Unidad 4: Doing the right thing. Temas: Modal verbs 1, obligation and permission, Nationality words, Request and offers. Diego Hernando Torres Valencia Pagina web: http://www.ctc.edu.c Bilingüismo: Modulo 7 CTC : Centro Tecnológico de Cúcuta

New Headway Intermediate - Unit 4 do the right thing

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Page 1: New Headway Intermediate - Unit 4 do the right thing

Unidad 4: Doing the right thing.Temas: Modal verbs 1, obligation and

permission, Nationality words, Request and offers.

Diego Hernando Torres Valencia Pagina web: http://www.ctc.edu.co/

Bilingüismo: Modulo 7

CTC : Centro Tecnológico de Cúcuta

Page 2: New Headway Intermediate - Unit 4 do the right thing

Formación Académica en Ingles


si usted no está dispuestoaprender,nadie puede ayudarle.

si usted está decididoaprendernadie puede detenerte

Diego Hernando Torres Valencia

Page 3: New Headway Intermediate - Unit 4 do the right thing


CTC: Centro Tecnologico de Cucuta. Diego Hernando Torres Valencia

Sabiduría ante todo; adquiere sabiduría;Y sobre todas tus posesiones adquiere

inteligencia. Engrandécela, y ella te engrandecerá.

Proverbios 4:7-9

Dream big : Sueña en Grande

Never give up : Nunca te rindas

Do your best : Haz lo Mejor

CONTENIDO:1. Modal verbs 12. obligation and

permission.3. Nationality words.4. Request and offers.5. …6. Bibliografia

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New headway Intermediate : Student Book: Unidad 4 : Doing the right

Modulo 7:Unidad 4

Doing The Right.



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Modulo 7:Unidad 4

Doing The Right.

YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryyKUOKCFXU&list=PL87St7ckm1RhltI5ERJLlH9q6b30NmhBk&index=4

Listening en You Tube:

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Unit 4: Doing the right thing

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questions for discussion

1. What type of verb used to express obligation and permission?

Modal verb, a kind of auxiliary verb, is often used to express permission, obligation, ability…etcEx: We should to get up early every morning.Note: Some full verbs are used to express the obligation : to have to, to have got to, to be allowedEx: You do not have to get up early on Sunday

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Please put these verbs in the correct column

Permission Obligation

can should

must be allowed

may have to

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Please give the rule of Mv(+) S + mv+ Vinf + OI can stay at my grandfather’s tonight.(-) S + mv + not + Vinf + OYou should not stay up late.(?)Mv + S + Vinf +O Yes, S + mv No, S + Mv +notCan I park here? Yes, you can No, you can not

2. What is the form of Modal verb?

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

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Listen to Megan and Laura , aged 14 and 15, what are some of the things they like and do not like about being teenager?

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What do teenagers like and dislike? Like DislikeCan go out with friends Telling parents where they’re going and Do not have to go to work what time they’re coming backCan go shopping Never have enough moneyCan go to the cinema Aren't allowed to buy what they want Do not have to pay bills can’t wear make up

Aren't allowed to chew gum Have to stay after school if they

break the rules

Have to do homework

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practicedon’t have to

can.don’t have to

have to

do you have to

aren’t allowed

have to


aren’t allowed

have got to have got to

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

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Grammar - PracticeMake question using have to or had toExample We had to get up very early to catch the busWhat time did you have to get up early?a. My mother has to go abroad a lot ( How often)How often does your mother have to go abroad?b. I have to leave tomorrow morning( What time)What time do you have to leave tomorrow morning?c. We had to waited for ages( How long)How long did you have to waited?d. I had to take my car to the garage ( Why)Why did you have to take your car to the garage?e. Peter had to stay in bed for a week? ( Why)Why did Peter have to stay in bed for a week?

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

You are not allowed to smoke here

Children do not have to pay

You can park here on Sunday

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

You are allowed to drive at the speed of 50 km/hour

You are not allowed to take photo here

You have to have Passport to come in

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

You can use before the 16 June You have to

wear seatbelts You can not

skateboard here

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You will hear Bert Atkins, who was born in 1949, talking about his school days.What does he say about the followings?

KnittingPapers and pencilChalk and a slateThe Big Boysschool

ExamsWalking to schoolA bikeLeaving schoolTalking in class

Writing lineshomework

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Knitting: All the children had to learn to knit Paper and pencils: they weren’t allowed to use paper and pencils until they were sevenChalk and slate: they had to use chalk and slate for the first two yearsThe ‘ Big boys' school: he went to the Big boys school when he was tenExams: he didn’t have to take any exams to go to Big boys schoolWalking to school: they had to walk to schoolA bike: he didn’t get a bike until he was 14Leaving school: everyone to leave school at 14Talking in class: they weren’t allowed to talk in classWriting lines: he had to write 100 lines because he arrived late to schoolHomework: he never had to do any homework.

