The first generation, Angel and Clarence, are Elders and the Second Generation have taken over. The two are in a race to see which one will find a spouse first to carry on the family line.

My Sweet Apocalypse- Wk9A

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Week 9- A few lifts in- Oceanography, Education, Pets Showbiz & Services... 2nd generation is grown and wanting to be heir so they can rule the house and raise the next generation...

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Page 1: My Sweet Apocalypse- Wk9A

The first generation, Angel and Clarence, are Elders and the Second Generation have taken over. The two are in a race to see which one will find a spouse first to carry on the family line. Babette, the eldest, is in the Medical field and Bairn is in the Military.

Using the Apoc-Borg rules- http://apocalypsechallenge.kaleiope.com/

With the Handicaps & Advantages- http://boolprop.prophpbb.com/topic111.html

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“I’m bored. Maybe I should wake her up to talk?” –Clarence

No, let her sleep. Why not daydream? I hear that can be fun.

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“I can’t give you an eye test, dad. I’m not an optometrist.” –Babette

“My eyes are fine. I only want the chart to look at.” –Clarence

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Promotion to level 9- Woot!

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“Someone’s in the chair I want to use… Why won’t they move?” –Amin

Annoying Sim is annoying.

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How many books has she written now?

“About 5, I think.” -Marylena

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“I know you’re level 9 in Medical but how about a job at level 3 as a Slacker? That’s better than starting at level 1.”

“How sweet of you to offer but no thanks, I like my job.”–Babette

A big no thanks!

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“I’m bored again.” –Clarence

*sigh* Sorry, guy. There’s not much else to do… =[

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Babette’s on her way to work. Too bad she’s not platinum…

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Yay! She’s platinum from a want to go to work.

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Virgil! You’re walking by… Awesome. =D

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“Hi, Virgil. Come on inside. It’s good to see you.” –Angel

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“I’m so glad you showed up. I was getting so bored.” –Clarence

“No problem, old man. How about we play a game of chess?” -Virgil

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Congrats! Promotion to level 2

“Can I fall in love today?” –Bairn

If you’re lucky you can.

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“Virgil, it’s good to see you. I love company.” –Bairn

“Move out of the way, Bairn. I brought Virgil a hotdog.” –Angel

You guys need to stop, he might run from all the desperation.

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“Puppies and kitties, I love puppies and kitties. Let’s all play.” –Bairn

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“Grrr! I lost two cleaning skill points and couldn’t get a promotion… it’s just not my day.”-Babette

Yeah, I know...but you have company.

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“Hi Virgil.” –Babette

“Hey Babette.” –Virgil

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“*whisper, whisper, giggle, gigglie.*” –Babette

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“Damn girl. That’s hot.” –Virgil

“Yeah, I know.” –Babette

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“Yes, I’ve got the magic charm!” –Babette

Come on, snag him fast before he wanders away.

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“How would you like to be engaged to me and this weird family?” –Babette

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“You and your family? Sure, I think I can handle it.” –Virgil

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Uh, oh… but it’s okay. She’s perma-plat from the extra aspiration meter. =D

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“Oh, don’t worry. I’m okay with us. The red must be a glitch, right.” –Babette

“Oh, right- a glitch.” –Virgil

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I’m shocked! He’s a family Sim with a LTW of having 6 grandkids.

He’ll need a new job. While Athletics is okay, I need something else.

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“*giggle* You’re such a flirt!” –Babette

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“The first job… after looking in 4 papers is… nothing yet. I’ll look again tomorrow.” –Virgil

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“Bye-cheekkiss- It was nice of you to visit me after work.” –Babette

“Yep, run along guy. She’s taken.” –Virgil

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“Crap- something stinks.” –Angel

Clean it up then, Angel. Babette and Virgil are getting to know each other better.

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“I’m bored.” –Clarence

“Go to bed, dad. I have to stay up and get my cleaning points back.” –Babette

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“Dang, girl. Your feet are cold.” –Virgil

“I know. Hold still so I can warm them up.” –Babette

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The top of the house… I’m getting ready to add some stairs. =D

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What the heck, Clarence? You’re not hungry and you only grab one sports drink? O.o

“I was peckish… and I can drink them now.” –Clarence

You can’t drink it now… since you only thought of yourself.

