1. IJSCC Jury / Judge Opportunity. Independent Jural Society Community Court A Power Point that explains the social and biblical opportunity (duty) to serve as a juror / judge. [1] Basis of Jurisdiction : *Free Inhabitants may convene, and conduct, a court of record, as authorized by the Word of God, over acts that occur in their jurisdiction (community). All acts done by this Court are done without the United States. (Last updated 4-10-2014) To view latest version go to > http://freeinhabitant.info/free-inhabitant-court/independent-jural-society-community-court-of-free-inhabitants.htm

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Page 1: Ppt, ijscc intro, court, community, 1

1. IJSCC Jury / Judge Opportunity.Independent Jural Society

Community Court

A Power Point that explains the social and biblical opportunity (duty) to serve as a juror / judge.

[1] Basis of Jurisdiction: *Free Inhabitants may convene, and conduct, a court of record, as authorized

by the Word of God, over acts that occur in their jurisdiction (community). All acts done by this Court are

done without the United States.(Last updated 4-10-2014)

To view latest version go to > http://freeinhabitant.info/free-inhabitant-court/independent-jural-society-community-court-of-free-inhabitants.htm

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2. INDEX, by slide page

1. Jurisdiction of the Court.2. Index.3. What is a Community Court?4. Why is the community court established?5. Is a “court” a location?6. What are the basic components of a scriptural community court proceeding?7. What working components does the IJSCcourt(s) consist of?8. Terms Defined in this power point. (*)9. How is the determination of a community court enforced?10. Is a juror safe in making a determination for a community court?11. What is wrong with taking court issues to the already existing US courts?14. Participate.15. Applicable Scripture.16. Are United States (secular governments) courts to be the only courts?18. Comments, Suggestions. Play Sons of Liberty mp3.19. The court does have blood on its hands. Play Court Clip, mp3.20. FAQ – other Frequently Asked Questions.21. Always Conform to Gods Word.

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3. What is a Community Court?

1. Biblically the “court” was the “city gates” (city square) (a general location for making (recording/witnessing) a private or public record or claim) for a given community. In our case a community court is a place for a fair hearing of disputed issues, and claims for damages.2. Besides being part of a city’s protection against invaders, city gates were places of central activity in biblical times. It was at the city gates that important business transactions were made, court was convened, and public announcements were heralded. Accordingly, it is natural that the Bible frequently speaks of “sitting in the gate” or of the activities that took place at the gate. In Proverbs 1, wisdom is personified: “At the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech” (verse 21). To spread her words to the maximum number of people, Wisdom took to the gates. Such gates were offices /office buildings / places of records, legal notice. Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/city-gate.html#ixzz2oQ5slgbn3. Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established. Proverbs 15:22 KJV4. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

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4. Why are community courts established?

1. In a nutshell, “to protect”.2. To promote God’s will (Word).3. A scriptural protection of property, and its use.4. Protection of liberty and enjoyment of life.5. To enforce agreements (contracts) between people that engage in business at that central jurisdiction. 6. Protection from encroachment from other claims of governance. In our present lives, it is often used as protection from unauthorized intrusion by UNITED STATES agents. 7. God’s community court (Word) is the only court that has jurisdiction, and this authority operates upon, and over, all of God’s creation. Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

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5. Is a “court” a location?

1. Yes in many ways it is location specific. Yet those who aid in the determinations only need to meet scriptural standards.2. The word court itself is territorial in nature, much like we meet at a court to play tennis.3. In a broader sense it is the gathering of men, of wisdom, to make a fair, documented, determination on the presented matter.4. In days of old men had to be face to face or correspond by mailings. Today the internet can bring such men together efficiently, simultaneously providing an official record.

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6. What are the basic components of a scriptural community court proceeding?

They are the same as historical “due process”.

• 1. Clear “sworn” written statement of the original claim.

• 2. Clear chronological written “sworn” statement of alleged damages.

• 3. Itemized ledger accounting of damages.

• 4. “Sworn” service (notice) upon all parties.

• 5. Opportunity (time, place, record) for all parties to answer, and/or present a counter claim.

• 6. Record of all proceedings available to the public without cost.

• 7. Fairness to all involved based on God’s Word.

• 8. Jurors, Judges, and Clerks with complete dependence on God, without partiality.

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7. What working components does the IJSCCourt(s) consist of?

• 1. One court clerk who oversees the national records.

• 2. One court clerk who oversees the local district records.

• 3. One court clerk who oversees the county records.

• 4. A jury pool who meets scriptural standards.

• 5. The court will provide a system for presenting claims, service, discovery, submission of evidence, and opportunity to cross examine all witnesses, all by internet.

• 6. Each case will have an aiding court clerk at the local level, if many cases start running clerks will be appointed from the jury pool.

• 7. We hope to create a pool of funds somehow to pay clerks and jurors that will not compromise the impartiality of the decision makers. Until such time we will all serve without payment.

• 8. A “juror” is synonymous with judge. The clerk will act as a referee to insure that all opportunity is provided to all parties involved in the case litigation.

