Experimental Photography Shannon 1

Task 2

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Experimental Photography


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After looking through the reflection photographs I took, I believe this is the best one, as the photograph is not posed for and is natural, so its more of a candid photograph and I think the candid type are the best ones. While Chloe chose to look through her own photographs and I took the opportunity to take the photograph through the reflection from the door glass, I think it looks better than the rest as its more focused and you can still see through the glass and also what's behind keeping what near the lens of the camera a tad blurry means you focus more of the reflection. I also think this photograph is better as I was just messing around with the settings and what would be good reflection.

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I think the problem with the rest of the photographs I took of reflection is the lighting and the movement of some, for example, the first photograph on the second row is very dark, however the reflection looks pretty good, as you can see into a classroom with the light on so is shows the reflection of a person, however I think the photograph would look better if the lighting was adjusted to be brighter and also if it was more focused on the writing on the board and to have the reflection on the man more blurry, however I think this photo could be edited more so I could play around more with the lighting and colours on Photoshop. Also the photograph with the door and fire extinguisher is pretty bad quality, I think its too blurry and the ‘push’ materials didn’t give much of a reflection as I thought it would, I think if I did think photograph again I would put the camera in auto focus and get closer or zoom more to the surface to get a better photograph. As these photographs are more about reflections, I kept the exposure the same on all the photographs and kept the shutter speed short to capture the photograph quick as if the shutter speed was long the photograph would end up blurry as I did not have a tripod to keep the camera still and it would capture any movement which could make the photograph look bad. Although most of the photographs came out bad I thought the first and last photograph were the good ones because unlike the locker and board, the lightening was really good so you could see every detail and the photograph was clear and also because its not blurry like more of the photographs as I think if they were any more blurry they would not look as good.

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I have chosen 3 images that I like the most, I like the more because these ones were not expected as I was just playing around with the camera settings. Although im not quite sure what the top two are pictures of I think they show movement well, as the images are blurry, I especially like the top right one, I had the camera on a low shutter speed and moved the camera around fast, you can see the background of the photography however its not very clear which makes the lines of lights stand out more which gives it a better effect, I think I could edit this brightness and colours more on Photoshop to make it more colourful. The one on the bottom right, I took also having the camera on a low shutter speed and made Chloe walk in front while the camera went off, I also had the camera out of focus as I think it added to the movement of Chloe. However I don’t like the lighting on this photograph as I think its not clear and looks a bit orange, however playing around on Photoshop with all these photographs would be best as I think they would end up looking better and more colourful.

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I think the movement photographs were quite easy because they did not take much thought, you either moved the camera while taking a picture of leave the camera still while taking a photograph with a low shutter speed. I think the photographs of the fire extinguisher, green sign and the carpet were the worst ones because they were the first ones I took and they just don’t look as good as others. I think they ones of Chloe moving worked well because on some you can faintly see where she moved from before also I think the lighting of the corridor made it look better as it helped you see the faint figure from before. I think if I were to do this photography again, I would use the low shutter speed more as all the photographs I took were done from moving the camera so I think using a low shutter speed would be more professional and look better overall.

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Out Of Focus

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Out Of Focus

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I like this out of focus photograph more than the rest because the whole photograph is out of focus yet you are still able to figure out what everything is. I also this the raindrops are a good effect to the photograph as I think without them it would be too boring and wouldn’t look as good. I still think the photograph could be better as I could add more colour to it however I also think it would look good in black and white.

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I think this type of photography is harder than it looks because although your photograph just needs to be out of focus it also needs to look professional, which is something my photographs lack as I don’t think they look as good as they could. I think if I redid this type of photography I would think more of what I could take the photograph of and something more different and more interesting rather than a car park. However I do like the photograph of the bar with the raindrops on because although they are not in focus you can tell what they are and its more interesting rather than just a window, I'm quite glad it rained that day because I think the raindrops made the photographs better and without them they would be quite boring.

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Hockney Photomontages

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Use this slide to annotate your final image

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Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; How well do you feel you have realised your ideas and intentions and what results have you got? Ensure you talk critically (compare, contrast, assess) about your work. You should reference your influences and assess how your work compares.

Qualities:Consider the aesthetic qualities of your work. How does it look? What do you like about it? What are the strongest and weakest elements from an aesthetic point of view?

Consider the technical qualities of your work? How well done is it? What elements are strongest and which could need further work and development? Be sure to use technical terms in your work such as exposure, shutter speed, aperture and talk specifically about any post-production techniques you have used.