
Thioacetamide induced liver damage in zebrafish embryo as a disease modelfor steatohepatitis

Aseervatham Anusha Amali1, Ravikumar Deepa Rekha1, Cliff Ji-Fan Lin1,2,Wei-Lun Wang1,3, Hong-Yi Gong1, Gour-Mour Her4 & Jen-Leih Wu1,*1Laboratory of Marine Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 301, Institute Cellular and Organismic Biology,Academia Sinica, 128, Academia Road, Section 2, NanKang, Taipei, 11529, Taiwan; 2Graduate Institute ofLife Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan; 3Institute of Fisheries Sciences, NationalTaiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; 4Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University,Keelung, Taiwan

� 2006 National Science Council, Taipei

Key words: liver, steatosis, thioacetamide, zebrafish


Steatohepatitis has recently been increasing as a cofactor influencing the progression of fibrosis, cirrhosis,adenoma and carcinoma in liver; however, the mechanisms by which it contributes to liver injury remainuncertain. We induced steatohepatitis in zebrafish embryos using thioacetamide (TAA). TUNEL assayrevealed significant increasing of apoptosis in liver after 5 days post fertilization and the increasing ofapoptosis was observed to be associated with the up-regulation of apoptotic genes such as, bad, bax, P-38a,caspase-3 and 8, and JNK-1. Histological sections by oil red O stain showed the accumulation of fattydroplets which causes the pushing of the nucleus towards one side. Up-regulation of steatosis markers suchas, ACC, adiponectin, PTL, CEBP- a and b, SREBP-1 was also observed. Furthermore, the elevation ofglutathione peroxidase in TAA treated embryos indicated that TAA induces lipid peroxidation which leadsto causes liver damage. Zebrafish has already been considered as a good human disease model and in thiscontext; TAA-treated zebrafish may serve as a good animal model to study the molecular pathogenesis ofsteatohepatitis. Moreover, non-availability of specific drugs to prevent steatohepatitis, this animal modelmay serve as a powerful preclinical platform to study the therapeutic strategies and for evaluating che-moprevention strategies for this disease.


Steatohepatitis is an increasingly recognized con-dition that may progress to the end stage of liverdisease. Fatty liver disease is a clinicopathologicaldisease which ranges from simple triglycerideaccumulation in hepatocytes (hepatic steatosis) tohepatic steatosis with inflammation (steatohepati-tis), fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Steatohepatitis repre-sents only a stage within the spectrum of

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The hepaticsteatosis is due to the accumulation of lipids,predominantly triglycerides, within the hepato-cytes due to variable combinations of excess lipidsynthesis and uptake with altered intermediatemetabolism and secretion. The factors importantin the development of steatohepatitis are fattyacids, cytokines (e.g., adiponectin, leptin, andresistin from adipose tissue and TNF-alpha andTGF-beta from kuppfer cells), and the metabolicactivation of enzyme pathways in the hepatocytes.

Hepatic steatosis is a prerequisite for subse-quent events that lead to liver injury. There are no

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +886-2-27899568; Fax: +886-2-27824595, E-mail: [email protected]

Journal of Biomedical Science (2006) 13: 225–232 225DOI 10.1007/s11373-005-9055-5

animal models to incorporate all features ofhuman steatohepatitis and the availability ofnoninvasive techniques to study hepatic metabo-lism in humans are limited. Moreover, liverbiopsies are required to identify individuals withnonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which pre-cludes large population based studies. Steatosis

occurs because the liver metabolizes free fattyacids, which are partly mediated by lipase. Lipaseis inhibited by insulin, and persons with insulinresistance have elevated serum insulin levels. Freefatty acids accumulated in the liver are oxidized bymitochondria and used for the formation oftriglycerides and fat accumulation in the liver [1].

Figure 1. In situ Detection of DNA fragmentation by TUNEL assay. The DNA fragmentation (brown nucleus) indicates TUNELpositive cells. (a) 3 dpf control liver, (b) 3 dpf embryo treated with TAA, (c) 5 dpf control liver, (d) 5 dpf embryo treated withTAA, (e) 7 dpf control liver, (f) 7 dpf embryo treated with TAA.


