Angel Sweet: founder- lifted Oceanography and Hopelessness, married Clarence Philippine, a Social Sim. They now have two children, Babette and Bairn. Clarence is working in Education at level 6… I’m using the Apoc-Borg rules- http://apocalypsechallenge.kaleiope.com/

My Sweet Apocalypse- Wk7

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This week Bairn grows up to teen, Babette makes friends, and the adults have jobs... a slow, normal Apocalypse week. =] LIfts- Oceanography, Hopelessness/Education Pet Lifts- Showbiz/Service (ANIMAL HERO Advantage)

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Page 1: My Sweet Apocalypse- Wk7

Angel Sweet: founder- lifted Oceanography and Hopelessness, married Clarence Philippine, a Social Sim. They now have two children, Babette and Bairn. Clarence is working in Education at level 6…

I’m using the Apoc-Borg rules- http://apocalypsechallenge.kaleiope.com/

with the Handicaps & Advantages- http://boolprop.prophpbb.com/topic111.html

I did forget a cover picture. XD

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“Hahaaa! I make snow angels faster than you.” –Bairn

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Creepy bus driver warning… Just smile and keep walking! O.O

“’Shhh, he might hear you’… Good Morning, Bus Driver.” –Smiling Babette

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Clarence did have a few body skills when he moved in but he’ll need a lot more before he turns elder if I want him to keep working.

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You’re all chipper today.

“I met a new Sim at school.” –Babette

Oh, him. He’ll have to go home. You can’t call him… dang those bin Sims.

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“Uhm… thanks for coming home with me but I have to go study. Talk to you tomorrowin history class.” –Babette

“It’s okay. It gets me out of the bin and away from my brothers and sisters.”- Bin Sim

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“I brought a friend home from school!” –Bairn

You, too? Well, at least I like Marsha.

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They got along great!

“I like this game!” -Bairn

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He’s making a new friend when an old friend walks on the lot…

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“Awesome! Both my new girlfriends are here.” –Bairn

“Why is SHE here?” –Chloe

“Who invited YOU?” –Marsha

Oh, the evil looks those two gave each other.

You can only let one stay…

“It’s okay. Chloe is my first friend, she won’t mind leaving.” –Bairn

…and she didn’t. A Hi, a hug, and she was off..

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“I want to go steady with someone.” –Babette

No you don’t. You’re a Romance Sim… kinda.

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“Send your little friend home, Bairn, it’s time for everyone to go upstairs.” –Angel

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“Why don’t I get to go upstairs?” –Clarence

You’re the one who’s going to cook dinner.

“Oh, okay. I can do that.” -Clarence

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“Blah, hotdogs again.” –Clarence

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All the little, important things were moved upstairs.

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“It’s going! Everyone stay upstairs.” –Clarence

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“Burrrrp! This was good.” –Bairn

Yes, I read Ladylarkrune’s Ding Dong Adult Start Apocalypse. XD

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He wasn’t hungry so I cancelled the action without realizing the one empty counter

was downstairs. Bairn calmly walked downstairs to put down the muffin. (Me trying

franticly to cancel the action) O.O

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That was when his mother got the fire action in her cue and she went running after him!

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She stopped, her hand on her heart, while her son calmly walked back upstairs to


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Angel walked right back upstairs behind him… her son was safe.

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“I was so scared, Clarence. He walked right next to the fire. I thought our baby was

going to die.” -Angel

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“Here, let me groom some of that soot off you. You got so dirty from that fire.” -Angel

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Nice fire… O.O

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I was testing- homework doesn’t burn nor does any of the baby stuff. I knew

about cribs but not about the rest of the baby stuff. Makes sense though. XD

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“Why do I have to clean up the mess?” –Babette

Cause you know you love it.

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Nice and cozy- the whole family can sleep upstairs.

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The main floor.

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Yay! Off to school- it’s quiet in the house for a little bit…

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“Dang dogs are digging holes in my yard.” –Clarence

There’s the whole house… I don’t know why I’m keeping the fire barrel.

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“I got a good chance card and was promoted!” –Angel

It doesn’t matter anymore. Just enjoy your work. XD

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“I got a raise today!” –Angel

“Fantastic.” –Kennedy Cox

At least she has some friends that are happy for her. XD

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“You should stay for dinner and meet my daughter. She’s a sweet girl and you two

might get along well.” -Angel

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“ME? You want me to meet your daughter?” –Kennedy Cox

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“I’d Love to stay. I’d be perfect for your Legacy family line. I’m featured in so many…”


“You’re invited to meet her, not to move in.” –Angel

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Kennedy sat and played chess while he waited for Babette to get home.

