Planning Matt, Dan and Harry

Mark 13 full show powerpoint

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Matt, Dan and Harry

Page 2: Mark 13 full show powerpoint

Task A, Assignment 1, Exercise A.

The company I will be pitching an idea to is Netfilx. They are an internet/TV/movie broadcasting system that specialise in broadcasting television shows and other digital media products. They are looking for a television drama (moving image text). Our client has asked that we set our drama in a school and produce it for entertainment purposes. The potential audience will mainly be teenagers.

I have researched Conventional TV Drama Plots.

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A general definition of a drama is a scripted and fictional show created along the lines of a traditional drama. Dramas usually contain recurring features for example:- Common characters and character archetypes.- Typical storylines.- Similar running times.- Target audiences.- Regular scheduling.Dramas also include various sub-genres like Sci-fi, horror, crime, and period dramas. TV dramas are expected to be entertaining, informative and for scenarios and affairs to be dramatized.

Some examples of dramas I enjoy are:

• Firefly (Sci-Fi)• Castle (Crime)• Buffy the vampire slayer (Horror)• Angel (Horror)• Arrow(Action)• The walking dead (Horror)

A TV drama runs in a series and usually has a conclusion at the end of each episode. They appeal to audiences as they have a strong beginning to draw you in with interesting features or suspense throughout to keep you engaged and then a strong ending or an ending leaving you wanting more.

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Crime (detective):

- Snapshot of murder

- Body discovered

- Shocked witnesses

- Possible suspect interrogation (primary suspect)

- Seemingly innocent bystander attempts to frame prime suspect

- Something insignificant tips off lead detective

- Murderer caught

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Soap Opera:

- Various character story lines introduced (re-occurring characters)

- Usually multiple occurring at one time

- Occasionally interconnected

- Affair, murder, divorce, incest, and other crimes are the most typical of a soap opera.

- Typically ends with cliff hanger or large plot twist and continued in the next episode.

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Horror (hero vs evil):

- Typically has an over-arching story with sub-plots involved

- Main problem develops

- Main character learns of problem

- Main character discusses problem with others.

- Sub-plot possibly begins or is referenced

- Main character and/or others attempt to fight/resolve problem

- Main characters and/or others defeat/resolve problem on the second attempt

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I will also make questionnaire to ask teenagers what they like and dislike about dramas and use this to improve any ideas we have already formulated. I will also research the conventional character archetypes for a TV drama. Further research will be done on conventional plot lines. I have some examples of TV drams that were/are reasonably popular:

The Walking Dead

Breaking Bad


The flash

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- Sci-fi (Dan)

- Future? (Harry)

- Horror/ horror aspect (Matt)

- Detective/ detective thriller (Dan)

- Crime (Dan)

- Demon (Possession, mysterious) (collaboration) Follows kid

Paranormal activity (like) Possesses him


- 5 characters

- 3 guys, 2 girls

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Robot comes from future to make sure that robots don’t get exterminated. Detective comes from future to find him. (Group suggestion)


Opening RBT run through darkened halls (military chasing)

Door kicked open (Flynt Cole). Flynt shoots 2 guys.

Flynt Anti-hero/antagonist

Robot kid Protagonist

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MK. 13 robots from the future (incl. protagonist) have a virus that causes malfunction and mass genocide. Flynt is sent back to catch him and stop it from happening.

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SCRIPTINT: Flash; Sudden close up of an unknown boy’s face funning through a darkened hall.

Boy breathing heavily.

Camera changes to following the boy as he runs.3

MED close up: Boy takes cover around a corner, catching his breath.

SILENCE. Then, the sound of boots clumping on the floor.

Camera changes to 2 men in military apparel toting carbine/assault rifle, investigating, moving things in an area that seems post-apocalyptic. Camera returns to boy, then his POV as he peers around the corner, sees the men and jolts


MED SHOT: Boy makes a break for it again down the halls.

Camera back to soldiers who spot the boy and fire their weapons in his direction.

The boy sprints through down a straight corridor as the door flies open. Out of the door steps a tall man with a black trench coat and trilby. The two men catch up and lower their weapons on sight of the new character.

Camera moves to an MLS of the two soldiers.

Soldier 1


Nice job sir! But I think we got it from…


A bullet whizzes passed the boy into soldier 1.

The camera pans across the room toward the shadowy figure that is holding a revolver in one hand aimed at5 the other soldier

Camera instantly changes to an LS of all 4 men.

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The shot soldier drops to the floor and the boy and the soldier gasp in horror.The shadowy figure moves his hand holding his gun towards the remaining soldier.

In shock the soldier turns to run as the bullet forces him to the floor.The trench coat man points his gun at the boy… but lowers it.

MS of the 2He looks down at the boy.

BCU of the manHe blinks slowlyMS of the man

He backs slowly backs into the room, Boy still in shock. As he backs in, the camera follows.

There is a flash- most likely from the boy. The man raises his hand to his hands free Bluetooth device.

THE MAN SPEAKS(Speaks in a gruff gravelly voice; much like Steve Downes)


(Speaks in a deep, modified yet educated voice0You know what happens next Flynt [Cole]

Cut to black then opening titles