Music Magazine – Mind Map

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Music Magazine – Mind Map

Mind Map

Colour Schemes

Red, White, Black

I think that this colour scheme will be applicable for the stereotypical rap music magazine genre. The colours put across an expression of an imposing magazine that is supposed to stand out from the rest.

Red and BlueI think colour scheme could work because it still gives an edge to the magazine needed in this genre. Although the blue many not put that imposing presence across enough.

White and BlackThis could work in particular on my double page spread because it gives this straight up badass emotion expression to it that works with the rap genre. Although just black and white could be to bland and not attract the reader.

Dark BlueThis choice of this colour was because the darkness represented a mustiness that is synonymous in the rap genre. Although once again in my opinion this doesn’t fit the genre I am focusing in on. As well as this it has to attract the eyes which I think Dark Blue will not be able to do.

Magazine Titles

REVAMPThis was a great choice for my magazine title because it looks to ‘inform’ (Katz) the reader that this is going to be a whole new magazine unlike any other. This is because ‘re’ and ‘vamp’ together ‘signify’ (De Saussure) a new look at the rap genre.

RAPSTARThis would be applicable because it immediately tell the reader exactly what genre they are going to be looking at. As well as this the title is simple and easy to remember.

HOLLAThis would be suitable because it is a phrase which would jump out straight away to the reader. Also this word can portrayed as one used in the rap genre a lot so it could be recognised on the shelf quite easily.

RISEThis is good choice because it gives a representation of the genre that is used a lot actually in the rap genre. As well as this it would stand to the reader because of it being a type of ‘buzz word’.

Mind Map

Other Factors

Puff/PromotionFor my magazine it is key for me to introduce a promotion because it allows my magazine being new on the market to draw in readers and develop a target audience. This will help is going to be a selling point of my magazine because readers are attracted by good promotions. For example £500 in iTunes vouchers. Images Needed

I think I need my images need to be either close ups or medium shots so they can portray the attitude that rap stars stereotypically possess. I know this because of the research I have carried out by looking and magazines such as VIBE and XXL.

Content/StoriesThe content/stories I will be covering will be relevant to what is occurring in the rap genre at the time. So they will have to be up to date with the in and outs of the biggest stories in the rap world.