WOMEN AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS REPORT BY: REPORTER O THE UN ASHUTOSH GOEL How are the UDHR’S being violated against Women in India, mainly because of Honour Killing, and what is the UN and International court doing about it? Research Question I think that my research question will help answer why is honor killing happening mainly in India, what are the reasons, where is it happening the most. My research question will also make people aware of honor killing and its, ill effects, and what Justification

Women and human rights violations

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Women And Human Rights Violations

Women And Human Rights ViolationsReport By: Reporter of the un Ashutosh GoelHow are the UDHRS being violated against Women in India, mainly because of Honour Killing, and what is the UN and International court doing about it?Research QuestionI think that my research question will help answer why is honor killing happening mainly in India, what are the reasons, where is it happening the most. My research question will also make people aware of honor killing and its, ill effects, and what how are the people or the authorities help in solving this problem. Justification

IndexCover Page: Introduction: Research Question and Hypothesis.IndexPlanning my investigating: Scope of Research and Research method.Data CollectionWhat is an UDHR and what is its role?Fact about violence against women.What is Violence against Women?Significance of violence against womenVarious forms of violence against women Statistics of violence against women in IndiaHonour Killing: What is it?Reasons behind honor killing

13. Honor Killing in India14. Real Incidents of honor killing in India15. What is the supreme court or the international court doing about honor killing?16. Works Cited: Mla Way

Planning my investigating: Scope of Research and Research method.The research of method that I will be using the most is the internet. The internet has various kinds of information which is the best way or method where I can research for my topic. First of all, I am going to view many different sites to find out about the UDHRs and what does it mean. This will be the very first step to know what is meant by UDHR, and what is its role. The second step will knowing about violations against women in India through the Internet from various sites, because it is an important step in my research as i will get to know what are the various types of violations happening against women in India. The third step of my investigation will be finding information about Honor killing in India through the internet. I will research many different websites on Honor killing, like Wikipedia, and WordPress, and then I will compare data from there, analyse the data, and then I will further execute my plan.I will then compare statistics, like the graphs, from previous years, and the graphs from recent, years. I will get these graphs from google images and even from WordPress from the internet.My most crucial step will be finding about information about What is the supreme court or the international court doing about honor killing? The information for this, I can find it from honourcrimes.com and even from various different sites like google and all.

Data CollectionThe resources that I will be mainly using is the internet, where a will research about violations against women. On the internet there are many sites you can go through and can have more knowledge, making it the best way to find information. I am also going to take statistics from the internet in form of graphs and charts. ( Primary Resource)I will take newspaper articles about honor killing, which is my secondary resource. I also took facts and images from the internet which is one of the main resources I need for my project. ( Primary Resource)In the end of the project I will be interviewing people by asking them questions, from a questionnaire. ( Secondary Recourse)

What is Udhr and what is its role?TheUniversal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris.The UDHR draws life-preserving messages from the past, and is seen as an essential foundation for building a world in which all human beings can, in the centuries to come, look forward to living in dignity and peace. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the cornerstone for modern day human rights within the framework of the United Nations.

What is Violence against Women ?Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty , whether occurring in private or public life. => As defined by the United Nations.Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of women's bodies for individual gratification or political ends.

Significance of violence against womenUnequal status of women in society.Serious violations of human rights.Leads to range of health problems ( often in silence)Pressure on medical care resources.Health care institutions can make significant contributions to addressing violence against women by supporting clinicians and clients.

Various forms of violence against women Rape/Sexual violence in refugee camps.forced sexual initiation or abuse.Sex-selective abortion.Acid throwing/honour killing ( dowry related deaths)Undue virginity examination.forced caesarean section deliveries.Trafficking in women and girls

Statistics of violence against women in India

Honour Killing: What is it?Anhonour killingorshame killingis thehomicideof a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonour upon the family, or has violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter anarranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, havingsex outside marriage, becoming the victim ofrape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, engaging in non-heterosexual relations or renouncing a faith.

Real Incidents of honor killing in India

What is the supreme court or the international court doing about honor killing?NEW DELHI: Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh have joined 18 other states to empower the Centre to bring a legislation against honor killings, in what could be a turnaround moment for the effort to curb the powers of caste, religion and creed.The Supreme Court suggested its amicus curiae(allotted lawyer on behalf of government) to devise a strict legal regime to contain honour killings, wherein the focus should be on enforcing orders against khap panchayats rather than on securing the arrest of its members that often leads to law and order problems."In our opinion honour killings, for whatever reason, come within the category of rarest of rare cases deserving death punishment. It is time to stamp out these barbaric, feudal practices which are a slur on our nation," the Supreme Court said in a judgement.

Works Cited: Mla WayViolence Against Women Information"Violence Against Women Information".Amnesty International USA. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.Violence against Women is a Violation of Human Rights"Violence Against Women Is A Violation Of Human Rights".Drustvo-sos.si. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.Women's Rights"Women's Rights".Human Rights Watch. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? | Australian Human Rights Commission"What Is The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights? | Australian Human Rights Commission".Humanrights.gov.au. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.Universal Declaration of Human Rights"Universal Declaration Of Human Rights".Wikipedia. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N., INDIA, N. and INDIA, N.INDIA, NNLRJ et al. "Honour Killings / Crimes In India".Honour Killings / Crimes in India. N. p., 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.Honour killing in Pakistan"Honour Killing In Pakistan".Wikipedia. N. p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.