The French Revolution Cecilia Li 8-7

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The French Revolution

Cecilia Li 8-7

This is a scene of the Storming of Bastille on July 14, 1789. The third estate of France stormed in the Bastille, a

significant symbol of monarchy and stole gunpowder for their guns.

We’ve taken a huge step into getting bread, what we deserved to have. We attacked the Bastille and destroyed it, now we finally have the chance to be heard and win our rights back. In the past few years the third estate kept on getting worst and worst, no food, no money and no rights. The tax kept on rising due to the war happening, but the King and the Queen are still having fun in their palace with the money we were forced to pay. Why can’t they raise taxes on the second and first estate, we are already dying because of starvation. The royal family cares no bit about the third estate; they drink, party, eat everyday and don’t feel bad. I really can’t stand the constant starvation anymore. Thank god that most of the people in the third estate feel that way too, around a month ago, most of the people from the third estate came together and decided we need to fight for our rights, the rights that we were suppose to have. We were going to meet in a court that we usually meet; however we got locked out. So instead we had the meeting in an indoor tennis court, that’s when the tennis court oath happened. During the meeting we discussed about winning our rights back and we need to have bread. Just about a few days ago, we came together again and decided to steal muskets (guns). The weapons can give the chances to actually have the power to scare the king into giving us the rights and the bread back to us. Until we realized that we also needed gunpowder. That’s when we discussed about storming the Bastille. It really tough decision, the Bastille has tons of soldiers guarding it, but after all we do need gun powder. So the after a few days of preparation, we’re fully armed and ready to fight hard.

Journal one: July 14, 1789

July 14, 1789, 6 A.M. I got out from my shack, went to my friend’s house and we walked our way to the Bastille with heavy steps. As we were walking I can hear my heart pumping out load as if it’s going to pop out. On the way to Bastille, my friend Francois and I were being oddly silence today during the walk; I’m guessing everyone would be nervous. When we got to the back door of Bastille hundreds of people were already there waiting for the signal to start storming in. We squished in to the crowds and waited with them. About 30 minutes has passed, I heard someone shout MARCH, then all of a sudden people behind me pushed me forward and I got separated with Francois. When we got into the Bastille, all of us were trying to be quiet but it’s rather hard to have hundreds of people being silent. We sneaked into different rooms and looked for the gunpowder. I got pushed into a room with some other people and started searching gunpowder in the room. BOOM! What was that? Is that a gunshot? Someone screamed at me, I assumed we were found; I could understand that, it’s hard not to be found. AHHH! Soldiers are coming everyone get ready to fight. Everyone that was with me handed me the gunpowder they’ve collected and told me to run to the exit of the Bastille with all the gunpowder. So I got up, grabbed a farm tool and ran out and headed to the exit. As I ran I can see all the people who protected me and died for the gunpowder and me. I ran out with bunch of other people to a safe place and gathered all the gunpowder we collected. I looked around frantic searching for Francois, but there was no sign of him. BOOM! POW! The Bastille was bombed and destroyed into ashes. With people who died for the gunpowder, people we care about. I stared at the black smoke as my tears falling down uncontrollable. I solemnly promise, I will revenge for Francois, the King and his soldiers will pay us back with bread, rights and all the lives cost.

Journal one: July 14, 1789

This is when King Louis XVI got Guillotined on January 21, 1793.

Francois, our leader Robespierre executed the King. I’m happy that we now have rights and can be heard, but I really didn’t think the whole bread wanting turned into a revolution. After all monarchy wasn’t a bad ruling system, the problem is just about the King. Francois, I don’t know what should I do, loyal to Robespierre or Monarchy. After the storming of Bastille, the woman from our estate marched to Versailles, a place where the Royal family was staying on October 5, 1789. They Marched to Versailles and demanded the King for bread, there was barely any power left for the King, he was afraid of us, peasants. Apparently, after the march to Versailles, the craven King took his family and tried to run away from France. Luckily, Robespierre caught him and brought him back to Paris. After they got brought back to Paris, thee royal family was separated and prisoned in different cells. I know the Royal family is completely malicious, but separating with family is a really harsh thing to do to a family. I respect Robespierre a lot, however I’m not sure whether I agree with this decision or not. War was happening, Austria keeps invading our country; food crisis is still going on. France is in a mess, yet Robespierre still prisoned the Royal family. I don’t know which side I’m on now. Yesterday the King finally got executed from days suffering in the prison cell, it’s actually such a pity that people would prison and kill their King, but he deserved it.

Journal two: January 22, 1793

January 21, 1793, the day of execution of King Louis XVI. Today when I woke up, the first thing that came up in my mind is today is the execution day of the king! I got up ate some breadcrumbs left from a few days ago, and slowly walked out to the guillotine located in the center of Paris. On the way to the guillotine, the carriage that the king was in passed me, and I saw people throwing rotten food at the carriage, that moment I felt bad for the king, then I realized that was a wrong thing to think. The carriage reached to the Guillotine, The King’s hair was cut short for the need of beheading. With heaving footsteps, the king got off the carriage and stated walking up the stairs heading to the guillotine. With a depressing expression, the king got tied to a wooden board, slid down under the blade of the guillotine. The ropes held the blade was released, the blade dropped down like a lighting bolt, BAM everyone started cheering. However, that one-second seemed like the longest second ever, with complicated emotions I watched the King die. When everyone was celebrating the king’s death, I back home with a brain full of thoughts, thoughts about how the tax was raised, how the King didn’t care at all about us, forcing myself to side with Robespierre, but I just can’t cheer myself up. What should I do? I know I don’t want my life to get back before all the events that happened, but I don’t feel right now too. What should I do?

Journal two: January 22, 1793

This is a painting of the ceremony of Napoleon taking the throne on November 9, 1799.

Napoleon, the leader that everyone likes, saved us from dying, war and famine. He is the true leader of France. No more doubts, no more concerns, everything will get better. The King’s execution was the start of a malicious act of beheadings. Robespierre went crazy powers; he killed everyone that doubted this leader skills and rebellion. The guillotine lasted more than ten months, and everyday someone would get killed. The streets of Paris are dyed red from all the people’s blood that got beheaded. Honestly, I’m not sure whether I’m on Robespierre’s side or not, so lived a life of anxiety for more than ten months. Marat was another supporter of Robespierre and the Reign of Terror, he published list of people who were being suspicions of rebellion and the next day, they would all be guillotined. There were people like me, who couldn’t stand the innocent people dying anymore, so this woman, don’t know her name went to Marat’s house and stabbed Marat and killed him. However killing Marat didn’t change much, the reign of terror still went on, until Robespierre decided to kill his fellow friends: Danton and Desmoulins. After killing his own friends, the members of Public Safety, started distrusting Robespierre. At last, they all came together and decided to end the Reign of Terror by beheading Robespierre. So on July 28, 1794 Robespierre got executed.

Journal three: November 9, 1799.

Since Robespierre was executed, there was no good leader that can lead us. The Committee came up with directors, but none of them were good leaders, but later on, Napoleon became on of the directors and started ruling France. He fought for France and won money, food and supplies for France and now France is getting better and better. After all the war happened, napoleon decided he should take the throne, and name himself the emperor. On November 9, 1799 Napoleon took power of France, he declared himself as Emperor of France. After the ceremony of taking the throne, that day was full of laugher and happiness. I felt like the whole France was relaxed no one was scared of getting beheaded the next day, everyone was happier than the time when Robespierre was leader, those days are gone. Oh Francois, how I wish you were here to enjoy this.

Journal three: November 9, 1799.