Cliquez pour ajouter un texte How can Brussels be a zero-waste European capital? GOVERNARE GREEN – Roma 23 october 2016 Arnaud Pinxteren – Brussels MP

Arnaud Pinxteren - Governare Green

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How can Brussels be a zero-waste

European capital?

GOVERNARE GREEN – Roma 23 october 2016Arnaud Pinxteren – Brussels MP

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Let's dream together

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1979-2010 : Let's burn!

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The reign of incineration leads to perverse effects :

- fixed costs of an overloaded capacity incineration plant

- quest for cost-effectivement => Necessity to fill the incinerator => no proactivity in ultime waste prevention

and reduction, even import of waste !

An obsession with consequences

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Mixed results in spite of a progressive obligation of waste-sorting for paper, plastic/metal and glass

Type de flux (2010) Tonnage total produit

Tonnage recyclé ou réutilisé

% Tonnage résiduaire ou


Déchets ménagers 455.791 134.16531%


Déchets non-ménagers        

Bureau 100.000 45.850 46% 54.150

Construction et démolition 650.000 500.000 80% 150.600

Commerce 80.000 n.c. n.c. 80.000

Soins de santé 49.576 11.686 24% 37.890

Horeca 30.000 18.000 60% 12.000

Totaux 1.365.367 709.70152%


An obsession with consequences

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2012 : a paradigm shift...(obj 50 % valorisé for 2020)

« From waste to ressource »

...that requires a change in policy!

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Yes we can! with a

« 3 points » strategy

Make Brussels a "Zero Waste" capital by 2025

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1. Prevention & responsabilisation

Applying the « pollutor pays » principle :

Tax on incineration

Incentive and progressive pricing of waste collect - Pay as you throw

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2. Reduce and Reuse : to urban metabolism


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… by circular economy

2004-2009Focus - Energy goodpractice

2010-2015Public-private action plans on - Sustainable construction- Resources Waste- Water- Sustainable food

2016-2020Public-private actions plans on circular economy + transversal + territorial- Construction- Resources Waste- Food- ..

Timeline of the Brussels transition

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3. Recycle and compost

Waste-sorting, including organic refuse & more civil amenity sites & banning plastic bags & can deposit

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Expected results Type of flux (2020) Total tonnage

produced Recycled or

reused tonnage% Residual or

incinerated tonnage

Domestic waste 369.000 184.500 50%


Non-domestic waste        

Offices 100.000 66.460 66%


Construction sites 628.000 565.200 90%


Trade and business 80.000 42.400 53%


Health care 49.576 11.686 24%


Hotel and catering trade 33.500 31.240 93%


Totaux 1.260.076 901.486 72%


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Expected results (2)‘Green jobs' means growth

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Expected results (3)

Capacity reduction


New industrial opportunities

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Local and regional authorities are key actors

InfrastructuresRe-use center, selective collection and recycling, incubator, eco-parks…

Business Support SchemeInnovation support, financial instruments, official recognition

Fiscal frameworkLocal taxes

RegulationBehavior changeRegulation, PAYT system, awareness campaigns…

Public procurementGreen, innovation

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