Screenshots of video

Screenshots of video lucas sneddon

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Screenshots of video

1st scene

My first scene shows my artist sat on a bench playing to the camera/audience, as this scene progresses the artist rises and starts to walk towards the camera as the camera steps back at a slightly slower pace meaning that the artist ends up at a shorter distance towards the camera as initially started.

2nd , 3rd and 4th scene

The 2nd scene shows my artist stuck in an office job, the job looks very plain and boring and therefore this is an indication how the artist started out. The 3rd scene is an over the shoulder shot of the artist writing on paper rather than working on the computer. The 4th scene shows the paper that the artist has been writing on, this paper is matching the lyrics of the opening 2 verse of the song. This is implying that the artist used to write songs in his old job hopeful and preparing for a career in the music industry.

5th and 6th scene

These two scenes show the artist screwing up the paper and then throwing it into the bin. This shows that he is giving up his dreams of becoming a musician by throwing away what he has made.

Cut scenes 7,8,9

For this scenes/scenes I have recorded the artist singing the same word in 3 different positions. The song repeats the word ‘changing’ rapidly and for each time the artist cuts to a different area of the scene. On the 3rd and final one the artist is up close to the camera emphasising the word. This adds a good effect to the video as it is cutting and keeping up with the beat.

Scene 10

This scene shows the artist back at the office job, aggressively throwing all the paperwork off the desk, at the angle the camera is placed at it looks like all the paper is being thrown at the camera. This scene is meant to show the artist losing patience with his job and giving it up to pursue his musical career aspirations.

Scene 11

This scene is another scene that has fast cutting showing the artist walking towards the door and out the door. For this scene the artist is shown to be walking out of the camera, this is done by the camera been zoomed into the back of the artists jacket. Throughout the artists walk towards the door the camera cuts showing the artist to almost jump further through the scene.

Scene 12This scene shows the artist playing on stage as though he is playing a show, this is him practicing for what he hopes to be a performance if his career develops.