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“I met another boy at school today.” –Babette

Oh, and you invited him home after school, didn’t you?

“You know I did! He’s cute.” –Babette

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“You’re real popular in school and I like that.” –Babette

“Yeah, everyone says I’m popular so I must be.” –Orlando

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“I’m home with a demotion!” –Clarence

Oops. XD

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“Are you ticklish?” –Babette

“Girl, stop it. My male card will be taken away if I giggle.” –Orlando

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“I thought I was here to meet the daughter.” –Kennedy

You are… she’s busy right now, maybe later.

“I’m not playing kicky bag with her.” –Kennedy

No one invited you. XD

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“Dad, dad; I got an A+ on my daily report card.” –Bairn

“It can wait a moment. Let’s talk and keep our friendship up.” –Clarence

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“Just a friendly hug.” –Babette

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“What are all these little hearts doing floating around? You two stop that; they’re ticklingmy nose.” –Angel

Babette got her first kiss. <3

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“That was nice, Orlando.” –Babette

“Hmm, the hotdogs smell good.” –Orlando

“Hey! I’m right here.” –Babette

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“It’s time to say goodnight and come eat your dinner.” –Clarence

“mmmm mmmt.” -teens

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“I don’t want to talk to that old guy.” –Babette

You might when you get older…

“Sigh, I guess.” –Babette

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“Do you have a girlfriend you makeout with?” –Babette

“None of your business, young lady.” –Kennedy

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“You’re not good at this game, are you?” –Babette

They didn’t get along very well… O.O

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“I know how to kiss now, I watched my sister kissing a boy.” –Bairn

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“How do you choose which boy to be your boyfriend?” –Bairn

“Well, neither one is my boyfriend. They’re just friends, right now anyway.” –Babette

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They both have to do their homework. She might not want to but I want them to. XD

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“You’re not doing it right!” –Weird, Gym Sim

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I really don’t like that she got gym clothes for regular clothes but it’s better than some.

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Today Babette brought a girl home from school.

“You have to kick it to me, tooo me…” –Babette

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She also said goodbye to her when she saw a boy walk by.

“Bye, see you at school tomorrow.” –Babette

“But… you said we’d talk about boys.” –Ivy Copur

“Later.” –Babette

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“Yes! Another guy for me to meet.” –Babette

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“Hi. Are you another boyfriend of my Sister? She already has two.” –Bairn

“Hahaaa- Uhm, ignore him. It’s a dumb kid.” –Babette

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“One of his little friends caught him hugging another one. He’s got girl troubles at his age”


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“I think you’re cute.” –Babette

“Uh… thanks?” –Ricky

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“Awesome! You know I want to flirt with him.” –Babette

“Wow… you’re very outgoing.” –Ricky

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“*sniff* I smell teens here.” –Meadow

No you don’t, there are no teens here for you.

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“You’re real sweet. If you don’t mind waiting, I have to work out a little. Then we can

talk more.” –Babette


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“What are your grades like in school?” –Clarence

“There grades.” –Ricky

“Do you have an after school job?” –Clarence

“You’re not my dad; you can’t ask me these questions.” –Ricky

“Do you have a dad?” –Clarence

“That’s not the point.” –Ricky

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“My sister is the chess champ. She’s really good at it.” -Bairn

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“I’m done with my workout. What do you want to do now?” –Babette

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Outside there were sounds of dogs fighting… O.O

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The looser was so polite he came and said he had to leave...

“Yeah, uhm; I like, lost the fight, so I have to go. See ya.” –Not a Wolf cause they’re not real here. XD

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“Awesome! I can make all the beds and clean the house today.” –Babette

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Since Bairn is the only one to get a shower, he might as well be stinky when he takes it.

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“I’m here to pump you up… and I’m hoping to see a good fight someday.” –Gym guy

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“You’re my mom’s friend but you’re gray. Is it from the cold or are you a zombie?” –Bairn

She’s a Zombie! AAAaaah. XD

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Hey, Virgil is walking by. XD

Babette is a great cook, too. She flips those hotdogs with style.

