Hospitale Manegment System Repot File PRESENTED BY M.Waseem Akram Hasnat Raza Muzzamil Khan Naqqash KHalil

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System Repot File


M.Waseem Akram

Hasnat Raza Muzzamil Khan

Naqqash KHalil

Repot File Hospital Management System

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The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful

completion of any task would be incomplete without the

mention of people whose cease less cooperation made it

possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement

crown all efforts with success. I am grateful to our project

guide Miss Eng. Bushra Fazal and lab Eng. Ammarah for

the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions

that helpful us in the preparation of this project. I also

thank my colleagues who have helped in successful

completion of the project.

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Our project Hospital Management system includes

registration of patients, storing their details into the

system, and also computerized billing in the pharmacy,

and labs. Our software has the facility to give a unique id

for every patient and stores the details of every patient

and the staff automatically. It includes a search facility to

know the current status of each room. User can search

availability of a doctor and the details of a patient using

the id. The Hospital Management System can be entered

using a username and password. It is accessible either by

an administrator or receptionist. Only they can add data

into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The

interface is very user-friendly. The data are well

protected for personal use and makes the data processing

very fast.

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Table of Contents Chapter 01 .................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................ 2

Work Flow .................................................................................................. 3

Chapter 02 .................................................................................................... 4

Design .......................................................................................................... 5

ERD of Project ............................................................................................ 6




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Chapter 01

Introduction to Organization

Hospital Management System

Description of the project: Hospital are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to

people suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in climatic

conditions, increased work-load, emotional trauma stress etc. It is necessary for the

hospitals to keep track of its day-to-day activities & records of its patients, doctors,

nurses, ward boys and other staff personals that keep the hospital running smoothly

& successfully.

But keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very

cumbersome and error prone. It also is very inefficient and a time-consuming

process Observing the continuous increase in population and number of people

visiting the hospital. Recording and maintaining all these records is highly

unreliable, inefficient and error-prone. It is also not economically & technically

feasible to maintain these records on paper.

Thus keeping the working of the manual system as the basis of our project. We

have developed an automated version of the manual system, named as “Hospital

Management System”.

The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90%. It also

aims at providing low-cost reliable automation of the existing systems. The system

also provides excellent security of data at every level of user-system interaction

and also provides robust & reliable storage and backup facilities.

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Objectives of the system:

The project “Hospital management system” is aimed to develop to maintain the day –to-

day state of admission/discharge of patients, list of doctors, reports generation, and etc. It is

designed to achieve the following objectives:

1. To computerize all details regarding patient details & hospital details.

2. Scheduling the appointment of patient with doctors to make it convenient for


3. Scheduling the services of specialized doctors and emergency properly so

that facilities provided by hospital are fully utilized in effective and efficient


4. If the medical store issues medicines to patients, it should reduce the stock

status of the medical store and vice-versa.

5. It should be able to handle the test reports of patients conducted in the

pathology lab of the hospital.

6. The inventory should be updated automatically whenever a transaction is


7. The information of the patients should be kept up to date and there record

should be kept in the system for historical purposes.

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Primary data collection

Raw data (also known as primary data) is a term for data collected from a source. Raw

data has not been subjected to processing or any other manipulation, and are also referred

to as primary data.

Primary data is a type of information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by

means of surveys, observation or experimentation. It is data that has not been previously

published and is derived from a new or original research study and collected at the source

such as in marketing.

Primary data collection are observed and recorded directly from

respondents. The information collected is directly related to the specific

research problem identified. All the questions that one asks the respondents

must be totally unbiased and formulated so that all the different respondents

understand it.

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Software Requirement Specification

A Software requirements specification (SRS), a requirements specification for a

software system, is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be

developed and may include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users

will have with the software. In addition it also contains non-functional

requirements. Non-functional requirements impose constraints on the design or

implementation (such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards,

or design constraints).

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

CFD: – Context Flow Diagram

DFD: – Data Flow Diagram

IDE: – Integrated Development Environment

SQL: – Structured Query Language

SRS: – Software Requirement Specification.

GUI: - Graphical User Interface

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Chapter 02:

Design & ERD

Data Flow



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Complete ERD

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Chapter 03

Implementation (CODE)

create table hospital


code int primary key,

city varchar(100),

name varchar(100),

country varchar(100),

total_staff int,

tel varchar(100)



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create table reception(

code int,

id int primary key,

name varchar(100),

city varchar(100),

age int,

tel varchar(100)



create table pateint(

name varchar(100),

age int primary key,

id int,

city varchar(100),

bloodgrp varchar(100),

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country varchar(100),

contact_no varchar(100)



create table surgeon(

name varchar(100),

age int,

id int primary key,

city varchar(100),

country varchar(100),

contact_no varchar(100)



create table bloodbank(

name varchar(100),

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age int,

id int,

city varchar(100),

bloodgrp varchar(100),

contact_no varchar(100)



alter table reception add constraint fk_code foreign key(code)

references hospital(code)

alter table pateint add constraint fk_id foreign key(id) references


alter table surgeon add constraint fk_age foreign key (age) references


alter table bloodbank add constraint fk_iid foreign key (id) references



insert into hospital(code,city,name,country,total_staff,tel)

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insert into reception(code,id,name,city,age,tel)


insert into reception(code,id,name,city,age,tel)


insert into reception(code,id,name,city,age,tel)


insert into reception(code,id,name,city,age,tel)



insert into pateint(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,country,contact_no)


insert into pateint(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,country,contact_no)

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values ('Hasnat',13,01,'Karachi','A+ve','Pakistan','03425678540')

insert into pateint(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,country,contact_no)

values ('Muzzamil',14,01,'Lahore','A-ve','Pakistan','0345678903')

insert into pateint(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,country,contact_no)

values ('Naqqash',15,01,'Karachi','A+ve','Pakistan','03213456703')


insert into surgeon(name,age,id,city,country,contact_no)


insert into surgeon(name,age,id,city,country,contact_no)


insert into surgeon(name,age,id,city,country,contact_no)


insert into surgeon(name,age,id,city,country,contact_no)

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insert into bloodbank(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,contact_no)

values ('waseem',12,0323,'Lhr','A','021357689043')

insert into bloodbank(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,contact_no)

values ('Hasnat',13,032,'Isb','B','03456784390')

insert into bloodbank(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,contact_no)

values ('Muzzamil',14,0132,'Kci','A','03255867431')

insert into bloodbank(name,age,id,city,bloodgrp,contact_no)

values ('Naqqash',16,01323,'Lhr','A','03224758352')
