RED ALERT response paper By HERS Intern : Harry Enggaard “We haven’t really begun to understand the damage we are bringing to bear on the sustainability of our planet” says executive director of UN environment programme, Achim Steiner. This quote says most of what Dr. wildcats book is circling around. The fact that we now are in a state of over consuming the world into a collapse. It would be fair to say that all options at this time should be open for discussion and for realization. I want to build the response letter to Dr.Wildcat on the “ web of life “ quote that he mentions on page 5. This for me gives the an exact description on what this is all about and what context I want to put this in. If we could go back to basic and only use what we need , if we could adapt to an indian peoples way of thinking. To live in harmony with nature and natures resources. This world could be a great place to live with a lot less concerns. If we could eliminate greed and money I think we would have a good platform to start. When this is said we have to respond to the fact that we didn’t go this way and now face a climate changing rapidly. Few years ago the discussion was if climate change was natural periodical changes in weather systems or human created problems. Now science can document that the last of these is a fact. I would like to recognize that we western thinking people could learn a great deal of indignious peoples sustainable way of living, but I also recognize the truth of today that we cant change the past. We can learn from it. So from this standpoint I think we should build the life web of today, based on the back to basic principle. I agree to indigenous peoples view and traditions that say that reality is more than facts and figures, it should be a matter of taking respect,responsibilities and humillity into all aspects of life and living beings. But is this a possibility today.. ? How can we make the chinese understand that the American and western way of living isn’t what they should want…how can we explain ..how can we convince the less developed countries…now when they have seen what consuming can give..they wont forget..so the RED ALERT should be a matter of damage control and finding ways to reduce the impact of the peoples consuming and exploitation of mother earth.. and finding solutions to what the impacts will cause..along with an good example of what the life web in the future could look like in an, for example, indigenous peoples inspired way of living. Indigneous realism , as mentioned in the book, would support above three lines well. The new life web should contain a change of mentality and a change of culture towards becoming aware of the serious and dangerous position we have brought mother earth and ourselves in.Though this awareness, in my opinion, cannot come with scary scenario lectures from either indigenous peoples or from scientists..this has to come from within your mindset..so we need to setup longterm changing of our lifestyle, becoming a part of a sustainable life web.

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RED  ALERT  response  paper    -­‐    

By  HERS  Intern  :  Harry  Enggaard  


“We  haven’t  really  begun  to  understand  the  damage  we  are  bringing  to  bear  on  the  sustainability  of  our  planet”    says  executive  director  of  UN  environment  programme,  Achim  Steiner.  

This  quote  says  most  of  what  Dr.  wildcats  book  is  circling  around.  The  fact  that  we  now  are  in  a  state  of  

over  consuming  the  world  into  a  collapse.  It  would  be  fair  to  say  that  all  options  at  this  time  should  be  open  for  discussion  and  for  realization.    

I  want  to  build  the  response  letter  to  Dr.Wildcat  on  the  “  web  of  life  “  quote  that  he  mentions  on  page  5.  This  for  me  gives  the  an  exact  description  on  what  this  is  all  about  and  what  context  I  want  to  put  this  in.  

If  we  could  go  back  to  basic  and  only  use  what  we  need  ,  if  we  could  adapt  to  an  indian  peoples  way  of  thinking.  To  live  in  harmony  with  nature  and  natures  resources.  This  world  could  be  a  great  place  to  live  with  a  lot  less  concerns.  If  we  could  eliminate  greed  and  money  I  think  we  would  have  a  good  platform  

to  start.  

When  this  is  said  we  have  to  respond  to  the  fact  that  we  didn’t  go  this  way  and  now  face  a  climate  changing  rapidly.  Few  years  ago  the  discussion  was  if  climate  change  was  natural  periodical  changes  in  weather  systems  or  human  created  problems.  Now  science  can  document  that  the  last  of  these  is  a  fact.  

I  would  like  to  recognize  that  we  western  thinking  people  could  learn  a  great  deal  of  indignious  peoples  sustainable  way  of  living,  but  I  also  recognize  the  truth  of  today  that  we  cant  change  the  past.  We  can  learn  from  it.    

