Rules and procedures

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  • 2. Rules Lets decide together! Think about it: Why do we need rules in the classroom?
  • 3. What happens when you make a poor choice? Consequences follow! First time warning Second time seat away Third time parents notified by you, miss a recess
  • 4. Coming to Attention I will ring my bell to get your attention, or flick the lights on and off.
  • 5. Before School Starts Line up at cafeteria doors if you are having breakfast. When done eating, play on the north playground. When the bell rings, line up by the north doors next to the ramp (two lines). Stand quietly in line. Wait for Mrs. Marsden to come get you. Please smile and greet her.
  • 6. Beginning the Day Enter the room politely. Take materials out of your backpack. Put backpack and coats on the coatrack. Place your homework on the corner of your desk. Get started on bellwork. When bellwork is complete read silently.
  • 7. Entering the Room Enter the room quietly and politely Do not interrupt other students. Begin work or Wait for instructions from the teacher.
  • 8. Lining Up Stand up quietly and push in your chair. Take all necessary materials. Teacher will excuse the quietest table first. Line up without talking or touching other people. Face forward and watch where you are going.
  • 9. Using the Restroom You are expected to use the restroom before school, before recess, and before lunch. You will be given ten tickets at the beginning of each term. If I am not teaching the whole class, quietly walk over to me with your bathroom ticket. Only one girl and one boy may use the restroom at a time. Take the hall pass with you. You have two minutes to use the restroom. Unused tickets are collected at the end of the grading period for a drawing.
  • 10. Getting a Drink When I am not teaching the class, you may get a drink from the drinking fountain. There should only be one person at the fountain at a time. Do not talk. Wipe away any water that you spill.
  • 11. Getting a Tissue You may get a tissue whenever you need one. Throw away used tissues immediately. Make sure it lands in the trash can. Get right back to work.
  • 12. Throwing Away Trash When I am not teaching the whole class, you may throw away trash whenever needed. Do NOT play basketball with your trash. Make sure all the trash lands in the trash can, even if it isnt yours.
  • 13. Sharpening Your Pencil You may NOT sharpen your pencil during the school day. If your pencil breaks, walk quietly to the pencil station. Place your broken pencil in the appropriate basket. Take a newly sharpened pencil from the basket.
  • 14. V.I.P.s Each day I will choose one girl and one boy to be my V.I.P.s. These students are my special helpers throughout the day. Their responsibilities include: Passing out papers Acting as line leaders Sharpening pencils at the end of the day Other tasks as needed.
  • 15. Table Leaders Each student is assigned a table number. Each day a letter will be posted on the board. The student who is assigned the number is the table leader for the day. He or she is responsible for: Collecting or turning in assignments Gathering and putting materials away for the group Acting as spokesperson for the group
  • 16. Cooperative Table Groups We will be working together to achieve our learning goals. Mrs. Marsden will award table points for groups that: Work as a team with every member contributing. Follow directions the first time. Work quietly during independent work time. Are neat and tidy. Show respect and kindness.
  • 17. Ending the Day Take out your planner, and write the nights homework in it. When your table group is called, you may gather your backpack. Check your mail every night. Clear off your desk. Pick up any trash around your desk (even if it is not yours!) Stand quietly behind your desk when you are ready to be dismissed.
  • 18. Using the Class Library During your silent reading time, you may take a book from the class library. There should be no more than three people at the bookshelves. Take only ONE book at a time. Please take care of the book. Keep it in the classroom. When you have finished the book return it to the shelf.
  • 19. Headings on Papers Make sure you write your name on all worksheets. Any assignments completed on a sheet of lined paper needs a heading. On the top right hand of your paper, write your first and last name (in cursive). Under your name, write the days date. Points may be deducted from papers with no names or headings.
  • 20. Passing in Papers When I collect papers, each table will hand their work to the days table leader. The table leader will quietly place the work in the appropriate basket.