Take time to sit down and talk and listen to them. Remind them of their good points. Help them build friendships and encourage them to do things they enjoy.

This choice gives your child a sense of belonging, whilst also building their self esteem. This also allows your child some choice which helps them feel their opinion counts.


Well done, this is the best choice. One of the most important things your child needs is a sense of belonging. Children need to develop a sense of being able to manage things for themselves as they grow up.

Proceed to next scenario

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CHOICE B Arrange to take them to the aqua to cheer them up in the hope that they will forget about feeling stressed.

This choice may be a good short term solution, however it does not encourage them to talk about what is bothering them or help them try to solve their own problems.

REMEMBER: Children need to feel loved and

lovable just for themselves, not only when they do things well.

Children need to feel they have some control in their lives.

Children need to feel that they can be successful at something.

Children need a sense of belonging.

Children are helped by having people apart from their parents who care about them and support them.

Grandparents can be a special support for children and teenagers.

Proceed to next scenario

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CHOICE C Tell them to pull themselves together, go outside and not get under your feet as you are busy doing other things.

You have not passed this section, go back to the main scenario page and read the information on the links which will help you re-evaluate your choice.

REMEMBER This is a bad choice because it

does not encourage a feeling of belonging or support. Nor does it build self esteem in your child or help them to overcome their own problems. If you are busy try to find some support from outside, this could be a grand parent, other relative or friend.

Return to main page and start again

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SCENARIO Your child does not want to

stop watching TV and will not do any thing else and is not listening!!!!!!

GUIDELINES Have the TV on only when you

have chosen to watch a particular show.

Lead by example. Your child’s viewing habits may be copied from yours.

 Make a rule that TV is not switched on until all jobs have been done. Eg. Home work or chores.

Eg click a, b or c which you think reflects the best choice

Your choices are: If programs are important to your child, plan to tape them so they can be watched at a more suitable time. Or a timetable of shows they can watch.

Turn the TV off and tell the kids to go outside. If they don’t, tell them that you will hide the TV for the rest of the year.Ask your child if they want to go outside and play, tell them that you will also go play with them

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CHOICE B Turn the TV off and tell the

kids to go outside. If they don’t, tell them that you will hide the TV for the rest of the year.  

REMEMBER If you do this to your child you

are being too controlling and are not believable. Always think of the consequences before you jump to the defensive. You have to remember they will grow up like you

Return to main page and start again

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Ask your child if they want to go outside and play, tell them that you will also go play with them

REMEMBER You chose C and pass with

flying colours.   Taking your kids away from

the TV in a positive way and reinforcing it with play time will also encourage them to play outside instead of watching TV on other days.

Proceed to next scenario

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CHOICE A   If programs are important to

your child, plan to tape them so they can be watched at a more suitable time. Or a timetable of shows they can watch.

REMEMBER You have chosen A and you

have passed. If you plan a head and have a time table you can control what your chilled is watching and the time as well. But it does not stop them if you are not there to govern them.

Proceed to next scenario

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SCENARIO You get a call from your child’s

school. The Principal tells you that some kids have been bullying your child and you feel helpless and upset. You want to take the anger out on the bullies and the school for not doing anything about it.

GUIDELINES Some signs of being bullied may

be: Finding excuses not to go to

school • Wanting to go to school by a

different route to avoid the bullies

• Being very tense, tearful and unhappy after school

• Talking about hating school or not having any friends

• Having bruises or scratches

Your choices are: Help your child to work out ideas they have about coping with the problem. Then talk with them about which ones might help or not help and why.

Throw rocks and food at the bully

Go to the police

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CHOICE B Throwing rocks and food at the

bully is a bad choice and a fail.

REMEMBER Actions like becoming a

vigilante, harassing and stalking the bully, or abusing or hitting the parents of the bully, telling them what a bad job they did raising a bully teaches your child that such bullying behaviour is acceptable.

Return to main page and start again

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CHOICE A Help your child to work out

ideas they have about coping with the problem. Include a few of your own if needed to get started. Then talk with them about which ones might help or not help and why. Choose an idea they would like to try and then check out how it works

REMEMBER You chose A and pass with

flying colours. However, be aware that children who are being bullied may not always tell adults. They may be afraid or ashamed, or sometimes feel that it is their fault.


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CHOICE A   Go to the police. Going to an outside authority

puts bullying behaviour on record and they can deal with it more objectively.

REMEMBER• Actions like paying an older

child to bully the bully, teaching your child to become a bully or buying friends with lollies does not address the problem. You have to help your find ways to deal with

problems. Be very careful that your child

does not feel that being bullied is their fault.


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Thank you for taking part in this

scenario based learning activity

Brought to you by Meg, Carolina and Dominic (MM1)