www.mopotsyo.org 1 A Peer Educator Network “P.E.N.” for chronic NCD care + prevention Self management by People With Diabetes (PWD)

Beyond Scaling Up: Organising people with Diabetes to manage their disease in Cambodia

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This presentation was given at the 'Beyond Scaling Up: Pathways to Universal Access' workshop which was held at the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton on the 24-25 May, 2010. This event was co-sponsored by the Future Health Systems Research Programme Consortium and the STEPS Centre. Van Pelt presented on the self management of diabetes in Cambodia through the mopotsyo network.

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A Peer Educator Network

“P.E.N.” for chronic NCD

care + prevention

Self management by People With Diabetes


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Cambodia’s TransitionDouble Disease Burden : CD + Chronic NCD

Low Income Country

13,500,000 population

>1,000,000 chronic NCD

> 255,000 People With Diabetes

90% of PWD get no care

72% of PWD are unaware

International consensus on

LIC health priorities

excludes care for chronic

NCD (spooky WB 2007 report )

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Universal Access to what ?

Scale-up only for CD, not NCD

Allocation of resources to selected needs;

Chronic NCD are left to markets: Market Failure

Annual Health Donor Millions USD








Non Comm Dis.

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Result of neglect of NCD:

Severe LIC Health System failures

1. Weak agency on behalf of chronic NCD patients.....

2. No one tells them what they need to know

3. Patients bear the full costs of their disease O.O.P.

4. No chronic care, no realistic model except the current

veterinary model (biological patient)

5. Incentives favor disease/cure instead of health & self-help;

6. Standard care package is unaffordable for average citizen;

7. Prescription has been mostly “captured”

8. Not enough trained health professionals

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But, in fact….

plenty of opportunities in LIC !1. If you purchase Out-Of-Pocket…you decide

2. Costs can be slashed, real value can be improved.

3. Enough “patients” who are eager to learn

4. Slow disease means enough life-time left to learn

5. Lay people (non-medical) have less conflict of interest than medical staff in sharing knowledge;

6. Lay people are inter-sectoral

7. Lower cost favors adherence by PWD/chronic patients

8. Set cost to patient at <10% of GNI per capita

9. Lay people are cheap;

10. Task shift to lay people reduces health system stress

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Real Public Policy challenge from NCD in LIC =

to push & favor optimal mixes of these opportunities

Patients become People

who get their act

together, take initiative

and involve in design,

management &

governance of their

problems and

solutions….as part of

the overall health






Peer Educator in

Public Health Role

Peer Educator in relation

to fellow Patients

Patient Self-Management

4 different levels of self management

Affordability to patient becomes a key

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Pyramid’s Ground Floor:

Self-Management by PWD1. Joining in 6 group lessons at home of PE

2. Get >monthly blood glucose at PE

3. Self-Measuring urine glucose (multiple ways)

4. Result Recording in own patient book

5. Healthy eating (follow food pyramids)

6. Sufficient physical activity

7. Improving maintaining weight

8. Buying medicines monthly + adherence to prescription

9. Not smoking, not heavy drinking

10. Joining in 6-monthly assessments

11. Join in monitoring, community actions

12. ….if HBP, peer educating on HBP…..eventually hosting

Patient Self-Management

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Low mid-level: Peer Educator as Expert PWD

in relation to other PWD

1. Sharing & Counseling,

2. Registering & Assessing

3. Informing & training,

4. Hosting at home

5. Monitoring-service providing-supplying-selling

6. Guiding to professional health services

7. Welcoming & helping to navigate the hospital

8. Confronting…..coaching...blaming…abandoning ..?

Peer Educator in relation

to other Patients

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High-Mid level: Peer Educator as

Public Health Expert

1. Organising Screening chronic NCD

2. Health Promotion on Risk Factor Control

3. Actual facilitator of access to services

4. Local Eyes & Ears: Monitoring and reporting

5. Mobilising members when necessary

Peer Educator in

Public Health Role

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Pyramid’s Top

Self-Management at Agency level

1. Patient representation at health policy level

2. Purchasing public health services (health promotion,

screening, getting better deals, bringing costs down)

3. Revolving Drug Funds (at least governance)

4. (e.g. Laboratory) Services




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Potential Risks/Weaknesses

1. Weak peer : weak patients

2. Narrow view of health

3. What is right balance

between under- and over


4. Compete with professionals

5. Co-morbidities

6. Credibility in diabetes

means local credibility on

more diseases

7. Timely referral

8. Multiple roles: counseling,

sharing, informing, service

providing, explaining,

guiding, welcoming at

hospital, blaming…?

• Standards of


• Agency Governance /


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In summary: public policy challenge with regards to

care for chronic NCD in Low Income Countries

1. End the “defaitism” on care for chronic NCD.

Yes, it can be a black hole but not if…

2. We help chronic patients in LIC get

themselves organised instead of letting them

down as we do now……....………....No?

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