One of the oldest cities in Slovenia. One of the oldest cities in Slovenia.

šKofja loka x

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One of the oldest cities in Slovenia.One of the oldest cities in Slovenia.

Country : Slovenia Mayor : Miha Ješe Area : 145 km2 Population : 22,093

In Škofja Loka there is a legend about Prince Abraham, the first feudal lord from Bavaria, who was travelling up the Poljane Valley with his black servant. While walking through the bushes, they ran into a bear. It attacked them. The black servant shot the bear and saved the Prince Abraham.

When they returned to Loka Castle, Prince Abraham ordered that the face of the man who saved his life should be shown in the coat of arms. Since then, the Škofja Loka coat of arms has featured the black man's face.

Miha Ješe Born: 3. julij 1953 Active since: 2010

The settlement that is today known as Škofja Loka was established more than a thousand years ago.

It is one of the oldest cities in Slovenia.

Škofja Loka was surrounded with town wall and five defense towers.

The town has two markets:

- Town square (Plac), - Long square(Lontrg).

It was built by Bishop Leopold in 14th century.

Today, both banks are still connected with more than six hundred years old bridge.

It‘s the oldest monument of its kind in Central Europe.

It was built in 18th century.

There is a library in the church that keeps old religious books and the precious script of "Škofja Loka Passion" from 1721. It is the oldest dramatic text in Slovenia.

Nuns church and monastery are located under the Škofja Loka Castle.

The church is from 1660.

Since 1782 the monastery was dissolved and taken over by Ursula, who opened the girls school.

The castle was first mentioned in 1215, a more important role was taken over after 1511, when an earthquake destroyed the tower above the Krancelj (then, the castle became the seat of Loka's dominion).

It stands above the town. Today, there is a

museum in it.

It is one of the most honorable antiques in the city.

Today, in the Granary, there is a permanent gallery of painter Franc Mihelič and an excellent restaurant, pizzeria, pub and wine bar.

Town Square was the center of social and economic life, so there are building bigger and richer.

The buildings that stand out are:

The old Town Hall

Martin‘s house Žigon‘s house

Homan's house was built in the 16th century, rebuilt in large building, which closes the expiry of the Town Square.

Today, there's a cafe in the ground floor.

Loška smojka is a dish that people usually ate for dinner.

It has cooked all day. It is made from turnips,

millet and salt.

Loška medla is a thick dressed dish made of millet porridge and buckwheat flour, which can be enjoyed with milk.

Made by:Maja Vene, Manca Rus 8.d

OŠ Škofja Loka – Mesto24.9.2011