Safeguarding record management webinar - February 2015

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“Research and Serious Case Reviews have

repeatedly shown the dangers of failing

to take effective action. Poor practice


• failing to act on and refer the early

signs of abuse and neglect

• poor record keeping

• failing to listen to the views of the


• failing to re-assess concerns when

situations do not improve

• sharing information too slowly

• a lack of challenge to those who

appear not to be taking action”

• law of confidentiality

• mutual trust and confidence between

employer and employee

• Human Rights Act 1998 (Article 8 -

right to a private and family life)

• Data Protection Act 1998

• divorced non-resident father asks for

copies of records about their child

held by the school

• pupil reveals they are being abused by

a family member

• parents of pupil with eating disorder

asks for the school to provide


• LA ask you to provide information in

relation to a social care investigation

• police ask you to provide information

about a pupil or member of staff as

part of an investigation they are



• child welfare concerns


• Single Central Record

• DBS checks

• concerns about possible risk posed by

employees or school volunteers

Data must be

1. fairly and lawfully processed

2. processed for limited specified


3. adequate, relevant and not excessive

for those purposes

4. accurate and up to date

5. kept for no longer than necessary

6. processed in accordance with the

data subject’s rights under the DPA

7. kept secure

8. not transferred to non-EEA (European

Economic Areas) without adequate


• any concern or suspicion that gives

staff cause for concern about a child

• any disclosures or allegations made

whether or not this appears trivial or

results in an external referral

• in writing

• a standard form can be helpful

• a typed record is preferable but retain

any contemporaneous handwritten


• avoid jargon or unsupported opinions

(e.g. expressing the opinion that the

child is not telling the truth) – keep in

mind who might see it in the future

Should be started where

• concerns have been raised about the

welfare or well being of a student

(internal or external)

• a student makes a disclosure

• information is passed to the school by

the student’s previous school

• must be kept separate from the child’s

general school records but mark the

general record (e.g. coloured sticker)

to indicate that there is a child

protection file

• ensure all forms, referrals, reports,

notes, correspondence etc relating to

the student are retained on one file

• siblings – ensure files are cross-

referenced but be cautious about what

information about the other sibling is


• access to the information on file

should be on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

amongst staff

• transition – new school; nursery to

primary school; primary to secondary

school; secondary school to college

• child protection files should be

forwarded to the new school without

delay i.e. within five school days

• send separately from the child’s

general school file

• keep a copy of the file until you have

confirmation that the new school has

received it and then destroy the copy

• must maintain a list of records which

have been destroyed and who

authorised their destruction

• only collect information that you need

for a specific purpose

• store it securely

• only retain as much information as you


• ensure stored information is relevant

and up to date

• only retain information for as long as

you need it

• follow the DPA guidelines to ensure

information is shared appropriately -

necessary, proportionate, relevant,

accurate, timely and secure

• be open and honest from the outset

about why, what, how and with whom

information will or could be shared

• share with consent if possible

• consider the safely and wellbeing of


• share personal information securely

• keep detailed records: date and time,

the reason for sharing, what type of

information you shared, who

authorised it, how you shared the

information and the recipient’s name,

job title, organisation and telephone


• seek advice if you are unsure

• section 576 of Education Act 1996 – ‘parents’

for the purposes of education law

‐ all natural parents (whether married or


‐ anyone who has parental responsibility


‐ any person (even though not a natural

parent) who has care of the child

• generally, anyone who is a parent has the

right to participate in decisions relating to

their child’s education and receive

information about their child from the


• mother automatically from birth

• father if married to mother when child

born or since married her

• unmarried father where

‐ child born from December 2003

and jointly register the birth

‐ obtains a PR agreement from the


‐ obtains a PR order from the court

• PR can also be acquired by others via

‐ residence order

‐ appointment as guardian

‐ adoption

‐ emergency protection order

‐ naming in a care order (local


• regulation 5 of Education (Pupil

Information) (England) Regulations


• applies to maintained schools and

independent special schools only (not


• school must make available for

inspection or provide a copy of a

pupil’s “educational record” if

requested to do so in writing by a


• must be supplied within 15 school days

of request

• any information processed by/on behalf of

governing body which:

• relates to pupil or former pupil of the

school; and

• originated from/was supplied by any

member of staff, the pupil themselves or

a parent of that pupil

• GB must not disclose any information which

they would be prohibited from sharing with

the pupil themselves under the DPA or which

that pupil would have no right to access

themselves (consider third party


• specifically includes a statement of SEN and

personal education plan

All schools

• parents may make subject access

requests on behalf of their child for

information about them if the child

does not have capacity to make the

request themselves

• includes child protection files

• request must be in writing

Can refuse in some circumstances e.g.

• providing information about social

services or related activities would be

likely to prejudice the carrying out of

social work by causing serious harm to

the physical or mental health or

condition of the child or any other


• releasing the information would be

likely to prejudice an ongoing criminal


• confidential communications between

client and professional legal adviser

• Assess each request on a case-by-case


‐ provide information in full

‐ advise that information is held but

cannot be disclosed

‐ make no mention that information

is held

• where other agencies are involved,

advise them that a request has been

made and agree the wording of a


• keep detailed records of your decision-

making process, including from whom

advice has been sought and when and

the rationale for your decision (based

on DPA guidelines)

• seek your own legal advice if you are


Who does it cover?

• all staff (including supply staff) who

work at the school

• all others who work in regular contact

with children in the school or college,

including volunteers

• for independent schools, academies

and free schools, all members of the

proprietor body

What information should be retained?

• whether or not the following checks

have been carried out or certificates

obtained, and the date on which the

checks were completed

• identity check; barred list check;

enhanced DBS check; prohibition from

teaching check; further checks on

people living or working outside the

UK; a check of professional

qualifications; & checks to establish

the person’s right to work in the UK

• once the SCR has been updated, the

certificate should be destroyed

• not good practice to retain copies

• KCS states that retained copies should

not be kept for more than 6 months

Allegations that a person who works with

children has:

• behaved in a way that has harmed a

child or may have harmed a child

• possibly committed a criminal offence

against or related to a child

• behaved towards a child or children in

a way that indicates they may pose a

risk of harm to children

What should be retained?

• a clear and comprehensive summary

of the allegation, details of how the

allegation was followed up and

resolved, and a note of any action

taken and decisions reached

Where should it be retained?

• a copy kept on an employee’s

confidential personnel file

• a copy provided to the person


How long should it be retained?

• at least until the person has reached

normal retirement age or for a period

of 10 years from the date of the

allegation if that is longer

False, unsubstantiated or malicious


• allegations that are found to have

been malicious should be removed

from personnel records

• false, unsubstantiated or malicious

allegations should not be referred to in

employer references

Katie Michelon | 0115 976 6189

[email protected]