Steatosis can be induced by thioacetamide(TAA). The results of TAA induced steatosiswith other heptotoxicant models have beenhighly heterogenous. According to the patternand doses of administration, TAA induces acuteliver failure [2] or hepatic cirrhosis [3]. Livercirrhosis induced by TAA is associated with theexacerbation of lipid peroxidation and the deple-tion of antioxidant status [4].

TAA was originally used to preserve orangesis a potent hepatotoxin and carcinogen [5, 6].Prolonged administration of TAA causes hyper-plastic liver nodules, liver cell adenomas andhepatocarcinomas. Various TAA inductionmethods have been tried in experimental animalsto produce liver cirrhosis and tumors, includingintraperitoneal or subcutaneous administration[7, 8] and administering toxin with food [3] ordrinking water [9]. TAA is known as a potenthepatotoxicant which requires metabolic activa-tion by missed function oxidases. Cytochrome

P450 2B, 2E1 and flavin monooxygenase metab-olize TAA to its toxic metabolites [10]. TAA isalso known to cause toxic effects in the pancreas[11] and kidney [6]. Although the molecularmechanisms that cause these toxic effects indifferent organs are not understood, TAA isknown to interfere with ribosomal activity, thushindering protein synthesis [11]. TAA adminis-tration has also been shown to stimulate DNAsynthesis [12]. The current investigation presentsan understanding of mechanism of the steato-hepatitis disease using zebrafish as a simple andeffective animal model. Moreover embryos withgreen liver [13] were used through out our study.

Materials and methods

Animals and chemical treatment

Zebrafish used in these studies were, established asa transgenic line in our lab using liver fatty acidbinding protein (LFABP) promoter [13, 14]. Thefish were maintained at 25 to 28 �C, exposed to 12-h light and dark periods, and fed twice a day.

Fertilized eggs were maintained in thefreshwater tank at 28 �C, and the developingembryos were collected and maintained at 28 �C.Developmental stages were classified [15], and theembryos were observed under the microscope.After 72 h the embryos were divided into fivegroups and each group were treated with 0.025%TAA. The mortality rate was observed daily.

Apoptosis assay

To check the cell death in the liver of zebrafishlarvae, we used the TUNEL Assay. The embryoswere fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and tissuesections (10 lm) were prepared, and terminaldeoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-endlabeling (TUNEL) assay was performed followingmanufacturer’s instructions (in situ cell deathdetection kit; Roche Molecular Biochemicals,Mannheim, Germany). Apoptosis bodies weredetected using a DAB substrate.


For analysis of the GFP fluorescence patterns,embryos and larvae were either anesthetized with

Figure 2. Expression profile of different apoptotic relatedgenes in control and 10 days TAA treated embryos. (1) con-trol embryos, (2) 3-days-old treated embryos, (3) 5 days trea-ted embryos, (4) 7 days treated embryos. Max was used as aninternal control.


168 mg/ml 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester (Sig-ma) or fixed overnight at 4 �C in PBS containing4% paraformaldehyde and then washed withPBS. For analyzing GFP fluorescent patterns,embryos and larvae were anesthetized with 0.05%2-phenoxyethanol (Sigma) and GFP expressionwas examined using a filter (480 nm excitation,505 nm emission) set on an ECLIPSE E600microscope (Nikon) equipped with the DXM1200 CCD camera (Nikon). For fluorescenceimaging by confocal laser scanning micros-copy (CLSM), we used a Leica TCSNT systemfitted to a Leica microscope with a 20� objective(Nikon).


Total RNA was isolated from different tissues byusing TRIZOL (Boehringer Mannheim), accord-

ing to the manufacturer’s instruction. First-strandcDNA was synthesized in a 20 ll RT reactionfrom 5 lg of total RNA by using ThermoscriptRT-PCR system (Invitrogen). PCR was performedwith 2 ll of the RT reaction. The PCR programwas 94 �C, 30 s, 55 �C for 30 s, and 72 �C for1 min and performed 35 cycles. The final extensiontime was 7 min at 72 �C. The PCR products weresubjected to 3% gel electrophoresis.

Histopathological examination

Liver from wild type and wild type treated withTAA zebrafish embryos was fixed in 4%paraformaldehyde and embedded in agarose, andcryosectioned (10 lm). The sections were routinelystained with haematoxylin and eosin. To find outthe fatty droplet accumulation the sections werestained with oil red O.

