AMD Age related blindness: Macular Degeneration

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Age related blindness: Macular Degeneration

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What is AMD? Macular degeneration is a chronic and usually progressive disorder

that affects the central part of the retina (the macula) and causes reduced ability to see;

Macular degeneration causes a gradual loss of sharp, central vision;

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Facts & Figures

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States & Europe and the frequency of this disorder increases with age;

Effects many millions;

Most people with this disorder are over the age of 50. The majority of affected people are between 75 and 80;

Males and females are equally affected.

Two forms: dry & wet Dry Macular Degeneration 90% of people with AMD have

this type. An area of the retina is affected, which leads to slow breakdown of cells in the macula, and a gradual loss of central vision;

Dry AMD often occurs in one eye first, but usually affects both eyes eventually.

Information New York University Ophthalmology

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To avoid wet AMD

Although only 10% of all people with AMD have this type, it accounts for 90% of all blindness from the disease.

As dry AMD progresses, new blood vessels may begin to grow and cause "wet" AMD. These new blood vessels often leak blood and fluid under the macula;

This causes rapid damage to the macula that can lead to loss of central vision in a short time.

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One symptom of MD is dark areas in your central vision

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Dry macular degeneration signs and symptoms

Blurry distance and/or reading vision;

Need for increasingly bright light to see up close;

Colors appear less vivid or bright;

Difficulty seeing when going from bright light to low light (such as entering a dimly lit room from the bright outdoors);

Trouble or inability to recognize people's faces;

Blank or blurry spot in your central vision.

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Risk factors AMD 1. Smoking;

2. Obesity;

3. Cholesterol;

4. Stress;

5. Fat intake;

6. Sun light.

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Reducing your risk of AMD Don't Smoke;

Eat a Diet That Is Low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol;

Eat More Leafy Green and Yellow Vegetables;

Consider Vitamin and Zinc Supplements;

Protect Your Eyes from Ultraviolet (UV) Light and Blue Light ;

Exercise Regularly & Regular Eye Examinations

Information of American Macular Degeneration Foundation

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Macuview – nutrition for the eyes

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Newtricious – manufacturer Macuview Netherlands

Newtricious was founded in 2006 with the aim to develop innovations in nutrition, which contribute to a better health and well-being.

Newtricious is a Dutch Life Sciences company, and works together in partnerships with leading scientists, innovative companies, organizations and public authorities.

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MacuView is specialized nutrition for the prevention and inhibition of progression of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The product is based on a patented formulation of egg-yolk and dairy, and contains all-natural ingredients, including lutein, zeaxanthin and DHA (omega-3);

MacuView is a dissolvable powder formulation, which can be easily reconstituted to a palatable beverage with a unique bioavailability. Scientific studies have shown that MacuView is effective and well tolerated in long term daily consumption.

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All natural ingredients The carotenoids lutein and

zeaxanthin are yellow-coloured pigments which naturally occur in the eye;

Also, the  omega-3 fatty-acid DHA as it is an important substance for the functioning the retina;

Thereafter, the egg yolk of these special eggs is mixed with dairy, creating a fresh beverage.

MacuView a unique bioavailability

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Macuview – Nutrition

AMD MacuView is specialized nutrition based on natural ingredients in the form of a dissolvable powder, which can be easily reconstituted to a drink. 

The product contains lutein, zeaxanthin and DHA (Omega-3) contributing to the maintenance of normal vision.

MacuView contains the proven effective ingredient NWT-02, which has been studied in people with dry macular degeneration.

Since 2006 Newtricious performs research on the efficacy and safety of MacuView.

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MacuView is easy to prepare: Fill a glass with 60 ml water. Take one sachet out of the package, tear open along the green line and

pour the powder content into the glass of water. Stir well with a spoon until all the powder has been dissolved. After the sachet has been opened and MacuView has been prepared, it is

recommended to consume it immediately thereafter. Do not consume later than 30 minutes after preparation, as MacuView is all-natural and does not contain preservatives.

MacuView is most effective when consumed daily and on a fixed time, preferably in the morning. MacuView should be used consistently. If you stop consuming the daily dose, the effect of MacuView will decrease.

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