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“Your dogs are a menace!” –Sim with whom we’ve never talked

They’re no ours. O.O

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“Babette dear, invite Virgil inside. He looks so cold.” –Angel

“Hahahhaaa! Okay, mom. We were just doing some dumb gestures.” –Babette

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Why he went up here to sit… I have no idea.

Kinda lonely up here, isn’t it Virgil?

“No. It’s fine.” –Virgil

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“Everyone gather round, it’s time for Bairn to grow up to a teen.” –Angel

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“HEY! You’re in my growing up Picture!” –Bairn

“Just giving it some flare.”-weird, smiling Sim

Rolled for his aspirations and he’s a family, population Sim. XD

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“Yeah! That’s better. See my muscles? I’m bad@ss.” –Bairn

Yes you are, Bairn. XD

Maybe he can get his LTW (Graduate 3 kids from Uni) … maybe.

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HEY! I caught you blogging while your son was growing up. Stop that. O.o

“Fine…” –Clarence

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I guess snow days are okay if they’re teens… they never get wants for good grades or doing their homework any more. XD

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“Chew it fast and try not to taste it.” –Angel

Sound advice. XD

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“Oh, yeah. You’re that old Sim who wants to hang out with me. Hm… I guess I could talkfor a little bit.” –Babette

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Awesome! I missed the doodad but I got its glow. XD

10 body- she can work now.

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Poor thing… She’s got some zits. Let’s not tell her.

“What, what’s wrong?” –Babette

Nothing- it’s dinner time!

“Blah… more hotdogs.” -Babette

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“You can get a job now. You get to meet new people and leave the lot.” –Bairn

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“I don’t want to work just anywhere. I want a fun job like a gamer or adventurer.” –Babette

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“Or something that makes a lot of money. What makes a lot of money?” –Babette

“I don’t know, ask dad.” –Bairn

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“You get the first job that’s in the paper. There Are no choices.” –Clarence

“I hope it’s a good job.” –Babette

It’s medical. I just have to have it and it showed up- finally. XD

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“Come on, Angel. You know as well as I do you want to.” –Clarence

“Hahahhaa! Clarence, you’re too funny. We’re not having any more kids until we can feed them all.” –Angel

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Bairn is more active and gained his body points a lot faster than Babette, with the help

of the smart milk, too.

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The next paper job was Criminal… we don’t have to add 150 to the protection money.With one Sim working in Criminal, we get a break.

“I’ve got us some connections.” –Bairn

Yes you did. XD

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“I’m Awesome- smell my success!” –Bairn

“You haven’t even been to work yet, zombie head.” –Babette

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“Bye Sweeties! Mommy’s off to work.” –Angel

“Bye! Make lots of money, my hawt wife.” –Clarence

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“Well, kids. It’s just us. What should we do today?” –Clarence

“We’re off to work too, dad. You’re on your own for the rest of the day.” –Babette

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“Thanks for walking by. I’m so bored being home by myself.” –Clarence

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“I got home from work first! Yay, me!” –Bairn

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“Hi, Babette. I thought I’d drop by and chat with you some more.” –Kennedy

“Oh, great. How nice of you.” –Babette

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“Lovely, lovely shower. Clean-ish and warm-ish water.” –Babette

Washing away his hug?

“No. I want to get rid of the zits.” –Babette

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Sunday is study until you need fun then it’s groom until you’re partial clean…all fun teen activities.

“How much is the treasure worth, mom?” –Bairn

“Not much but it is shiny and gives off warm light.” –Angel

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I love when teens get to work on the weekends.

“I get shotgun!” –Bairn

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Another dish full of food for the future pet… as soon as she’s done eating that old hotdog. XD

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“Shotgun is the best way to carpool to work! I’m first again.” –Bairn

“But I’m the one who got a promotion. You need creativity to get one.” –Babette

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“You’re walking too slowly. Stop trying to get on my nerves, Bairn.” –Babette

“I’m not trying; I’m doing it.” –Bairn

Siblings- such love. XD

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“I saw a new Sim today. She was so cute. I hope my wife doesn’t see this… maybe I shouldn’t write this down for her to find later… nah, it’ll be okay.” –Clarence

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Wow! Sorry it was so long… It was a week full of fun teen romance. XD

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked it just a little! The next chapter won’t taketoo long.

Happy Simming ~Rflong7 =D