Types of Learning Disabilities Continuation of the previous show

Types of learning disabilities- dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia

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Types of Learning


C o n t i n u a t i o n o f t h e p r e v i o u s s h o w

Visual PerceptualVisual Motor


A d isorder tha t a f fec ts theunders tand ing o f in fo rmat ion tha t a

person sees , o r the ab i l i t y to d raw or copy .


Visual MotorDeficit

A charac ter is t i c seen in peop le w i thlearn ing d isab i l i t ies such as Dysgraph ia

or Non-verba l LD, i t can resu l t inmiss ing subt le d i f fe rences in shapes orpr in ted le t te rs , los ing p lace f requent ly ,

s t rugg les w i th cu t t ing , ho ld ing penc i ltoo t igh t ly , o r poor

eye /hand coord ina t ion .


Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Syndrome


A disorder that includes difficultystaying focused and paying

attention, difficulty controllingbehavior and hyperactivity.


Although ADHD is not considered alearning disability, research indicatesthat from 30-50 percent of children

with ADHD also have a specificlearning disability, and that the two

conditions can interact to makelearning extremely challenging

D y s p r a x i a

D y s p r a x i a

A disorder that is characterized by difficultyin muscle control, which causes problems

with movement and coordination, languageand speech, and can affect learning.

D y s p r a x i a

Although not a learning disability,dyspraxia often exists along with dyslexia,

dyscalculia or ADHD

E x e c u t i v eF u n c t i o n i n g

E x e c u t i v eF u n c t i o n i n g

An inefficiency in the cognitivemanagement systems of the brain thataffects a variety of neuropsychological

processes such as planning,organization, strategising, paying

attention to and remembering details,and managing time and space

E x e c u t i v eF u n c t i o n i n g

Although not a learning disability,different patterns of weakness in

executive functioning are almost alwaysseen in the learning profiles ofindividuals who have specific learning disabilities or ADHD.



Three types of memory areimportant to learning.

Working memory, short-term memory and

long-term memory are used in the processing

of both verbal and non-verbal information


If there are deficits in any or allof these types of memory, the

ability to store and retrieveinformation required to carry

out tasks can be impaired

O L I V E   O I LO R G A N I C

sicilian grown

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