So  from  this  standpoint  I  think  we  should  build  the  life  web  of  today,  based  on  the  back  to  basic  

principle.  I  agree  to  indigenous  peoples  view  and  traditions  that  say  that  reality  is  more  than  facts  and  figures,  it  should  be  a  matter  of  taking  respect,responsibilities  and  humillity  into  all  aspects  of  life  and  

living  beings.  But  is  this  a  possibility  today..  ?  How  can  we  make  the  chinese  understand  that  the  American  and  western    way  of  living  isn’t  what  they  should  want…how  can  we  explain  ..how  can  we  convince  the  less  developed  countries…now  when  they  have  seen  what  consuming  can  give..they  wont  

forget..so  the  RED  ALERT  should  be  a  matter  of  damage  control  and  finding  ways  to  reduce  the  impact  of  the  peoples  consuming  and  exploitation  of  mother  earth..  and  finding  solutions  to  what  the  impacts  will  cause..along  with  an  good  example  of  what  the  life  web  in  the  future  could  look  like  in  an,  for  

example,  indigenous  peoples  inspired  way  of  living.  Indigneous  realism  ,  as  mentioned  in  the  book,  would  support  above  three  lines  well.  

The  new  life  web  should  contain  a  change  of  mentality  and  a  change  of  culture  towards  becoming  aware  of  the  serious  and  dangerous  position  we  have  brought  mother  earth  and  ourselves  in.Though  this  

awareness,  in  my  opinion,  cannot  come  with  scary  scenario  lectures  from  either  indigenous  peoples  or  from  scientists..this  has  to  come  from  within  your  mindset..so  we  need  to  setup  longterm  changing  of  our  lifestyle,  becoming  a  part  of  a  sustainable  life  web.  

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This  book  is  for  me  an  interesting  and  inspirational  way  of  how  we  can  change  our  way  of  living,  and  how  we  could  take  on  many  of  indigenous  peoples  life  values  and  use  them  in  a  new  and  constructive  

way  of  living  on  earth.  

As  for  my  own  country  Greenland,  we  are  experiencing  the  changes  and  climate  impacts  with  our  eyes  ,which  would  be  the  eye  opener  everybody  would  practically  need  to  understand  where  we  stand  at  this  point  in  time.  Unfortunately  it  is  then  quite  too  late  to  do  something  about  it  by  then..but  this  shows  

that,  apparently,  this  is  the  only  way  for  people  to  take  it  seriously  enough.  The  red  alert  is  visual,  by  far,  in  Greenland.  This  makes  me  understand  that  this  must  have  a  very  high  priority  where  we  live,  but  I  do  not  understand  why  it  is  not  high  on  the  political  agenda  ..If  we  cannot  do  it  in  Greenland  where  we  see  

and  feel  the  changes..how  could  we  then  make  this  top  priority  elsewhere  ?  

Dr.Wildcat  asks  the  fundamental  question”  can  we  act  boldly,irrespective  of  a  guaranteed  outcome?  “  yes..is  the  answer..if  we  are  aware  that  we  can  find  the  solution  to  a  new  way  of  thinking  life..  within  the  native  wisdom  which  has  proven  its  existence  and  justification  over  several  hundreds  of  years..we  

should  listen  and  learn..  we  need  to  step  out  of  our  comfortzones  ..not  to  be  ignorants  and  selfish..to  build  a  secure  and  decent  world  for  our  children  to  live  in..  isn’t  that  reason  enough  ..It  makes  me  angry  to  read  this  book,  because  it  is  so  right  and  so  obvious  what  is  written  and  documented  in  Red  

Alert..now  we  just  need  the  western  world  to  make  a  similar  version  of  red  alert..based  on  lifevalues  similar.  

We  must  forget  all  about  “one  size  fits  all”  we  need  to  open  our  eyes  and  listen..  we  need  to  hear  the  different  statements  about  what  is  actually  happening  from  the  people  and  places  who  are  experiencing  

it.  We  need  now  to  collaborate  everybody  ,not  point  fingers.  We  need  to  forget  about  greed  and  selfishness.    

As  it  is  said  on  page  60  by  Chief  Joseph  ”  we  may  quarrel  about  things  on  earth  ..    however  this  RED  

ALERT  is  an  invitation  to  start  a  dialogue  without  being  quarrelsome”…      This  is  exactly  what  I  think  this  book  is  all  about..  an  invitation..  a  good  example  of  how  we  can  collaborate..via  dialogues..    

Every  people  ,every  country  should  do  a  RED  ALERT..on  this  platform  ,  and  only  on  this..  the  world  should  agree  to  make  a  new  life  web  ..  based  on  true  and  sustainable  values  just  like  indigenous  people  

did  before  western  powers  and  technology  came  and  ruined  it.  Unfortunately  it  seems  to  me  that  time  is  running  out..the  speed  of  what  we  have  started  will  and  can  only  be  stopped  by  mother  earth.    

I  like  the  comment  from  Dr.  Wildcat  “  This  Alert  is  a  wakeup  call”  ,  this  book  with  indignious  peoples  life  views,  serves  the  wakeup  call  very  well.  

“  Wake  up  and  act..  responsible  !  “