Professional development reflection: a) Choose the 3 most important characteristics of good ESL teachers according to Allen (1980). Give your reasoning. Harold B. Allen is one of the many experts who have contributed to the characteristics of a ''good'' language teacher. This author proposes nine items that describe professional ESL teachers, they are: 1. Competent preparation leading to a degree en TESL 2. A love of the English Language 3. Critical thinking 4. The persistent urge to upgrade oneself 5. Self- subordination 6. Readiness to go the extra mile 7. Cultural adaptability 8. Professional citizenship 9. A feeling of excitement about one’s work . The ability to be a good ESL teacher requires constant updating, this means that teachers must be prepared with necessary knowledge and carry out a process of quality education. For this reason, I have selected the following exceptional qualities that an ESL teacher should adopt:

Professional development reflection

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Professional development reflection:

a) Choose the 3 most important characteristics of good ESL teachers according to Allen

(1980). Give your reasoning.

Harold B. Allen is one of the many experts who have contributed to the characteristics of a

''good'' language teacher. This author proposes nine items that describe professional ESL

teachers, they are:

1. Competent preparation leading to a degree en TESL

2. A love of the English Language

3. Critical thinking

4. The persistent urge to upgrade oneself

5. Self- subordination

6. Readiness to go the extra mile

7. Cultural adaptability

8. Professional citizenship

9. A feeling of excitement about one’s work.

The ability to be a good ESL teacher requires constant updating, this means that teachers

must be prepared with necessary knowledge and carry out a process of quality education.

For this reason, I have selected the following exceptional qualities that an ESL teacher

should adopt:

1. Critical thinking: I believe that critical thinking is a pillar in the education of the future.

That's why teachers should teach critical thinking to their students. In this way, learners can

analyze statements, build structures of thought valid for society, and ultimately this will

allow them to reason for themselves, building their own answers. Unfortunately, the

education system tends not encourage critical thinking, since learning is prioritized through

repetition, memorization and follow certain patterns such as learning standards. Therefore,

the ability to think in depth has no place in the students to the extent that a teacher's motive.

For that reason, it is important that a teacher encourages students to develop their

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responses, defending their ideas, and support their arguments. Furthermore, a good ESL

teacher introduces students in all areas of learning, making the student to express their

opinion consistently. The students initially make mistakes in drawing their own

conclusions; however, a good teacher monitors the cognitive processes that students

experience. Thus, the teacher does not make negative judgments, teacher listens attentively

to their students, encourages the exchange of ideas, and through this the student will

understand the principles of their peers and learn to reach consensus.

Certainly, it is difficult to educate students by making them think, but a good teacher can do

since its objective is to educate. Likewise, the good professor has confidence in all students,

this refers to students with high and low performance are able to develop critical thinking.

Finally, a good ESL teacher analyzes the skills of students, he / she ensures the future of

education and encouraging students reasoning of complex concepts that they can not

understand in their mother tongue. It is true that not all students are linguistic geniuses, but

most strive to learn English as a second language. A good teacher will assume that students

make mistakes more than once, however, he / she will be happy to explain the contents

using different techniques without letting the student as an incompetent one. The good

teacher adapts to the needs of their students, learning styles etc. Therefore, the teacher

encourages students to think, without necessarily sticking strictly to a lesson plan.

2. The persistent urge to upgrade oneself:

Training should be a constant need for professionalization. Thus, a successful teacher is one

who constantly is perfected. In our educational system, few teachers are subjected to

training due to factors such as the high economic cost, lack of resources for schools,

insufficient information etc. However, if the opportunity is not given at school or through

management teams, the teacher should take initiative. I think is vital that the teacher want

to overcome as everything evolves, particularly in the school context. Therefore, this

training will benefit you to know about new interests of students, new curriculum theories

etc. These elements may be useful to them, because after teacher can assume leadership in

management teams, allowing a wide professional development training.

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The desire for self-improvement, not only allows the teacher to share their own

perspectives but also enrich them with input from other professionals. Through the search

for answers to questions arising in teaching, the good teacher is a reflective person. A good

teacher must meet this attribute; otherwise the teaching quality of education can be

affected. This implies that the academic is enabled for their required educational function,

and the training will help them to achieve an advanced application of such knowledge in

the classroom.

