Media Studies AS Evaluation Foundation Portfolio – Question 6 By Zakaria Bougouizi 13STE

Zakaria Bougouizi - Media Studies Evaluation - Question 6

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Media Studies AS Evaluation Foundation Portfolio – Question 6 By Zakaria Bougouizi 13STE

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learn about several technologies during the construction of my media product. Primarily my knowledge of ICT systems in general has expanded greatly and my knowledge of how to create these types media product has improved drastically. My experience with using the editing software (Adobe Premier Elements 11) to create short films (film openings) has been limited in the past due to not much experience using the software, but from having the opportunity to complete this coursework I have learnt to use Adobe Premier Elements 11 to add titles which are used to show the name of the film, the roles that certain people had within our group and to add the names of the people who featured within the film. The film editing software also allowed me to add transitions, music (To create/to set the mood for a scene) and to cut and edit the length of certain shots within each scene, all of which have contributed to the success of the film. Once I got used to using Adobe Premier Elements 11, I was able to carry out more complex forms of editing which included Freeze framing and time stretching which extended the frame in a certain clip to add effect and speeding up the tempo of certain clips for example during the chase scene in our film we sped up the clip to create both excitement and adrenaline.

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Furthermore as well as the software we used to edit, the hardware we used was an HP 22/0 work station that was purpose built for multi and interactive media technologies, this gave us the opportunity to use equipment that would be able to help us create a successful film opening. Despite some of the drawbacks and limitations that the software had I cant imagine completing my media product using a different software package, however some of the limitations to the software that I had to overcome when completing my media product where the fact that on many occasions its would lag/freeze whilst I was working so I had to learn to be patient and to manage my time well enough so that I could complete my work despite the lag and freezing. Also there was a limited variety of transitions that we could use throughout our film (Between clips). Another form of technology I learnt about was the recording camera I used to record our film (Along with the Tri-pod which the camera was mounted on for some shots). I especially learnt a lot about the camera (Which was a HD Legria camera) and I learnt to use different camera movements due to my role as director and camera man throughout the filming process. Some of the key features of the video camera that allowed me to create my best possible work are, The Zoom in and Zoom out features, the focus feature and the feature which allowed me to look back on previous clips that I had recorded to see whether they where up to the correct standard or whether they needed re-shooting (Media Library).