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8. *Terms Defined in this IJSCourt.• A• B• biblical – referencing on the Word of God. • C• clerk – aiding the needs of both the plaintiff and the defendant to insure a fair trial.• community – gathering of people for a common need.• court – a tool to accomplish a fair trial. The term “court” in this presentation means IJSCcourt, unless otherwise described.• D• E• F• free inhabitant – men living independent of the United States.• G• H• I• independent – not of the United States legal system, being of the “people” governed by God.• J• judge – one who makes determinations based on the Scripture of God.• jural – organized group to conduct a court.• jury / juror - one who makes determinations based on the Scripture of God. • K• L• M• N• O• opportunity – meaning full time and meaningful access to all court actions.• P• Q• R• S• scriptural – based on the written Word of God, the Bible, the Book.• service – mailing of the original claim, assembled by a court clerk, given to the plaintiff for mailing by a notary republic by certified return receipt US

mailing. • society – people working together for a specific common goal. • T• U• V• W• X• Y• Z

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9. How is a determination (judgment) of a community court enforced?

1. Foremost, the jury, judges, and clerks, have no association with enforcement, they only make written determinations based on biblical principles.2. Who then has enforcement authority? Each individual can, by the authority from God, take a valid determination and get what is rightfully his.3. Anyone with a valid judgment can go into any jurisdiction that respects determinations that are just (God’s

Word Derived, having full due process). The US courts presently are instructed to respect such judgments.4. To do that which is “just” can not be a violation of any law. Therefore all acts to do “just” that, while respecting general law, is how one executes the judgment.5. And yes the county sheriff will often help. (US Marshals and County Sheriffs are US agents.)

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10. Is a juror safe in making a determination for a community court?

1. YES.2. It is impossible, when doing an act authorized by God, to break a law.3. All law comes from God, no law comes from any other source.4. IJCC jurors / judges have never been harassed, prosecuted, or charged, for simply making a written document that is a “best effort” determination to follow God’s will associated with a given case.5. Any challenges that United States courts have ever entertained in the past, as associated with a community court, is when a court gave a false appearance of being operational by United States written law (authority). This community court has no association with United States and is clearly communicated throughout is documents. Its authority comes “only” from the written Word of God.

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11. What is wrong with taking court issues to the already existing US courts.

1. God wants us to call upon people and courts that respect and fear Him - United States courts seldom do this. Seeking specific counselor judgments that are not pleasing to Him are always against His will, this is sin.2. Every area on earth is God’s jurisdiction. His Word is to be the supreme law of the land. His constitution trumps all others.3. If United States courts had absolute jurisdiction then no other court would have jurisdiction.4. United States courts legally have jurisdiction only over United States lands, therefore if a given activity took place on land that is notUnited States owned land then it is not of the jurisdiction of United States courts. It can only go to these US courts legally by the consent of both parties.5. Community courts are presently used for acts that take place on land that is not of United States, i.e., private land that has an owner other than the styled name “The United States of America”. See: “Free Inhabitant ONE A” PPT. Each juror may have this 5$ presentation for free if they seek additional information from this INTRO.

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6. I personally choose, by God’s grace, a community court that honors God. . (Joshua 24:15) but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

7. United States courts promote abortion, fornication, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, murder, theft, blasphemy, basically everything God hates the United States courts supports in one way or another.

8. God is just. United States courts are not just, they are unjust.

9. God commands us to seek His, i.e., courts of honor, truth, justice, and justness. Is it not sin to do otherwise?

10. Think about it: shall we make pleadings to a court that is unjust, or to one that strives for His justice?

11. Do not be fooled in thinking that God’s Will, God’s Word, and God’s Court is not to be applied everywhere.

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12. If God’s people do not let the light of God’s Word shine who will? Do not cover it - that is sin.

13. If a court that follows God’s will has not jurisdiction which court has jurisdiction? The one that rejects God?

14. Men of God shrink not back, be the head not the tail, govern as instructed, be not governed by godlessness, fail us not.

15. Do your Father’s will, attend His courts, govern.

16. Be the minutemen of your century.

17. Be not part of the apostate (falling away), but rather of the holding fast.

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14. Participate1. Having received this presentation is evidence that you show

signs of leadership.2. We seek jurors that can vow to be impartial and are willing to

rely on God’s written Word as the “supreme law of the land”.3. If you sense the Lords is leading you to participate in these

community courts, contact this court clerk for additional information.

[email protected]. The free (5$) Territorial Jurisdiction power point will be sent to

you by email immediately for your interest in this ever important employment.

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15. Applicable Scripture1. (Proverbs 29:2) When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (KJV) 2. (2 Samuel 23:3) He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.3. (2 Chronicles 19:5-7) Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts. 4. (Isaiah 1:26) And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors (lawyers) as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.5. (Exodus 18:21) Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:6. (Psalms 22:27-28) For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. 7. (2 Chronicles 19:9) And he charged them, saying, Thus shall you do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.8. (Proverbs 15:22) Without counsel plans go wrong: but in the multitude of counselors they are established. 9. (Psalm 99:4) The strength of the King loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.10. (Psalm 98:9) …He will judge the world with righteousness… And the peoples with equity.11. (Joshua 24:15) And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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16. Are United States (secular governments) courts to be the only courts?

