QUANTIFIER 2 nd ESO English Grammar Judith Vegas , Ona Oviedo, Dylan Nunes, Sergi Garci ❤

Quantifiers project G6

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2nd ESOEnglish Grammar

Judith Vegas , Ona Oviedo , Dylan Nunes , Sergi Garcia❤️ 🙋🏽 👳🏿 👿

Page 2: Quantifiers project G6


•A quantifier is a type of determiner, is an expression that indicates the number of time a name is repeated.

Examples:1. Many 2. Few

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For countable nouns•too many – massa - I have too many pencils

in my bag•many – molts - Maia has many friends•a few – uns quants - You can take a few of

the bottles•few – pocs- She left the last few carrots.•several – diversos- They collect several

stamps•none of – cap de- I have none of them

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For uncountable nouns•too much – massa - The cake has too much

sugar•not much – no gaire - This year not much has

changed.•a little – una mica - I saved a little cereals

every morning• little – poc - They have little money to spend.•a bit of – una mica de - Give me a bit of meat• A good deal of- Una bona part de - There is

a good deal of that cheese in the fridge.

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For countable and uncountable nouns•all of – tot - I have all of your toys•some – alguns- Some people live in Spain•most of – la majoria de- Most of my ice cream is of

vanilla.•(not) enough  – no es suficient- There's not enough

space for more toys.•a lot of – molt de- I have a lot of these books• lots of – molts- I have lots of newspapers in my

house•plenty of– molts - There are plenty of good friends

in the school•a lack of– una manca de - There is a lack of food in


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