Sydney Harbour National Park By Cate & Annabelle

Sydney Harbour National Park

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Sydney Harbour National Park

By Cate & Annabelle

Sunrise to sunset it's busy in the harbour

I look out my cottage and see the bright green swaying trees

I walk with my friends and smell and touch the beautiful red rose bushes

I run across the mighty beach as the waves crash against the sand

I'm not allowed my dogs but my sweet friends will do

I love the smell of the gum trees and the loud noisy squawk of

the cockatoo.

I hear the sounds from the loud, booming busy zoo

The Aboriginal artworks amaze everyone day by day


Traffic- Jason Tong wikipedia.orgSunset by dean Howard geography.com

Cottage by bjenks wikimeadia.comFriends by Kevin dodge corbisimages.comRose bush by Eva Thomas artimages.com

Beach by mynameisben123 wikimeadia.orgNo dog zone by accompany pbpl.com

Cockatoo by Alicia keeps aliciakeeps.comZoo by travelblog blog.com.au

Artwork by mundra koorang novynovy.com