The Power of the Printed Word Jessica Clemente, Alexis Montilla, Emely Navarro, Monica Zhang APUSH/P.2

Workbook 35 apush power of the printed word 2

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The Power of

the Printed Word

Jessica Clemente, Alexis Montilla, Emely

Navarro, Monica Zhang


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Adam Smith,

A Wealth of Nations. 1776

Who were the 13

colonies governed


What's mercantilism?

What were the

Navigation Acts?

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Main Ideas & Significance:

• Main Idea: About what kind

of economy was needed

for a nation to thrive

financially, which included

a totally free market and

laissez faire. Also states

that taxes should be fairly



• Laissez-faire?

• Unfair taxes?

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Thomas Paine

"Common Sense," 1776

What the main

idea and

significance of it?

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• Main idea: it urged the colonists to

break away from the Great Britain.

• Significance: It was the first work that

openly ask for independence from

Great Britain, and it persuaded the

general population of American

colonies to fight for Independence.

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Declaration of



What is this about?

Why is important?

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• Main idea is to declare the separation of the

American colonies from Great Britain, all

men are equal and deserve to live a life of


• Significance: It announced the thirteen

American colonies regarded themselves as

independent states, and a new nation


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Alexander Hamilton, James

Madison, John Jay, The Federalist

Papers 1787

Main Purpose:


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Answers: Background: Hamilton didn’t like the Articles of

Confederation and the weak central government it

created. A lot of people felt this way so the

Constitution was created, but people feared that it

wouldn’t be ratified under the articles of

confederation. When they tried to start ratifying

the constitution there were people for and against it.

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Alexander Hamilton,

"The Report of

Manufactures 1791

What is the main point?

Why it is so important?

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• Main idea: the government should

give tariff protection to U.S. industries.

• Significance: It stimulated economic

policies to ensure independence, and

have advantage to the nation of a

healthy manufacturing base.

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William Lloyd Garrison,

The Liberator, 1831

Main Purpose:


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Answer: Background: The second great awakening played an

important role on bringing awareness on slavery

because the 2nd. Unfortunately antislavery movement

was collapsing because there wasn’t enough money to

back up the plans that organizations/ societies wanted

to do like the ACS (America Colonization Society). Sent

Africans to Liberia.

Significance: The antislavery movement was becoming

more strong than it had been previously.

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Henry David Thoreau

"On Civil Disobedience"


Main Purpose:


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Main Purpose: In his essay “Resistance to Civil

Government” he explained that he refused to pay this

because the government had no morality since they allow


Significance of this: people didn’t have to obey laws that

were unjust and people started to resist the government

because of the belief of transcendentalism and it helped

spark a utopia.

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin,


Why she wrote this

book, what is the

main idea of it

AND what was the

significance of it?

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• Response to the Fugitive Slave Act

of 1850.

• Main idea: the evil and immorality of

slavery and appeals the blacks to

fight for their freedom.

• It contributed to the rise of

abolitionists in the 1850s and the

start of the Civil War.

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Henry George, Progress

and Poverty. 1879

What was the main

focus for the

Progressive Era?

How were living

conditions during this


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Main Ideas:

• Henry George examines various proposed

strategies to prevent depressions,

unemployment and poverty, but finds them


• He proposes his

own solution: a

single tax on


• He promoted


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Helen Hunt Jackson, A

Century of Dishonor 1881

Main Purpose:


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Answer: Main purpose: Jackson wrote this to say “hey were

hurting the Indians by doing this”-- to change

government ideas/ policies toward Native Americans at

the time. The book was sent to congress in hopes of

changing their minds about what they’re doing to the


Significance: brought public awareness of the federal

governments long record of betraying and cheating Native

Americans. Shook America’s morals and it inspired the

Dawes Act 1887- misguided attempt to reform the

governments Native American Policy- make Natives like

mainstream Americans (change them)

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Edward Bellamy,

Looking Backward. 1888

What was this book


What's a utopia?

Who were the


What's nationalization


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• It told of a young Bostonian who fell asleep

and woke up in the year 2000 to find a

perfect social order.

• Utopia: ideal & perfect state where everyone

lives in harmony

• Nationalization of industry: to have the

national govt control or regulate industry

• People's Party: discontented farmers who

wanted to improve their economic conditions

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Andrew Carnegie, "The Gospel of

Wealth" 1889

Main Purpose:


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Main purpose: the upper class has a responsibility to

philanthropy. Since the rich were the guardians of society

the rich needed to serve society by giving money to

organizations and societies. The rich need to make sure

that their money reaches communities in a way that could

improve living conditions.

Significance: Carnegie Libraries-- provide knowledge and

education for the poor

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Jacob Riis, How the Other Half

Lives 1890

Who is Jacob Riis?

What is the book about?

Why did he write about this?

what was the result of this?

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1. Journalist/social documentary photographer

2. The living conditions in the New York Slums

3. He believed that if we were more aware, we

would be motivated to help eradicate it.

4. The tearing down of some of the worst


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Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence

of Sea Power upon History: 1660-

1783, 1890

Main Idea?