Figure 3. Liver sections of embryos treated with TAA for 10 days. (a) control 10 dpf embryo (H&E staining), (b)10 dpf embryostreated with TAA (H&E), (c) control 10 dpf embryo, (d) 0 dpf embryos treated with TAA. Lipid accumulation was confirmed byoil red O staining.



TAA induce apoptosis in zebrafish embryos

The liver damage in zebrafish model was inducedby adding TAA in the rearing water of theembryos. The exposure of the embryos to TAAfor a few hours produces apoptosis. The apoptotichepatocytes stained with the TUNEL method wereobserved in the TAA-induced liver sections(Figure 1a–f). Zebrafish embryos after continuousexposure for 3, 5 and 7 days were collected andexamined for the presence of apoptotic bodies. Wehave observed the apoptotic bodies after 3 days ofexposure (Figure 1b) and the number of thesebodies increased significantly on 5 d (Figure 1d),however, the number of these apoptotic bodiesstarted to diminish on 7 days (Figure 1f), whichmay be because of more number of necrotic bodies

being replaced and showing the progression of thedisease. No stained hepatocytes were observed incontrol (Figure 1a,c,e). The apoptosis was con-firmed by RT-PCR using major apoptotic markersnamely, caspase 3, caspase 8, JNK 1, Bad, Bax, andP38a (Figure 2). These results were also correlatedwith that of the TUNEL assay, showing theoccurrence of apoptosis during early days ofexposure.

Histopathological observation and Steatohepatitisin TAA treated embryos

A histological study was carried out on thehepatocytes of 10 days old TAA-treated and con-trol embryos. In control, the hepatic cells showedwell preserved cytoplasm and prominent nucleus(Figure 3a). Liver sections of TAA-treated animalsshowed hepatic cells with necrosis along withvarious grade of fatty changes comprising of tinyand large vacuoles (Figure 3b). The oil red Ostaining (Figure 3c,d) revealed that the vacuolescontain lipids. The lipid droplet accumulation inthe hepatocytes pushed the nucleus to one side ofthe cell.

Expression of adipogenic and lipogenic genesin TAA-treated embryos

To investigate the triglyceride accumulation inTAA treated livers, we measured the expression ofadipognic, lipogenic and b-oxidation related genes(Figure 4). RT-PCR analysis revealed dramaticinduction of adipocyte specific gene adiponectin.Expression levels of CEBP-a and b were up-regulated very mildly. Moderate increase wasobserved for b-oxidation related gene PTL. Eleva-tion of SREBP1-c, another transcription factorthat regulates lipid synthesis was observed in TAAtreated embryos. Fatty acid modifying enzymeACC downstream of SREBP was also increased inthe treated embryos.

Reduction of GFP intensity in TAA treated embryos

The 5¢-flanking sequences of the zebrafish L-FABPgene and used a green fluorescent protein wasisolated and (GFP) transgenic strategy to generateliver-specific transgenic zebrafish [13]. The cryo-section of these transgenic green liver embryostreated with TAA showed many vacuoles and the

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Figure 4. RT-PCR for the expression pattern of different lip-ogenic, adipoenic related genes in control and TAA treatedembryos.


intensity of GFP also reduced than the control(Figure 5b). In control, the hepatocytes are packeddensely (Figure 5a).

Decrease in glutathione peroxidase in TAA treatedembryos

Increased production of ROS by hepatocytes hasbeen associated with the HCC development.Glutathione peroxidase level increased in TAAtreated embryos than the control (Figure 5c). Thedecrease in the antioxidant shows that the embryohas lost its defense and hence the disease starts itsprogression slowly.


In the present study, chronic administration ofTAA caused liver steatosis as indicated by histo-logical changes, molecular and biochemical anal-ysis. TAA was chosen as a reference hepatotoxinfor this study as it is known to induce bothapoptosis and necrosis, depending on the dose and

time of treatment [2]. We showed that treatment inembryos with 0.025% TAA for 3 days resulted inthe formation of characteristic mild apoptotichepatocytes and it increases on 5 days in thecentrilobular zones. The characteristic morpho-logical aspect of apoptotic cells was observed inthe liver sections: cell shrinkage of single scatteredcells, margination and clumping of nuclear chro-matin, detachment of neighboring cells and devel-opment on the cell surface of blebs which lead tothe formation of apoptotic bodies. Moreover, themolecular markers for apoptosis like caspase-3,caspase-8 bad and bax, JNK-1, P38a were upreg-ulated. TAA is known to be metabolized to areactive metabolite TAA S-oxide by CYP2E1localized in the centrilobular zones [16]. TAA Soxide then binds covalently to macromolecules inthe centrilobular zones and induce cellular dam-ages [17, 16, 18], which in turn trigger apoptosis.The fact that apoptosis was specifically retrieved inthe centrilobular zone of rat liver slices treatedwith TAA is in agreement with previously pub-lished data showing that the maintenance andlocalization of CYP isoforms is maintained in this

Figure 5. (a) Section showed the morphology of hepatocyte. Vacuoles were observed in TAA treated embryos. (b) Graph showingthe intensity GFP in control and embryos treated with TAA. (c) Diagram showed increased GSH peroxidation.


model [19, 20]. Interestingly, apoptotic hepato-cytes were localized in both centrilobular andperiportal areas when the embryos were treatedwith TAA. This could be explained by the fact thatthe lesions were more severe with diffuse disorga-nization of the parenchyma, possible necrosis anddiffusion of reactive metabolites, and subsequentloss of regional specificity for the formation ofapoptotic hepatocytes.

In this study, we found that increasing steatosisin TAA treated embryos. Accumulations of lipidin nonadipose tissues have been reported to lead tocell death. Several reports showed that chronicexposure of TAA induces steatosis, fibrosis, cir-rhosis and leads to hepatocellular carcinoma. Inrats [21] cytochrome p-450 system is known tometabolize thioactamide in the liver. Formation ofthioacetamide-5-oxide which is responsible for thechanges in cell permeability, increase intracellularconcentration of calcium, increase in nuclearvolume and enlargement of nucleoli and alsoinhibit mitochondrial activity which leads to celldeath [22, 23, 24]. As a result, the embryos exhibitsteatohepatitis similar to that of observed inhumans with nonalcoholic steaohepatitis. A netretention of lipids within the hepatocytes, mostlyin the form of triglyceride, is a prerequisite for thedevelopment of fatty liver disease [25]. Theprimary metabolic abnormalities leading to lipidaccumulation are not well understood. Our resultsrevealed that three was an upregulation of genesinvoled in lipid metabolism. Acetyl-CoA carbox-ylase (ACC) was upregulated in the treatedembryos. It converts acetyl-Coa to malonyl Co-A, which is used by fattyacid synthase to formPalmitic acid. Activation of lipogenesis is trans-criptionally activatd by membrane bound tran-scription factors Sterol regulatory element-bindingprotein-1 (SREBP-1) [26, 27]. In the nucleus,SREBP-1 activate all the genes involved in lipo-genesis [28].

Oxidative stress results from an imbalancebetween pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant chemicalspecies that leads to oxidative damage of cellularmacromolecules [29]. TAA treatment induces fattyacid accumulation and also TAA influence cyto-chrome-450 (CYP) enzymes, which form ROS.ROS induces oxidative stress and cell death viaATP and NADP depletion, DNA and proteindamage, and glutathione depletion. Finally ROSand products of lipid peroxidation can lead to

fibrosis. Glutathione is an important endogenousantioxidant system that is found in particularlyhigh concentration in liver and is known to have akey function protective process. The reducedforms of GSH become readily oxidized to GSSGon interacting with free radicals. Excessive pro-duction of free radicals resulted oxidative stress,which leads to damage of macromolecules likelipids, and can also induce lipid peroxidationin vivo [30].The peroxisomal b-oxidation systemconsist of the H2O2 generating enzymes AOX, andPTL [31]. Disappropriate increases in these H2O2

generating enzymes coupled with reductions in theH2O2 generating enzymes catalase and glutathioneperoxidase, may lead to sustained oxidative stressin liver [32]. As a result, hepatocytes may progres-sively accumulate lipofusion, by product of ROSinduced lipid peroxidation.

Steatohepatitis affects a large proportion of theworld’s population. Hepatotoxins, insulin resis-tance and oxidative stress have critical roles in thepathogenesis of fatty liver disease. No effectivemedical therapy is currently available for patientswith steatoepatitis. So after treating the embryowith TAA it provides a good model to study themechanism of formation steatohpatitis and it is agood platform for the drug screening that leads todrug discovery.


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