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Shooting schedule

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Shooting Schedule

Shot number Shot type Action Mise en scene

1 Close ups Close up off glass with Barbie heads and close up of the band setting up with their instruments

Low-key lighting, inside a bar. (Odd Bar)

2 Long shot Shows the band playing their instruments and lip syncing

Low-key lightings also at Odd Bar, shows characteristics off a live gig.

3 Medium long shot

A brief drug deal happens outside gig

Night time lighting, actors in regular clothes.

4 Close up Man/band member taking LSD

Scruffy looking guy, tired and blood shot eyes.

5 Medium long shot

Band playing and lip syncing. In between this shot we will have cross cuts of man walking around (POV shots) on a trip

Gig atmosphere. Regular attire for the band. Indie genre.

6 POV shot Sees Buddha Boy glowing, Buddha Boy becomes full screen

Buddha boy wearing robes, at gig.

Page 2: Shooting schedule

7 Close up Drug user’s face after seeing Buddha boy

Dark surroundings, gig atmosphere again.

8 POV shot Back to Buddha boy glowing, fades out to Buddha boy meditating around a tree goes through day and night process

Outdoors natural lighting. Buddha boy dressed in robes.

9 Close up Tom (drummer) playing drums

Normal attire, low key lighting from a gig.

10 Medium close up Drug user falls on the floor, fade effects of him opening and closing his eyes. Buddha boy helps him off the floor.

Inside the gig, normal attire for the actor, Buddha boy in robes.

11 Long shot Band playing and lip syncing again, goes to close ups of band members and instruments.

Normal attire, and again low key lighting.