Question 3 Feedback

Question 3

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Question 3


Where is the feedback from?

I asked two of my friends that have backgrounds in media to prove me with some user feedback on my video.

Hannah’s feedback

• Hannah mentioned some strengths were that the lip sync was timed well. She also said the thought beats were at good times. Another strength she said was good use of performance as well as narrative. She said some of the weaknesses included not enough variety of shots, more different scenes could have been used and the character that is being sung about could have been involved.

Ron’s feedback

• Ron mentioned some strengths were thought beats and that he understood the story because of the lyrics. He said some of the weaknesses were I could have involved more thought beats, shortened the performance footage because some was too long and to have a variety of shots.

What I learned• Through this feedback I can clearly tell that my weaknesses in

the creation of my music video was that it lacked ambitious shots and backgrounds. I could have scouted for more interesting places to shoot and created a much better music video that way. I should also get more long shots and different range shots of my characters as the vast majority of shots were medium close ups. The weakness about performance shots being too long was something I was thinking about during the creation of my video, and they definitely ended up longer than I intended. This goes against my idea of showing off narrative as much as possible because the performance might intrude on the narrative.


• My strengths being thought beats and the use of performance shows me that I am going along the right lines with the shared narrative/performance screen time, I just need to learn to even out and balance these things better. If I was going to create my product again I would try to have a wider variety of shots for the narrative and shorter performance shots.