Best IVF Centre in India

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1. BestIVFCentreinIndia Dr. Meera 2. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection / ICSI :Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection / ICSI : ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a procedure which make use on IVF treatment. This procedure starts from the collection of eggs. The fertilization is achived by injecting a single sperm in to the mature egg. 3. Who needWho need ICSIICSI ?? The person with low sperm count. The person with poor sperm movement. The person with high number of abnormal sperm. The person who has high levels of antibodies in semen. 4. What happens in the clinic?What happens in the clinic? The procedures before and after the treatment is exactly as same as the IVF treatment. The only difference is that, Instead of placing sperm and eggs together in a tissue culture dish, our embryologists use micro-manipulation techniques in the laboratory to fertilise your eggs. So the chances of failure is very rare. 5. ICSI in women :ICSI in women : Step 1 - Overy stimulating drug is given to the woman to produce more eggs. Step 2 - The eggs are collected and each egg is injected with a single sperm from your partner. After two or three days the fertilised eggs are transferred to the womb of the woman. 6. Remaining embryos can be frozen for future use. According to the discussion with the couples. Step 3 In some cases blastocyst transfer is done, In this case fertilised eggs are left to mature for five to six days in the labouratry and then transferred. Step 4 After the treatment, clinic will arrange a date with the couples for pregnancy test. 7. ICSI in men :ICSI in men : Step 1 - The sperms are examined first to decide whether ICSI can increase the chance of fathering a baby. Step 2 - The next step is collecting the sperm. If a person is able to provide sperm without intervention, the it is collected directly in to a sample. Otherwise it is collected directly from the epididymis using a type of syringe. 8. Step 3 From the collected sperm, best sperms are seleted. then single sperm is injected into each egg. Step 4 The best embryos are transferred to the womb. 9. Bourn Hall Clinic is one of the Best IVF Centre in IndiaBest IVF Centre in India which offers highly effective Infertility Solution. For any help Contact us.. 10. ThankYou Dr. Meera