Upon my study of twenty plus years I, as a lawyer, find that, as with United States constituted courts, these courts are established for United States purposes. Meaning: they are for issues pertaining to deal with United States chartered permissions, “limited” to specific land, and apply only United States written law (legislative). If the land is not owned by the chartered United States then it is private, and all acts on this non-United States land has its original jurisdiction of/by/in the people, not United States. Free people are not ever free from God’s governance. Free people remain subject to the “rule of law”, that is God’s Law, and God’s Constitution. God’s law is the only foundation of the courts. We in “America” shall not govern except by God’s Constitution (Word), anything else is an abrogationof God’s will. Independent people (jurors) seeking God’s will are the highest earthly court upon this land we call America.

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17. I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.

Though Jefferson is speaking of the US courts, nervertheless the same principle applies to the people’s community courts (the peoples government).

Twelve men seeking God will generally arrive at a fair, biblical, judgment whereas no number of men not following God will ever serve justly. For as Jesus did not trust in man, we too should follow his wisdom. (John 2:24) “But Jesus did not trust himself unto them, for that he knew all men,…”

United States courts reject the Word of God and are forbidden to take judicial notice of God’s Word. They are no longer courts of God’s constitution, possibly never have been. As for me and my house I will seek the council (courts) that “Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

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18. Comments, Suggestions

1. Please contact the court clerk if any words in this presentation need defined. Your question will be added to the FAQ list below.

2. If any part of this presentation is lacking or is ambiguous please contact the court clerk by email and give your suggestion.

3. Any act of this court that is found not to be compliant with God’s Word is null and void.

4. Inform the court clerk by Email that you would like to participate. Serving can be on a temporary basis. [email protected]

5. Presently this PPT is in a form that “one” can prayerfully invite others to this same IJSCC website.

(< click to play Sons of Liberty) And to all, Gods speed.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slx8CCjoL4E < see movie.

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19. The court does have blood on their hands. • First Click the speaker below to hear the 1 minute story, then follow along.• The day has finally arrived, a day that I have been praying for for many years.• Finally a chance for a court to give me justice, ten long years of theft and destruction

without just cause.• I had a good case; I could easily show that all was done without law.• I enter the courtroom, full of anticipation, full of hope.• A case was closing; the plaintiff’s evidence was everywhere, filling every available space.• I was numbed as I viewed the 50 million dead babies, aborted life, that the Plaintiff gathered

for supporting evidence before the court.• Then I heard it, a calm voice, a judge, began to speak, saying – the Plaintiff has presented it’s

evidence, the defendant rebutted, the court finds that the Plaintiff lacks a claim for the United States constitution has no provision to aid the unborn and therefore this court cannot act, court rules in favor of the defendant.

• Some cheered, others cried, I stayed seated, looking, staring, thinking why can they not see the dead, the young dead.

• The evidence was cleared from the court, my name was called, as I approached the judge was wiping blood off his bench, then he said, almost boasting, excuse us the court seems to have blood on our hands.

• Looking up at me he asked what justice are you seeking.• I stood speechless for a short time, then I said; justice, just justice, as I walked away.• As I drove home I asked the Lord to show me a court of justice, a court my community can

use to get HIS justice,---- a court that seeks God’s justice.• If clicking on speaker fails click blue box, then• click on MP3 line on opening new page. > (online!)

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20. FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between juror and judge?

Answer- There is no difference, they are interchangeable.

2. How are the determinations (judgments) enforced?

Answer- Enforcement has nothing to do with the clerks, or jurors. Most enforcement will be done by liens. Most any form of enforcement that we witness today is available to this courts participants. Any enforcement that the Word of God allows.

3. If I become a juror can I get attacked by the US courts? No, the juror has no contact with the US courts, only the Plaintiff will interact with the US courts when necessary, the juror has complete independence.

4. Can I join only as a spectator until I get more comfortable? Yes, we can add you so that you can have the full package and access to ongoing cases so that you can gain confidence in the process.

5. How much time will it take? Often times the cases are very simple and may only take less than an half-hour of your time. The clerks will keep it as simple as possible. If a juror finds it to taxing they can always respectably resign.

6. How many jurors are generally on each case? Twelve (12) jurors, There is no limit, if there is a great deal of interest hundreds of people could potentially aid in the determinations, where the majority vote would prevail.

7. Why are twelve (12) jurors often found on a given case historically? Some say that it started based on Jesus had twelve (12) core men called as witnesses (His disciples).

8. Is the court name significant? No, it just symbolized the courts intent, the real significant is a fair court not the name of the court.

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21. Always Conform to GODS WORD

1. "Some men look at constitutions (court rules) with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. " --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:40

2. ((We too must ever be ready to amend to be compliant to God’s Word.))