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Закріпити і систематизувати лексику теми.

Поглибити знання учнів про свою країну.

Тренувати учнів у діалогічному та монологічному мовленні.

Практикувати їх в аудіюванні.

Навчати учнів працювати в групах.

Розвивати культуру мовлення та навички письма.

Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до пам’яток культури.


карта України

картки для самостійної роботи




Хід уроку

1. Організаційна частина


T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

How are you today?

P: (We are fine, thank you.)

T: Sit down, please.

Бесіда з класом

T: - Who is on duty today?

P: - I am.

T: - Who is absent today?

P: - … is absent today.

T: - Why is he/she absent today?

P: - I do not know exactly but I think he/she is ill.

T: The motto of our today’s lesson is (слайд 2)

2. Повідомлення теми та мети

T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Pupils, today at the lesson we’ll have to

do a lot of activities. We are going to prepare for our travelling about …. But

what country we’ll travel you must tell me. You must open the word at the

blackboard. I’ll help you. (слайд 3)


U – we use it when it rains (umbrella)

K – the capital of our country (Kyiv)

R – the colour of double-decker busses in London (red)

A – it is the 1st letter of the English alphabet (a)

I – the name of part of the land (island)

N – it is a negative word (no)

E – it is the biggest animal (elephant)

So, what country is it?

- It’s Ukraine.

T: Yes, it’s Ukraine. (слайд 4)

At our lesson we’ll speak about Ukraine. Try to do your best! We’ll go by bus. But

first of all we need tickets. You shouldn’t pay money for these tickets. You

should answer my question to get a ticket. Let’s start.

3. Мовна розминка

T: What is Ukraine associated with? (слайд 5)

(слайд 6)

4. Активізація вивчених ЛО

Т: You have got the tickets.

So, we need suitcases with necessary things. (слайд 7) Look at these words: a

camera, a passport, a ticket, a towel, a book, a radio, a suitcase, warm clothes, an














umbrella, a basket, a tent, a map, money, a telephone, a cup, a pet, a ball, a table,

a pen, a chair, a box, a lamp, a carpet, a toy, a rabbit.

Some of them are necessary. Some of them are sometimes necessary. And

some of them are not necessary.

Work in groups

1) Find and choose necessary things.

2) Find and choose sometimes necessary things.

3) Find and choose not necessary things.

T: Don’t forget about necessary things, when you prepare your suitcase for the


5. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення

T: Let’s remember some information about Ukraine. (слайди 8-15)

(Учні ланцюжком розказують про Україну. Коли вони розказують, один

учень показує на карті.)

Ukraine is a sovereign state. It has it’s own territory, government, national

emblem, anthem and state flag. The National Flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow.

The blue colour stands for the clear blue sky and the yellow colour stands for the

golden wheat field. The Ukrainian Anthem is the song by Pavlo Chubynsky and

Mykhailo Verbytsky. (Гімн)

Ukraine is situated in the centre of Europe. The population is more than

39 million. The territory of Ukraine is 603,628 km2. The main river is the Dnipro.

Ukraine was a part of Kyiv Rus, an ancient state.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is very beautiful. The main street of the

capital is Khreshchatyk. The national language is Ukrainian, the people are

Ukrainians. They are talented, friendly and hardworking. The Ukrainians live in

small towns and big cities, in the villages. They are proud of their country.

6. Робота в парах (слайд 16, 17)

Т: You can see the scrambled questions. Put the words in the logical order

to make up the questions and answer them. (Дано 5 речень з розкиданих

слів. Потрібно правильно побудувати питання та дати на нього відповідь.)

1) Is/main/what/the/national/holiday/Ukraine/in?

- What is the main national holiday in Ukraine? (Independence Day)

2) The/what/official/is/in/country/our/state/language?

- What is the official state language in our country? (Ukrainian)

3) Population/Ukraine/of/the/is/what?

- What is the population of Ukraine? (more than 39 million.)

4) Ukraine/river/is/the/main/what/in?

- What is the main river in Ukraine? (the Dnipro)

5) Situated/where/Ukraine/is?

- Where is Ukraine situated? (in the centre of Europe)

Гра «Мікрофон»

(Один учень з мікрофоном ходить по класі і задає ці складені питання,

а всі інші відповідають і в той же час виправляють, якщо вони не

правильно склали.)

7. Фізкультхвилинка. (Додається)

8. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення (слайд 18-27)

Т: - What is the capital of Ukraine?- Is Kyiv your native town?

- Have you ever been to Kyiv?

- Where is Kyiv situated?

- Is it a new or an old city?

- Is it beautiful?

- Who was the founder of Kyiv?

- What places of interest in Kyiv do you know?

- What places of interest can you see in these pictures?

2) Work in groups.

T: What do you know about the sights of Kyiv? Read the descriptions and name the sights.

A) It is the main and the most beautiful street in the city. A lot of chestnut trees grow along this street. These trees are the symbol of the city. (слайд 28)

B) It’s a big monastery with many ancient churches and museums. It is famous for its underground caves. Thousands of Christians from different countries of the world come to visit it every year. (слайд 29)

C) It is one of the oldest universities in Kyiv. (слайд 30)

3) Work in pairs:

T: Put the phrases of the dialogue in the logical order. Make up the dialogue and act it out.

- What country are you from?


- What is the capital of your country?


- Is Ukraine an independent country?


- Are there any national symbols in our country?


- Do you live in Kyiv?

- A) Yes, it became independent in 1991.B) I’m from Ukraine.C) Our national symbols are the state flag, the state emblem and the

state anthem.D) No, I live in Shostka.E) The capital of our country is Kyiv, an ancient and beautiful city.

9. Закріплення вивченого матеріалу. Письмова робота

Т: True/False (слайд 31)

Listen to my statements and put true or false. If the sentence is false, correct it.

- Kyiv is situated on the banks of the river Dniprо. (T)

- Ukraine is situated in the centre of Asia. (F)

- The symbol of Kyiv is Chestnut tree. (T)

- The population of Ukraine is 52 million. (F)

- The people of Ukraine are proud of their capital. (T)

- The main river of Ukraine is the Dniester. (F)

- Ukraine is washed by the Irish Sea. (F)

- Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. (T)

- Our country is a nice place to live and to travel in. (T)

10. Домашнє завдання (слайд 32)

Project work. Make a poster about Ukraine.

11. Підсумок уроку

Т: We’ve done lots of work today.

- Was it interesting for you to talk about Ukraine?

- What part of the lesson did you like more?

- How do you think, are you ready for your travelling?

- Why do you think so?

T: And now let’s do this crossword. (слайд 33)

1. What continent is Ukraine situated in?

2. What is the capital of Ukraine?

3. What mountains are in the south of the country?

4. What is the highest mountain in Ukraine?

5. What is the official language of the country?

6. What is the longest river in Ukraine?

7. What kind of state is Ukraine?

1 E U R O P E

2 K Y I V

3 C R I M E A N

4 H O V E R L A

5 U K R A I N I A N

6 D N I P R O

7 I N D E P E N D E N T

8. The key word: UKRAINE

T: And now your marks … .

T: Thank you, everybody. Good-bye! (слайд 34)