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“This isn’t bad. It sure does beat a green hotdog.” –Bairn

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“Ha! I got it back. Hmm, hm… take my drink from me.” –Clarence

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“Finally; I wrote a best seller.” –Angel

Good job! XD

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“I’m home!” –Virgil

*Heey! * -Penguine

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“Welcome home, Virgil. I brought the paper in for you.” –Angel

That’s enough of that, Angel. O.O

“Thanks.” –Virgil

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“There it is…Science.” -Virgil

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“I’m going to be famous. I have these ideas for writing stores to put online- once it’sup again. I’ll be in movies and daytime TV.” –Bairn

“Oh, uhm… interesting.” –Frozen Sim

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Woot! Medical restrictions are lifted.

Showers, baths, no stinking and whining kids, and no having to try for baby every time. XD

Wonderful, Babette!

“I don’t want to get married.” –Babette

*Sigh* It hasn’t left her fear panel. =[

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“I lifted the Medical restriction. We can woohoo without trying for baby.” –Babette

“We’re going to woohoo?” –Virgil

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“Yes..” –Babette

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Everyone look the other way… nothing going on here.

“Oh, how pretty; It’s snowing again.” –Angel

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Oops- I hit Try for Baby. O.O

“ZZZzzz.” –Babette

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Bairn gets to take the first bath.

How is it?

“It’s lonely and bubbly, and so warm.” -Bairn

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Welcome home, Clarence.

“Thanks.” –Clarence

Did you top a career or something?

“I don’t know, I might have or I got some money or some doodad.” –Clarence

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“Zzzz… Marylena…zzzZZZ” –Clarence

He’s a closet Romance Sim. O.O

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“Hey, babe, what’s up? Why are you running in here?” –Virgil

“Oh, uh… nothing. It can wait.” –Babette

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“You hit try for baby!” –Babette

Congrats! =D

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Thursday, Bairn is working his way up in the Military. Slowly but- Yay! XD

“I’m feeling feverish. I better go take a bath and a nap.” –Bairn

Wonderful, the flu. O.o

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The flu in the house, Bairn begging to fall in love, and a chance card for Virgil’s first day of work… Love the drama. XD

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“Cough, cough- hack… I need some medicine.” –Bairn

I really don’t want to put that big machine down and have it stuck for years.

Besides, you all can’t use it yet. Take a nap, you’ll feel better.

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“Barfff! I need some medicine.” –Babette

There’s nothing to cure what you have.

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“Move, get out. I want to use the facilities.” –someone we shouldn’t let in again

“Fine… you can clean up after, too.” –Babette

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Promotion to level 2; Good job, Virgil!

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“I’m home, too, not just Virgil!” –Clarence

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“This is exciting! Is she going to die?” –Clarence

Not if you thaw her out quickly.

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Virgil is going to be cramming his skills. There’s nothing else but food, rest, and skilling for him.

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“Yes, administrator, I’ve got to quit working. I’m pregnant and the roads are just too dangerous.”


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“Do it again. That was fun to watch.” –Frozen old Sim

Bump one for the 3rd generation. XD

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“Babe, what are you doing?” –Virgil

“Nothing.” –Babette

“Good. Let’s talk, I need some social.” –Virgil

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“Can you hear me? It’s daddy talking. Kick mommy if you can hear me.” –Virgil

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“Virgil, honey… we need to get married. I love you and maybe I’m a little afraid, but…

I will be your wife.” –Babette

“My baby girl got married; we need cake for a party!” –Clarence

No cake… no extra food for you, Clarence. I’m watching you.

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The 2nd generation soon to be parents… Babette and Virgil Sweet

Thanks so much for reading. I hope it was okay. Let me know if I messed up at


Week 9 will continued in part B… this week got kinda long. =]

Happy Simming! Rflong7 =D