Power of media

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Media : what do we talk about ?

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Which power ?A necessar and very large power

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When you’re looking for information about something, what do you do ? How do you get knowledge about your personal interests ?

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The power to influence public opinion

We can see how much the media can influence the public opinion.The mass media plays an important role in forming our personality, enriching our knowledge, providing us with information of any kind.

Mass media can have an effect on our personal identity: it can help us to feel that we are part of a group (social networks) but on the other hand it can contribute to a feeling of isolation.

Media can […] can shape the way we perceive certain groups of society – minority groups, pressure groups…mass media is powerful because it makes us believe what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (reality TV).

Source : https://anglaispourlebac.com/tag/lieux-et-formes-de-pouvoir-anglais-bac/

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Historic cases

One of them, David Laws has become famous because he only stayed 18 days in service, the case of fraud being fully exposed by the Daily Telegraph right after he was appointed.Some analysts even add that British tabloids use their power to discredit those who cross them. As John Whittingdale, a conservative politician, said : « The tabloid press (...) make or break reputations ».

The Watergate Wikileaks

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Counter Power

The press is commonly nicknamed the 4th power. The three first powers being the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers.

By extension, the 4th power refers to the various means of communication which can be used as counter powers to limit the three other powers. The media have become so influential that they can be considered as a power in itself.

Indeed, there is no denying that the freedom of the media is the guarantee of the healthy functioning of a democracy. It can thus be used as a lobby against political misconducts for instance. These scandals are usually referred to by the press as «sleaze ». We can find several examples of secretaries of State who had to resign because of revelations of financial scandals by the press.

Source : http://static.education.francetv.fr/media/doc/fiche-lieux-formes-pouvoir.pdf

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What is the journalist meant to do / not to do ? TO RELEASE INFORMATION : Communiquer des informations

TO SHED LIGHT ON : Mettre la lumière sur

TO HARM THE REPUTATION / DISCREDIT : Nuire à la réputation


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A conditionned powerIn which conditions can media do their job well ?

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Press freedom


Cliquez sur l'icône pour ajouter une image

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Which one is your favorite frontpage ?

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Courrier International, 10 novembre 2016

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Is the best way to make audience… the best way to inform ?http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/leslie-moonves-donald-trump-may-871464

Read : In a post-truth election, clicks trump facts. By Matthew Jordan. 26 octobre 2016 on https://theconversation.com/in-a-post-truth-election-clicks-trump-facts-67274

Cable news organizations are expected to break records with US$2.5 billion in profits this election

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What do people read the most on the web ? Is the sharing system the best way to get information ? Do you check what you receive from friends ?From http://www.courrierinternational.com/ November 18, 11:02 AM BuzzFeed révèle qu’au cours des derniers mois de la campagne présidentielle américaine, les articles relayant de fausses informations ont peu à peu gagné en viralité sur Facebook, jusqu’à générer plus de partages et de “j’aime” que les articles les plus lus des médias classiques.

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How do media get money to function ? Advertising Sales Subsidy ? What about internet media ?

How can it impact their work ?

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Economic limits

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Can the media tell anything about anyone ?http://www.frugaldad.com/media-consolidation-infographic/

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Une société post-vérité ? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/jul/12/how-technology-disrupted-the-truth

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To have the choiceTo make your own opinion, you’ve to know the different choices you haveDo you know the different parts of the debate ?

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Does the algorithm let you know the different informations ?

Les réseaux sociaux nous ciblent de façon toujours plus pointue et ne nous font parvenir que les informations qui nous conforteront dans nos propres opinions. Des moyens pour lutter contre simplifications et désinformation existent. From http://www.liberation.fr/debats/2016/11/16/des-algorithmes-dangereux-pour-le-debat-democratique_1528858

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Label fast-checking de google

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YOU make the informationPouvoir des médias :

Conditions d’existence de ce pouvoir des médias (pour que les médias puissent bien faire leur travail)

Comment bénéficier de ce pouvoir sans le subir :

•former l’opinion, la personnalité

•4e pouvoir, contre pouvoir

•la liberté•l’indépendance économique (et le temps qui va avec)•une éthique : respect de la pluralité d’opinion, impartialité•… honnêteté, vérification des faits

Diversifier ses sources, lire des idées contraires, des avis différentsNe pas subir l’algorithme des réseaux. Repérer des sources

Identifier les sources : quel est le parti pris ? le sérieux et la fiabilité ? L’auteur cite-t-il des faits vérifiés, des sources reconnues ?

Ne pas contribuer à la viralité de fausses informations - stop au partage immédiat