http://Learning-Layers-eu – Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters – [email protected] http://Learning-Layers-eu – Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters – [email protected] Learning Layers g up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters Scaling Informal Learning Designing tools and an infrastructure for workplace learning Tobias Ley, Institute of Informatics,Tallinn University, Estonia Talk at MINDTREK OPEN MIND 2015, Tampere, Finland, 22 September 2015 Organisation logo 1 (drop here)

Scaling Informal Learning - Tools and Infrastructure for Workplace Learning

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Learning LayersScaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters

Scaling Informal Learning Designing tools and an infrastructure for workplace learningTobias Ley, Institute of Informatics,Tallinn University, Estonia Talk at MINDTREK OPEN MIND 2015, Tampere, Finland, 22 September 2015

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Scaling Learning?


Villemard, 1910: À l' École, Bibliotèque national de Francehttp://expositions.bnf.fr/utopie/grand/3_95b1.htm

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The Dilemma of Informal Learning at the Workplace

How do people learn at the workplace?• Ask colleagues, search for help, try

things out, learn from experience• Learning is informal, connected to work

practices, multi-episodic, just-in time [Hart 2011, Kooken 2009]

How do learning technologies look like? • follow traditional training models • based on direct classroom instruction

and courses transfered to the screen [Kraiger 2008]

highly effective individualized



does not scale

not persistent

few benefit


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Mechanisms for Scaling Informal Learning

• Address learning in work practices• Unlock peer production and organisational

learning• Scaffolding for meaningful learning • Build on common scalable infrastructure• Scale through regional clusters

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Mechanisms for Scaling Informal Learning

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Deployment & SustainabilityScaling in Regional Clusters

Architecture & Integration LayerIntegration through Common Infrastructure, Software Development and Tools

Workplace Learning LayerIntegration through Workplace Learning Practices

Scaling Informal Learning: Project Architecture


Interaction Layers: An Ecosystem of Tools

Social Semantic LayerIntegration through Shared Meaning

Interacting with Physical Objects

Interacting with People

Interacting with Digital Materials

Straw Building How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

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Deployment & SustainabilityScaling in Regional Clusters

Scaling Informal Learning: Project Architecture


Interaction Layers: An Ecosystem of Tools

Social Semantic LayerIntegration through Shared Meaning

Interacting with Physical Objects

Interacting with People

Interacting with Digital Materials

Straw Building How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

Architecture & Integration LayerIntegration through Common Infrastructure, Software Development and Tools

Workplace Learning LayerIntegration through Workplace Learning Practices

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Learning in Work Practices


Ley, T., Cook, J., Dennerlein, S., Kravcik, M., Kunzmann, C., Pata, K., Purma, J., Sandars, J., Santos, P., Schmidt, A., Al-Smadi, M., Trattner, C. (2014). Scaling informal learning at the workplace: a model and four designs from a large-scale design-based research effort. British Journal of Educational Technology, in press.

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/7165372144/Seattle Municipal Archives


Building & Construction

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Straw Building

How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

One possible Construction Scenario

Explaining the use of a new construction technique and materials on site

Making video material available on site through QR tagsUse of video recording and


Further questions on the use of the technique connected to site

Material, questions and best practices collected and


Collection transformed into instructional material to

enhance traditional training

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One possible Healthcare Scenario

Two practice staff visit a NHS training on a new guideline for dementia

Staff collect materials from training and further research for their revalidation

Other staff ask questions

about the guideline

Material and questions evolve into a local implementation

plan for the practice

Other regional practices and the CSU join the effort to learn about implementation problems and practices

Implementation Plan



X3-POZ Dementia

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How We Do Research

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Contextual Inquiry & Design-based Research



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Contextual Inquiry & Design-based Research



context cards


user stories

stories of contextual factors

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Deployment & SustainabilityScaling in Regional Clusters

Scaling Informal Learning: Project Architecture


Social Semantic LayerIntegration through Shared Meaning

Straw Building How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

Architecture & Integration LayerIntegration through Common Infrastructure, Software Development and Tools

Workplace Learning LayerIntegration through Workplace Learning Practices

Interaction Layers: An Ecosystem of Tools

Interacting with Physical Objects

Interacting with People

Interacting with Digital Materials

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Scaling Informal Learning Interactions


Ley, T., Cook, J., Dennerlein, S., Kravcik, M., Kunzmann, C., Pata, K., Purma, J., Sandars, J., Santos, P., Schmidt, A., Al-Smadi, M., Trattner, C. (2014). Scaling informal learning at the workplace: a model and four designs from a large-scale design-based research effort. British Journal of Educational Technology, in press.

Tomberg, V., Smadi, M., Treasure-Jones, T., & Ley, T. (2013). A Sensemaking Interface for Supporting Doctor’s Learning at the Workplace – A Paper Prototype Study. In M. Divitini, T. Ley, S. Lindstaedt, V. Pammer, & M. Prilla (Eds.), Proceedings of ECTEL meets ECSCW 2013, the Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning, Sept. 21, 2013, Cyprus (pp. 54–58). Aachen: CEUR Workahop Proceedings. Retrieved from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1047/paper12.pdf

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Two Examples


E-portfolio Bits and Pieces

Boundary objects AchSo!

