Question 2 and 3

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Page 2: Question 2 and 3

There could be many different social groups that would read my magazine, but I was aiming for the type of young people that love R&B and rap. There could be many stereotypes that come along with the people that would read my magazine. For example, some stereotypes would be young black people who might be ‘ghetto’ or like to cause disruption. Another stereotype to do with their clothing could be people who wear tracksuits and have ‘bling’ like grills or chains or wear caps. Another stereotype could be the white boys who hang around on estates, some could be cockney. However, I attempted to make this magazine not too R&B so that the type of people to read my magazine would just be people that enjoy the music.

What are the types of social groups that are represented in your magazine? What is their stereotype?

I have opened up my magazine to not only people who enjoy hard core rap, but people who like pop stars as well such as Nicki Minaj and Beyonce. This allows the social group to be wider and the stereotypes to not be so harsh. So my magazine could also get many girls who like to dance to big girl names .

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I have represented them in a way that is a bit toned down from the stereotype. In my magazine, my main model that I have used for my front cover and double page spread is wearing a puffer jacket, a black hooded jumper and black jeans. Most rappers and R&B artists wear dark clothes or wear white. This could be what a typical teenager would wear if they listened to this type of music. The location also represents the kind of stereotypes and social groups that would read my magazine. On my double page spread, I used a graffiti background on a bridge and on many of the little photos it’s the same background or it’s of train tracks and buildings. This represents the stereotypes since graffiti is often associated with deviance since people who do graffiti are seen to be delinquents. The train tracks also show the area type, one stereotype of the readers could be that they live in estates, the location shows that it is a rundown area that could be moving up due to the tall buildings in the background. My article is all about my artist growing up in the ‘ghetto’ and making it big, therefore it could relate to my readers and inspire them. The fonts and colours that I have used aren’t bright colours since most R&B magazines use a dull effect, however I included the red so that the magazine could catch readers eyes and red is a good colour to use in a colour scheme since its not too cheery. For example, if I used yellow, it wouldn’t fit with my target audience.The fonts that I used were san serif throughout, so the chosen fonts were blocky, easy to read and went with my genre. This has represented my audience since if it used serif, it would represent a whole different social group.

How have you represented them?

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This is the NRS social grade. My target audience would mostly be in grade E. This would be because I want to aim the magazine at mostly 16-20 year olds which are students and young adults. My magazines target audience could also fit in grade B since grade B has creative and media people. This could be people in the social media or in the music industries therefore they would also like to read all about upcoming stars and the top events that are happening in the creative world. Therefore from this NRS social grade, the people who would read my magazine wont have a high income since most of them would be students and either still living with their parents or in university debt. But the people in the social grade of B could be very wealthy since they work in creative businesses and have control over media so there are two very different types of people that could possibly read this magazine.

Target Audience- NRS social grade

I’ve tried mostly to aim this magazine at boys from the ages of 16-20, however I attempted to appeal to a minor girl audience as well by including big girl names such as Beyonce.

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The aim of the psychographics is to figure out an audience by looking at their behaviour and personality traits. One of the psychographics that I think my target audience could fit into is aspirers. The stereotypes of my audience shows that the young people that are obsessed with how they look more than anything else. They are also mostly young people therefore this psychographic would fit quite well. Another psychographic that could work is explorers. This would be because most of them are younger demographic students and have energy and individualism which is what I want most of my audience to have.In a sense, my magazines audience could also be strugglers since the stereotype would say that the audience likes to party which means alcohol and maybe they would be disorganised for example if they didn’t know what to do with their future but all they knew is the music they liked, they would buy the magazine for their own personal enjoyment.

Target Audience-Psychographics