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Unit 4 Listening and speaking

Work in groups and talk about your school rules:What weren’t/ aren’t you allowed to do?What do/ did you have to doFor example

I still remember when I was at the secondary school. My teacher was very strict with us. We had to wear the uniform on Monday and Saturday. We were not allowed to wear Jeans. We were not allowed to talk in the class. We were only allowed to

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

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Unit 4 Do the right thingGrammar - Practice

Jim is going to travel with his friend Anthony. Listen to them talking about their trip.

Use “ I think…..should or I don’t think ….should to make more suggestions. Take an idea in column A, and match it with line in column B

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Aa. ….take plenty of sun creamb. …buy a book called see the

world on$25 a dayc. ….put too much in our

backpackd. ….take anything valuablee. …..go to Australia firstf. ….go to Indonesia by boatg. …wait too long before we go

BWe might loose itI’ve got some friend who’ll put us upI want to get startedIt’ll have some good ideas about where to go and where to stayIt’ll be really hotWe won’t be able to carry it allIt’ll be cheaper than flying.

You can make suggestion like this:I think we should take plenty of sun cream because it’ll be really hotI don’t think we should put too much in our backpack because we won’t be able to carry it all

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Unit 4 Do the right thing- Practice

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Must express a strong obligationAll visitor must report to ReceptionHave to expresses a general obligation based on a law or a ruleNurses have to wear a uniformSometimes must and have to are similarI must go now. Cheerio = I have to go now. CheerioSometimes there is a difference. Must is a personal. We use must when we express our personal feelings, and say what we think is important or necessaryYou must work harderHave to is impersonal. It expresses a general obligation based on what another person tells us to doWe have to wear a stupid uniform( it’s a school rule)Have to is used to form the question and the past and futureShould expresses what is right or a good idea.. It expresses advice, or a mild obligationNOTE: mustn’t expresses a strong obligation not to do something

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Which sentence on the right goes with the sentence on the left?For example: I must have a drink of water The doctor told meI have to drink a lots of water I’m really thirsty1. a. I must do my homework tonight This is why I can not come out

with youb. I have to do my homework tonight I’m telling myself that it’s important

2. a. We must go to Paris some time Another boring business trip. Yawn!

b. We have to go to Paris next week It would be really nice3. a. I must wear something nice to the It’s the rule

discob. Men have to wear shirt and tie to I want to look goodgo to the posh restaurant

4. a. You must register for next term before It says on the notice boardThursday

b. You have to register for next term before One student is talking to another Thursday students

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Unit 4 Do the right thing Practice

Can you help me?What time do you have to start work?

We aren't allowed to wear jeans at schoolWe can not do what we want

My mother has to work very hard six days a week You should not smoke

Passengers must have a ticket

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Unit 4 Do the right thing Pre -Reading

Which adjectives in the box do you think go with nationalities belowHard working easy-going punctual friendly outgoingReserved emotional lazy hospitablesociableEnthusiastic quiet tolerant talkative formalCasual sophisticated well-dressed fun-lovingrespectfulHumorous serious nationalistic romanticNationalities: American Japanese German French Italian BritishAmerican Japanese German French Italian BritishHard workingFriendlyHospitableCasualEnthusiasticTalkative

Hard workingPunctualReservedFormalQuietRespectful

Hard workingPunctualFormalnationalistic




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Task 1.Read the article quickly and then write down things as much as possible about each nationality that you can remember and compare with your partner

American Japanese German French Italian British arrive 15 minutes earlyput their feet on the deskLike to find a geographical link with each otherEat a hamburger with two hands very quickly

not like to work and eat at the same time not drink at lunch must not put your feet on the desk must not blow your nose in public exchange business card when they first meetNot shake hand, bow young man must never try to complete a deal with an older lady

arrive on time like to talk about business before they eat can not take off your jacket and roll up your sleeves

like to eat first then talk about business have to shake hand with everyone you know in a café

may arrive up to an hour late

may arrive 15 minutes late think that every one understands their custom happy to have a business lunch with drink can take off your jacket and roll up your sleeves cool and reserved talk about the weather

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Task 2:Read the article again and work in pairs to answer these following questions:

1. Which nationalities are the most and least punctualThe most punctual is German and the least one is Italian2. Why did British think that everyone understand their custom?Because they think that the widespread understanding of their language meant a

corresponding understanding of English customs.3. Which nationalities do not like to eat and do business at the same time?They are : Japan, German, French4. Imagine that you are at a party in (a) England (b) American .How could you begin a

conversation with a stranger? Continue the conversation with your partnerIn England you should start the conversation with the topic about the weather while in