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• Main idea: support and achieve sea power

with emphasis on having the largest and

most powerful fleet.

• Significance: its policies were quickly

adopted by most navies, and led to the WWI

naval arms race.

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Frederick Jackson Turner,

"The Significance of the

Frontier in American

History," 1893

Main idea?


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• Main idea: moving western frontier shaped

American democracy and the American

character, and given rise to individualism,

independence and self-confidence.

• Significance: advanced the Frontier Thesis

of American history.

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Booker T. Washington,

"The Atlanta Compromise" 1895

Who was Booker T.


What was the Atlanta


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Main Ideas:

• speech about how Blacks should be

willing to cooperate and submit to

segregation as long as they were given

the opportunity to grow economically

• called on African Americans to seek

economic opportunities rather than

political rights

• Gradualism

• Vocational education

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W.E.B DuBois, The Souls of Black

Folk 1903

who is W.E.B. DuBois?

what was this book about?

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1. W.E.B. DuBois = American Activist

2. Contained several essays about equal


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Lincoln Steffens, The Shames of

the Cities 1904

Main Purpose:


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Main Purpose: reports on the workings of corrupt political

machines in several major U.S cities. – Considered one of the

early major pieces of muckraking.

Significance: Steffens work helped usher the muckraking era.

It also helped rise him to political prominence in

Missouri—helped change political climate

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Upton Sinclair,

The Jungle,


Main Idea?


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• Main idea: the evil of capitalism, and

abuses in the meatpacking industry.

• Significance: The book helped

convince Congress to pass the Meat

Inspection Act of 1906 and the Pure

Food and Drug Act.

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Herbert Croly, The Promise of

American Life. 1909

What was Teddy

Roosevelt's political

party in 1912?

What was his "New


speech about?

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Main Ideas:



• opposed aggressive

unionization and

supported economic

planning to raise general

quality of life

• about how to change the

fact that the govt favored

wealthy & big businesses

• Nationalization of political


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Jane Addams,

Twenty Years at Hull House, 1910

Who was Jane Addams?

What was Hull House?

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Answers & Main Ideas:

• Addams was one of the

most prominent

progressive reformers.

• Settlement movement:

recreational centers that

helped poor families in the


• Provided daycare to help

working mothers

• Provided education and

socialization for immigrants

• Women serving community

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Fredrick Taylor, Principles of

Scientific Management 1911

who is Fredrick Taylor?

what is scientific management?

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1. Fredrick Taylor: american mechanical

engineer who sought to improve industrial


2. theory of management of workflow.

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Alain LeRoy Locke,

The New Negro. 1925

What was the Harlem


What was


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Main Ideas:

• anthropology of African-

American art and literature

edited by Alain Locke

• encouraging blacks to adopt

the arts

• contrasted the "Old Negro"

with the "New Negro"

• stressed African American

assertiveness and self-

confidence during the years

following World War I and the

Great Migration

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John Steinbeck, the Grapes of

Wrath 1939

Main Significance:


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Main Purpose: novel about the journey of a migrant farm

worker of the dust bowl and also to criticize the policies

that had caused for them to move.


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Michael Harrington, The Other

America, 1961

Main Purpose:


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Main purpose: study of poverty in the U.S. The economic

expansion Post war reduced poverty dramatically but

didn’t eliminate it. Most of the poor were people who have

been poor and can’t get out of it.

Significance: brought attention to JFK that 25% of the nation

was in poverty.

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• Main Purpose: Study of poverty

in the U.S. The economic

expansion Post war reduced

poverty dramatically but it didn't

eliminate it.

• Most of the people who were

poor stayed poor

• Significance: Brought attention

to JFK that 25% of the nation

was in poverty

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Rachel Carson, Silent Spring. 1961

Who is Rachel Carson?

What is the Book about?

What was the result of it?

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1. Rachel: Marine biologist and conservationist

2. About the harmful effects pesticide has on

the environment.

3. Influence president Kennedy to test all

chemicals mentioned in her book.

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Betty Friedan, The Feminine

Mystique, 1963

Main Idea?


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• Main idea: the widespread

unhappiness of women in the 1950s

and early 1960s.

• Significance: the book is seens as

the beginning of the second-wave

women's liberation movement.

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Martin Luther King Jr. "Letter from

Birmingham Jail" 1963

Who is Martin Luther King Jr. ?

What was the letter about?

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1. MLK Jr.: an American clergyman, activist,

and leader in the African-American Civil

Rights Movement.

2. The letter defended the strategy of

nonviolent resistance to racism.

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Daniel Ellsberg, The Pentagon

Papers, 1971

Who is Daniel Ellsberg?

What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?

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1. Daniel Ellsberg: a former United States

military analyst

2. Revealed the real reason the US stayed in

the Vietnam War

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Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein,

All the President's Men 1974

1. Who are Woodward and Bernstein?

2. What are they investigating on in this book?

3. It also talks about the revelation of what

tapes in 1973?

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1. They are two journalist working for the

Washington Post

2. They investigate on the first Watergate


3. The revelation of the Nixon Tapes

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Eighteenth Century:

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Nineteenth Century:

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Twentieth Century: