Secondary research into an institutional example

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Here is my secondary research into identifying and classifying our audience, here I have done research into an institutional example and analysed how another thriller film targeted their audience. I decided to choose the film The Visit which as a 2015 thriller /horror/comedy film. I chose this film as it has similarities to our thriller opening idea which meant that I thought it would be easier to analyse and compare to our own ideas. One similarity between our own thriller ideas and this film is that they both have a storyline based on a family and the issues that happen within that family. I think that this film therefore targeted their 15+ audience by adding a family to make it relatable to younger people and older people who like to watch thrillers. Also as this film is a 15, It has made us wonder still if we should make ours a 12 or a 15, as the rest of our film would probably include the same type of content, although in some parts I dont think we would include things that they did which is making us debate on whether to make our thriller a 12 or a 15.I think that this film also targeted the younger audience by adding aspects of comedy in it, even though the narrative has a darker story. I believe this is a good idea as it makes the audience feel more fun as well as being thrilled. Therefore, I think that we will start thinking about the rest of our narrative and whether it should maybe include parts of comedy within it or not.One other thing in this film which is similar to the thriller ideas we have are that they both include Grandparents who arent exactly what the audience might think they are. In this film, when doing this they didnt give away too much at once and the audience dont really get to see the full story until near the end on the film. This is something that we want to do in our thriller opening as we are planning to leave it on a cliff hanger to make the audience eager to watch more and find out what is going to happen. (This is another way in which we want to target our audience members, as some people like it when they are left asking questions about what they think is going to happen next).