Regrettably, pedagogy is devalued in Chile, plenty of people believe that everyone can be a

teacher. However, it is required a thorough knowledge in fields such as linguistics, English

grammar, and practice sessions in schools. I think we are far from changing the reality in

Chile; nonetheless, a good teacher is not discouraged, they still struggling to their goals and


3. A feeling of excitement about one’s work.

Numerous studies have concluded that students learn a language quickly, if they have fun

doing it. An exceptional teacher is responsible for provides enthusiasm and motivates their

students by preparing lessons, fun activities such as role play, songs etc. Hence, Instead of

being a tedious lesson for students and for teachers, the lessons will become pleasant and

easy to understand. As a result, the teacher will want to plan lessons for the training of

students and will be rewarded for their students. Thus, when the teacher is motivated,

he/she will focus those energies into promoting and proposing new goals. On the other

hand, a motivated teacher influences positively in the behavior of their students which are

exposed in a learning environment. This indicates that the working environment and the

relationship with the students will be more enjoyable. Otherwise, the Professor will spread

negative aspects and consequently the motivation of the teacher could cause damage.

Another point to consider is that motivated people performs quality work, in this case, the

motivation of teachers is reflected in the marks of their students. So that, if the motivation

is missing, there will not be enough energy to achieve the objectives. I think its personal

responsibility to develop motivation. This means it is the responsibility of each teacher

develops motivation. By generating a positive attitude towards work and set short and long

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term objectives, the teacher will feel personal satisfaction. Finally, a good ESL teacher

identify what motivates him, and also knows his personal goals. When a teacher feels

supported either by their teaching methods, or strategies, he will feel praised. As a result of

the recognition, the teacher will set new challenges achievable.

b) According to Ur, are teachers of English in Chile professionals?

It is true that there is a distinction between teachers due to their teaching career and

experience classifying them as experts and novices. Usually, professionals often use

technical words due to their experience in education. Fortunately, they have created groups

where they share experiences and create opportunities for those who are beginning to study

pedagogy. According to Ur, the amateurs often make their classes with different objectives

to those made by professionals. This means that amateurs make lessons for fun, they can do

it well or badly, because they are still learning the process; however, professionals are not

allowed to make mistakes, because they are hired with the guarantee of being competent.

I think that Chilean teachers do not meet fully the proposed profile by Ur, since becoming a

professional people should have a career in college, evaluations (test INICIA), and rely on

what is established on the plans and programs study given by the ministry of education.

According to my experience in the progressive teaching practices, teachers meet to reflect

on academic progress but they do not carry out the solutions to stop school failure. Despite

this, the teachers share experiences among themselves, such as the relationship with the

students, parents etc. On the other hand, the Chilean teacher has the ability to listen to

constructive criticism or ideas from education researchers. At this point, I want to

emphasize that I think Chilean teachers are almost professionals because they are deciding

whether proposals or ideas given by the ministry of education should be concretized. They

know the current needs and struggle for injustice that can be eradicated.

Hence, professionals prioritize action. Chilean teachers have characteristics of academics;

nevertheless, the distribution of teaching hours in semesters are not enough to make a

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thorough investigation. For this reason, they not only focus on real time problems,

promoting action but also in research.

To conclude, I believe that Chilean teachers are aware of their weaknesses and are

strengthened in order to become professionals. In recent years, teachers, students and

parents are joining together for a cause, what is quality education, which involves the

teaching career. Besides, The guild has joined in a national level being a community and

struggling to the same goals. Moreover, new training courses are being implemented in

different universities for teachers to continue learning. Lastly, new teachers are supported

by those who have more experience.

c) What is action research? Why is it important in the classroom?

Action research has multiple definitions and it is used with a variety of uses and meanings.

According to Brown, action research is also known as classroom-based research and it

means a language that offers opportunities to collaborate with other teachers and creatively

rewarding. On the other hand, according to Anne Burns, action research relates to reflective

practice and the teacher acts as researcher. AR refers to a practice inquiry conducted by

teachers and refers to teaching contexts, based on a self-reflective approach, critical

(problematic) and systematic in order to improve the quality of the action in the education

and social system.

The teacher plays the role of researcher of teaching context. AR has objectives such as

identifying a problematic situation or relevant issues for educators, curriculum

development, professional self-development, improve education programs, improve

planning etc. All these goals require action strategies that are preliminarily implemented

and are subsequently subjected to observation, reflection on human actions and situations

experienced by teachers, and finally to a change which seeks to amend the situation.

Noteworthy that improvements as a result of the investigation are based on information,

data collected researcher action.

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Action research can be reflected in the classroom when the teacher identifies a problem or

an area he/she wants to improve and intervenes to encourage change. The positive changes

can be emulated; otherwise, the cycle can be started again. So, it is important that this

reflective process occurs in the classroom, because the teacher can identify problems that

students are experiencing at the time - learning. As a result, the teacher will improve their

teaching practice and also he/she will find out the best methodology, learning styles which

will benefit the curriculum and students. On the other hand, the AR process is relevant,

because it meets the following features: It is a systematic process, submits testing practices,

is oriented to praxis, is collaborative, involves collecting, recording and analyzing of own

judgments, is participatory, is a dynamic process that involves changes that directly

intercede in people.