Tips for Writing a Great Research Paper Mrs. Ligo SLMS, Bayshore Middle School

Tips for Writing a Great Research Paper

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Tips for Writing a Great Research Paper

Mrs. Ligo SLMS, Bayshore Middle School

Page 2: Tips for Writing a Great Research Paper

Understanding your Assignment

• Understand the topic and your teacher’s requirements

- Is this an explanatory or informational report ?

if so, focus on the facts

- Is this a persuasive report?

if so, include your own opinion to persuade the reader

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Understanding your Assignment

Understand the length and requirements given by your teacher

How many pages or slides?

Does my report require video or images?

What format can I use (paper/multimedia)?

What freedom do I have in picking my topic?

Where can I find resources?

When is my deadline?

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Choosing your Topic

• Choose a topic that interests you

• Conduct preliminary research to make sure that you will have enough resources to persuade or inform your reader

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Getting Organized

• Define your main idea

• Be a “detective” and conduct thorough research

-include information from various sources: books, videos, interviews, websites, maps

• Create an outline, mind map or K-W-L chart to collect and organize your thoughts

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Example of an OutlineTopic: Armadillo

I. IntroductionII. What do they look like?

A. Size1. 14 -30 inches long2. 9-66lbs

B. Armor1. Hard outer shell2. Can roll up in a ball for protection

III. Where do they live?A. Region (North & South America)B. Burrows

IV. Conclusion

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Example of a Mind Map







North & South America

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What I know already What I want to know What I have learned

I know they have hard armor covering their bodies

Why do they have armor?

To protect them against predators such as: bears, wolves and cougars. They also have bad eye sight which makes them vulnerable.

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Tips for Writing

• Your report should have an introduction, body and conclusion (beginning, middle end)

• Your introduction should include something to keep your reader interested such as an interesting statistic or descriptive word picture.

• Your conclusion should summarize what you know. Think about what you want your reader to remember.

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Examples of Introductions

• The armadillo looks like a slow animal, carrying its heavy armor but it isn’t. It can travel up to speeds of 30mph.

• It is three and a half million square miles of sand, rocks and mountains about the size of the United States and covers parts of ten countries. It is the Sahara, the world largest desert.

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More Tips for Writing

Building sentences and paragraphs

• a sentence contains a subject + a verb• a sentence contains at least one thought• start a new paragraph with each new idea• each paragraph should contain a topic sentence,

several sentences that support evidence or provide information, a concluding sentence

Don’t be boring! Include information to keep your reader interested

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Review your Work

• Reread your report. Sometimes reading aloud helps you identify areas that do not flow.

• Make sure your spelling and grammar is correct.

• Have someone else preview your work and give you constructive comments.

• Give credit to all of your sources!

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Gaines, Ann. Ace Your Research Paper. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2009. Print.

Scholastic Writer's Desk Reference. New York: Scholastic, 2000. Print.