Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Presenter: Enrique Lopezcalva April 7, 2016 ASCE Orange County Branch Joint Sustainability + EWRI OC Luncheon

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) | Enrique Lopezcalva, RMC Water and Environment

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Page 1: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) | Enrique Lopezcalva, RMC Water and Environment

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Presenter:Enrique Lopezcalva

April 7, 2016

ASCE Orange County Branch Joint Sustainability + EWRI OC Luncheon

Page 2: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) | Enrique Lopezcalva, RMC Water and Environment

Main Topics


Main Phases

and Timeline


Current Efforts


Relevant Aspects

and Funding



Background and



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SGMA Passed and Rolled Out in the Context

of The California Water Action Plan

Call for action by the Governor

“There is broad agreement that the state’s water

management system is currently unable to satisfactorily

meet both ecological and human needs, too exposed to wet

and dry climate cycles and natural disasters, and

inadequate to handle the additional pressures of future

population growth and climate change”

Background and Context

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SGMA Passed and Rolled Out in the Context

of The California Water Action Plan

“…system is unable to meet needs…

too exposed to climate cycles…

and inadequate to handle growth and

climate change…”

Implementation = Opportunities + Challenges

Ten specific actions

Including “…improve groundwater management”

Additional funding (Proposition 1 and AB32 Cap & Trade)

Background and Context

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Status of Statewide Groundwater Basins

Many critically

overdrafted basins

Most basins are not

adjudicated and show

clear signs of



SGMA exempts

adjudicated basins

Background and Context

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Past Practices on Groundwater Use May

Not Be an Option in the Future

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Framework for sustainable groundwater supplies

Formation of groundwater sustainability agencies

(GSAs) and plans (GSPs)

Plan implementation to avoid “undesirable results”

(basin out of balance)

Background and Context

It will drive the development of projects

and programs to achieve long-term

water balanceWater Budget

ΔS = In – Out

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“Undesirable Results” Examples

Provided by the Legislation

Background and Context

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Four Basic Phases of SGMA

Basin Definition GSA Formation

Ending June 2017

No difference for Critical

and Non Critical Basins

GSP Development

Ends in 2020 for

Critical Basins

Ends in 2022 Non

Critical Basins

Ending 2016

No difference for

Critical and Not

Critical Basins

GSP Implementation and

Basin Management


management by

2040 in Critical


By 2042 in Non

Critical Basins

Main Phases and Timeline

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SGMA Timeline Summary

Main Phases and Timeline

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SGMA Timeline with Actions by Agency

Main Phases and Timeline

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Current Status on GSA Formation

GSAs and GSPs


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Adjudicated Basin Reporting

The watermaster or a local agency within a basin identified in subdivision (a) shall do all of the following (From Water Code 10720.8):

(1) Prove adjudication (submit final judgment)

(2) Submit any amendments to the final judgment

(3) By April 1, 2016, and annually thereafter, submit report containing the following information: (A) Groundwater elevation data unless otherwise submitted pursuant to Section 10932

(B) Annual aggregated data identifying groundwater extraction for the preceding water year

(C) Surface water supply used for or available for use for groundwater recharge/in-lieu use

(D) Total water use

(E) Change in groundwater storage

(F) The annual report submitted to the court

GSAs and GSPs

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GSP (Plan) Components

There can be one or more GSP per basin, depending on GSA


GSAs and GSPs

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Implementing GSPs Will Bring

Significant Challenges

Most GSPs will be supply plans – Projects required to bring

the basin in balance

Cost of water $/AF can significantly increase for many


Water available for recharge will be critical – Active and

dynamic management by State Board and DWR

A dynamic and flexible water market will be critical to make

compliance affordable

GSAs and GSPs

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GSAs Will Have Responsibilities and

Attributions – Many Related to Finances

To finance the preparation and implementation of a GSP, a

GSA may:

Impose fees, such as permit fees, on groundwater extraction

Collect penalties. For example, if a groundwater extractor

extracts more than is authorized, up to $500 per acre-foot in

excess of the amount authorized would be paid to the GSA

Tap into grant funding

GSAs and GSPs and Funding

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Proposition 1 Provides Funding

Opportunities for Key Project Types

$7.545 billion general obligation bond measure approved by California voters on Nov. 4

GSAs will be able to use Prop 1 funds to fill data gaps and implement projects addressing undesirable results

Storage $2.7B

Watershed Protection,

Ecosystem Restoration

and State Settlements


State Flood Management $395M







Regional Water



Safe Drinking

Water $520M


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SGMA-Related Prop 1 Opportunities

From DWR presentation at GRA Symposium on Funding for SGMA (March 29, 2016)


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