Conclusions Agribusiness alliances in support of local and sustainable food in the ACP European Development Days, 16 June 2016, 13h00-14h15

EDD 2016 Supporting local and sustainable food production in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Conclusions

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Page 1: EDD 2016 Supporting local and sustainable food production in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Conclusions


Agribusiness alliances in support of local and sustainable food in the ACP

European Development Days, 16 June 2016, 13h00-14h15

Page 2: EDD 2016 Supporting local and sustainable food production in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Conclusions

1. Important to strengthen intra-regional links to supply fresh/healthy food for Caribbean citizens;

2. High-value added chains are important to promote sustainable development;

3. Mechanism to link local farmers in the Caribbean with international hotel chains is essential (consistency and quality important to achieve this). Co-branding is an important tool to achieve this;

4. Share experiences with other developing countries especially Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is of the outmost importance;

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5. Certifications such as organic promote competiveness and protect the environment of the Caribbean Islands. The same have to be done at a regional basis when possible using local experts;

6. Certifications have to be affordable for small farmers

7. Need to promote contacts and value added chains at all levels (small, medium and big) in the region;

8. Distribution issues affect the capacity of SMEs to supply the tourism sector in the Caribbean;

9. Strategic public-partners and support organizations are essential to promote competitiveness of the ACP private sector;

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10. Chef Stefan likes food and we can see it;

11. A great quantity of the food sold in Caribbean restaurants and supermarkets are imported (quantity, consistency price…)

12. Caribbean food professionals paly an important role in promoting local produces;

13. There is a demand from tourists and nationals for authentic local and/or regional food; and

14. “Culture” is and important art of promoting authentic national/regional products.

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Page 6: EDD 2016 Supporting local and sustainable food production in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Conclusions

Thank You, Merci, Mèsi, Dank U, Gracias