America the topic should be the geographical link. Why is it not a good idea to…say you absolutely love your Egyptian’s friend vase…go to Russia if you do not drink alcohol

Because they think they have to give it to you

Because you have to drink with your hosts

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1. Look at the entry for the word Photograph in an English- Vietnamese dictionary. Notice the different parts of speech and words are formed from the headword are given in the same entry. Look how the stress is shown? Practise saying the words in phonetic script?photography ['foutəgrɑ:f ; 'foutəgræf] danh tư, viêt tăt la photo anh; bưc anhto take a photograph of somebody/something chup anh ai/cái gito take a good photograph trông hâp dân trong anh; ăn anhngoai đông tư chup môt bưc anh cho ai/cái gito photograph the bride chup anh cô dâuto photograph the wedding chup hinh đám cươi

nôi đông tư xuât hiên môt cách thê nao đo trong anh; lên anhI always photograph badly tôi lên anh bao giơ cung xâuto photograph well ăn anhphotographic [,foutə'græfik] tính tư (thuôc) thuât nhiêp anh; chup anhphotographic equipment thiêt bi chup anh (noi vê trí nhơ) co thê nhơ ro các sư vât đung như khi nhin thây chung; như chup anha photographic style of painting lôi ve như chup anh (đu ca chi tiêt)

photographer[fə'tɔgrəfə] danh tư ngươi chup anh; nha nhiêp anhone of the best photographers in the worldPhotography [fə'tɔgrəfi] danh tư thuât nhiêp anh, thuât chup anh; sư chup anh; nghê nhiêp anh

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2.Compete the charts with the different parts of speech . The missing words are all from the article a World guide to Good Manners. Mark the stress

Verb Noun








Noun Adjective‘forgeignerShock













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3. Rewrite the sentences ,using the word initalics in a different word class.a. She gave me some advice about which clothes to wear.Sheb. How high is that wall?What’s thec. Children should never speak to strange peopleChildrend. I felt that there was someone watching me.I hade. We had a lot of difficulty in finding the way here.It was

advised me about which clothes to wear?

height of the wall?

should never speak to strangers.

a felling that there was someone watching me

very difficult for us to find the way here

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Entertaining FriendsTask 1Work in pairs to answer these questionsHave you ever been a guest in someone’s house in a foreign

countryWhen? Why? What happened?

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Task 2Listen to three people describe how they entertain guests in theirCountry and complete the chart below.



LeslieUnited States




The present that people bringsFood/drink


At 7 pm at the weekend

Tidy the front garden, clean the entrance, spray it

Foreign guest: traditional Japanese Food, all kinds of food

A gift chosen carefully


Late evening: 8’30 or 9’00

Only cooking

Wine or something for pudding

Spanish omelet with potatoes, onions, eggs, Spanish ham,

olives, wine, beer


The evening or it can be lunch

Something to eat

Wine or the food

It depends on what people bring

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Task 3Work in groups to discuss What happens in your country? Is it usual to invite people to your home for

lunch? What are such occasions like in your home?

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Filling in the formMost people hate filling in the form ! What occasions can you think of when you have to fill in the form?Applying for a job Applying for the scholarship Opening a bank account ect….What sort of information do you have to write? Name Age Marital status Address telephone number ect…

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Filling in the formForms do not usually ask questions, but they ask for information. Match in A with a question in BA BFirst name Where do you liveSurname What do you doDate of birth Where are you living nowCountry of origin Are you married or single?Present address What’s your first name?Permanent address How much do you earn a yearMarital status When were you born?Occupation What’s your surnameAnnual income Where were you born?

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1. Filling in the form (page 43)2. Doing exercise 1 (page 44)3. Preparation for the next lesson

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Find the form of “ going to” and “ will”Find the differences between the use of “ going

to” an “ will”

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1. Do all the exercises in work book. 2. Learn the conditionals and time clauses. 3. Prepare for the new lesson.

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Thanks for your attention

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ser fuerte, pero no desagradable.ser amable, pero no débil.ser audaz, pero no intimidar.ser humilde, pero no tímido.estar orgullosos, pero no arrogante.

Be strong, but not rude.Be kind, but not weak.Be bold, but do not bully.Be humble, but not shy.Be proud, but not arrogant.

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Fin de la presentación.


Copyright 2016, Todos los Derechos Reservados.

Sabiduría ante todo; adquiere sabiduría;Y sobre todas tus posesiones adquiere

inteligencia. Engrandécela, y ella te engrandecerá.

Proverbios 4:7-9

Dream big : Sueña en Grande

Never give up : Nunca te rindas

Do your best : Haz lo Mejor