Chalfonts Community College Marking and Feedback

Marking staff meeting 12.5.15

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Chalfonts Community College

Marking and Feedback

Aims of the Session

Make marking manageable whilst ensuring it has an impact…

• Improvements and Responses – Are they having an impact?

• Peer and Self assessment – Is it effective? How can it be used to reduce teacher work load?

Why is feedback so important?

Feedback is the most powerful, yet, most under used motivation tool that we have at our disposal.

Effective feedback allows students to independently make progress and help sign post their next learning steps .

Effective feedback motivates and allows opportunity for 1:1 teacher dialogue with students.

We should be using feedback :

To identify the strengths and development of learning.

To create dialogue between the student, teachers and other adults.

To create an evidence base of learning and progress over time.

To address misconceptions of learning.

To praise and acknowledge good work and effort.

To EMPOWER and MOTIVATE all learners for a successful future!

Chalfonts Community College

Marking and Feedback

Improvements and Responses Are they having an Impact?

FOCUS: Improvements Purpose:To create a dialogue between teacher, learners and other adults.

Examples of Improvements

Use positive language that is encouraging… i.e. I really like the way you have…… perhaps you could try……I wonder what would happen if…

Be constructive and concise- one development point might be enough for the student.

Set your expectations out in the improvements or in response time – how much do you want them to write? Is one sentence enough to make a difference? Or do students need to extend their ideas further?

Return to the improvement and offer feedback. Have the students met your expectation and are ready for a new challenge? Do they need to complete this again because it hasn’t had an impact?

Strength, Improvement, ResponseMARKING AND


Impact of Improvements:Improvements inform the students about what is missing from their work. The improvements should assist students and should impact on the end result in a summative assessment.

FOCUS: Response TimePurpose:To ensure students have sufficient time to respond to improvements in a focused environment. ‘Fix it Time’ or ‘DIRT’ (directed improvement and reflection time).

Examples of Response Time

Allocate 15 – 20 minutes at the start of a lesson every 2 – 3 weeks which is dedicated to responding to improvements. Explain to the task the importance of this task and what impact it can have on their learning.

Set responses for homework and make the expectation clear – how long should they spend on this and how much should they do. Homework should then be checked to ensure the expectations have been fulfilled.

Strength, Improvement, Response

Impact of Response Time:Students understand the importance of quality responses and edits because specific time is allocated to this. Students should complete this in silence so they are able to personally make progress in their learning.


Chalfonts Community College

Marking and Feedback

TASK: In your groups you will find examples of Improvements and Responses in FOLDER 1.

Discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of this feedback. Share any examples you have

brought with you.

Chalfonts Community College

Marking and Feedback

Peer and Self assessment

Is it effective? How can it be used to reduce teacher work load?

Peer and self assessment is highly effective when done well. Research shows effective peer to peer feedback is twice as powerful as teacher feedback

because students are learning in two different ways; as creator and assessor . Research also indicates

students take greater pride in work that will be peer

assessed .

Research shows that 75 % of all peer feedback actually reinforces

misconception and halts learning ! Be very careful as you may be doing more

harm then good

• Use a common mark scheme / agreed success criteria/ model answer / exemplar to support the students’ assessment. Ensure the students fully understand this before embarking on peer or self assessment.

• Model assessment and feedback with exemplar material.

• Peer or self assessment in pairs/ groups using model answer/mark scheme.

• Double peer assessment. (First student provides feedback and second student moderates.)

• Self assessment against learning goals

• Use reflective journals or personal targets.

• Best practice – students peer and self assess and the teacher moderates the comments.

Peer and Self Assessment Ideas

• Self assessment against targets learned from an exemplar.

• Keep the peer / self assessment controlled – do not allow the students to go tick crazy without guidelines.

• Individual peer or self assessment should initially be conducted in a quiet environment – can students really provide quality feedback if they are distracted?

• Create ground rules for your classroom and stick to them.

• Do not allow students to provide comments that are not on the agreed success criteria e.g. your handwriting could be neater…

• Teacher moderation of the peer / self assessment.

Peer and Self Assessment Ideas

Chalfonts Community College

Marking and Feedback

TASK: In your groups you will find examples of Peer and Self Assessment in FOLDER 2. Discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of this feedback.

Share any examples you have brought with you.

Evaluation of the Session

Please complete your registers and evaluations and hand in before you leave.

What will you do differently as a result of today’s meeting?

How can you make your marking more manageable and have more of an impact?