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AchSo! Mobile Learning on the Construction Site


Video: http://vimeo.com/84383004Software: http://developer.learning-layers.eu/tools/ach-so/

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Social Augmented Reality Prototype



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Bits and Pieces - Sensemaking about Learning Experiences


Software: http://developer.learning-layers.eu/tools/bits-and-pieces/Running Demo

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Deployment & SustainabilityScaling in Regional Clusters

Scaling Informal Learning: Project Architecture


Interaction Layers: An Ecosystem of Tools

Interacting with Physical Objects

Interacting with People

Interacting with Digital Materials

Architecture & Integration LayerIntegration through Common Infrastructure, Software Development and Tools

Workplace Learning LayerIntegration through Workplace Learning Practices

Social Semantic LayerIntegration through Shared Meaning

Straw Building How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

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Scaling Meaning Making


Seitlinger, P., & Ley, T. (2014). Verbatim and semantic imitation in indexing resources on the Web: A fuzzy-trace account of social tagging. Applied Cognitive Psychology, in press.

Seitlinger, P., & Ley, T. (2012). Implicit Imitation in Social Tagging: Familiarity and Semantic Reconstruction. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012) (pp. 1631–1640). New York: ACM Press.

Seitlinger, P., Kowald, D., Trattner, C., & Ley, T. (2013). Recommending Tags with a Model of Human Categorization. In Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM’13, Oct. 27–Nov. 1, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. (pp. 2381–2386). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2505515.2505625

Kump, B., Moskaliuk, J., Dennerlein, S., & Ley, T. (2013). Tracing knowledge co-evolution in a realistic course setting: A wiki-based field experiment. Computers & Education, 69, 60–70.

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How shared meaning emerges in Artefact-Mediated collaboration

• How do people come to agreement on meaning in the world?

• Shared Meaning is a result of social practices and negotiation around concrete things (Wenger, 1998)

• Semantic Stabilization happens over time as people describe things (Wagner et al., 2014)


ToiletHow To

Lightning SolutionX3-PJC


PLC Equipment

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Who When Where What ... ... ... ... ... ...

An Artefact Actor Network

User Profile

Resource Profile

Topic Modeling


Each interaction increases the network ...

... and is tracked in the history

Trust and Social Network

Traces of the Network History

Knowledge is built by people interacting with other people and artefacts

New Information displayed to Support User Interactions

Intelligent Services derive new information






Who When Where What ... ... ... ... ... ...

Who When Where What ... ... ... ... ... ...

Who When Where What ... ... ... ... ... ...

Whom to ask? What to read and watch? Who are the experts? What do people talk about?What’s the quality?

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A recommender that mimics human thinking

• How do you describe this resource?

• A mechanisms that guesses the words that you will use

• Two step process: – First generate meaning– Then produce words


Dementia GuidelineNHS

Seitlinger, P., Kowald, D., Trattner, C., & Ley, T. (2013). Recommending Tags with a Model of Human Categorization. In Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM’13, Oct. 27–Nov. 1, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. (pp. 2381–2386). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2505515.2505625

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Deployment & SustainabilityScaling in Regional Clusters

Scaling Informal Learning: Project Architecture


Interaction Layers: An Ecosystem of Tools

Social Semantic LayerIntegration through Shared Meaning

Interacting with Physical Objects

Interacting with People

Interacting with Digital Materials

Straw Building How To


X3-POZ PLC Equipment

Workplace Learning LayerIntegration through Workplace Learning Practices

Architecture & Integration LayerIntegration through Common Infrastructure, Software Development and Tools

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A Layers Box for flexible deployment







LAPPSLayers App Store

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Componentized Architecture and the Layers Box

Componentized Architecture based on Services, APIs and Docker Containers

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The Layers Box in Bad Zwischenahn

Delivery of the first Layers Box to the Training Center of the Northern German Construction Industry

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DevOps Life Cycle

• Rapid release cycles• Strong feedback loop

• Continuous integration• Continuous delivery• Continuous deployment

• Containerized microservices

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DevOpsUse Life Cyclefor Continuous Innovation

Involving end users in the designand development process

• ideas and needs• co-design• beta testing• context adaptation• awareness

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Open Source Strategy: Developer Hub


►Check Webinars for how we use these tools!

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Developer Hub

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Requirements Bazaar

• Web-based open continuous innovation platform

• Easy to use for end users• Social features for communication between end

users and developers• Support for distributed teams• Shall increase commitment of stakeholders• Open API to embed it into apps

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Requirements Bazaar forContinuous Innovation

Incorporating DevOpsUse practices

Requirements Bazaar Kanban Board Responsive Design

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Project Consortium

Basiskarte: digitale-europakarte.de

Project Coordination

Learning Technology Research

Regional Application Clusters

Scaling Partners

Technology Partners

Health Care – Leeds

Construction & Building – Bremen

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Scaling Informal Learning: A Multifaceted Challenge

• Designing technology that blends into work practices and supports informal learning is a major challenge

• An ecosystem of tools can be integrated by technologies that learn about meaning from interactions in social practices

• Scaling the technology rests on a componentized architecture based on APIs that is adaptable and controllable for SMEs

• EU projects can successfully follow an Open Source Development Strategy


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Learning Layers


Tobias LeyTallinn University

Institute of [email protected]

skype tobias_leyTwitter @tobold


Learning Layers ProjectICT EU-FP7, 12mEUR, 2012-2016

Web: http://learning-layers.euSoftware: http://github.com/learning-layers