Indie Of The Known Pitch

Magazine Pitch - Media Studies

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Indie OfThe KnownPitch

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The working title at the moment is Indie.Of.TheiKnown. It’s a name that let’s you know which genre is the focus of the magazine whilst making you believe we’re in the know, a current and exclusive magazine. The title, unlike most magazines, is more than one word. This is due to it being based on a saying. I believe this will work as it attracts the audience due to it sounding familiar to the reader. I was hesitant to put the genre itself in the title as I worried it would scare of other readers, but it works well with the rest of the title and I think because it has more than one word that will reflect the fact that it has more than one genre which means it’ll attract a wider audience. The name also rolls easily of your tongue and only uses simple words – making it perfect for creating a memorable name.

Working Title

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The audience research showed that most readers wanted to read about the indie.pop genre, with bands like Twenty One Pilots being more pleasing to the reader than other current artists. This means my magazine will focus on that genre, but as my audience has shown interest in a wide range of genres – my magazine won’t be limited to just Indie Pop. Some other genres my readers would like to know about include pop, hip hop and a bit of rock and Korean pop (k-pop). My magazine will focus on artist within those genres that are not far from the Indie Pop genre, focusing on related artists will make the magazine seem more logical to the reader – and brighten the chances of every reader finding new music artist they’ll enjoy.


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My audience isn’t big on reading and would prefer an annual magazine and I’ll price it at eleven.pounds. This gives us a wide range of article ideas we can use as the time between articles will be more spaced out than weekly or monthly magazines. We can write articles about the top moments in music over the past year, we could even have an entire section where we give ‘awards of the year’. An annual magazine is unusual and means that in order for us to keep selling we will have to make people remember us even a year after reading us for the first time, or make our readers sign up for a subscription the first time they pick up our magazine.

Publication and Price

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As my magazine will only be published once a year readers expect more content than a weekly or monthly magazine. And due to the price range being quite expensive I’ve decided aihundrediandisixtyipages is a nice amount of content for the price and the consistency of the magazine. The hundred and sixty pages will include fifty pages of in depth articles/interviews, forty pages of reviews, twenty pages of commercial, ten pages of gossip, twenty pages of articles not limited to music (columns, fashion, stories, how to articles etc), and twenty pages where we review the years best and worst moments, artists etc. The magazine will have a hundred and sixty pages of variations on the same topic.

Amount Of Pages

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The magazine will be an annually one due to the wish of our audience. And not only does that mean we need more content, it also means we need more memorableiarticles. According to our readers they like a bit of everything. An in depth article, some light interviews, some gossip, tons of reviews etc. Our readers want the magazine to be a rollercoaster of great music and that’s what we’ll give them. We’ll have in depth articles with their favourite artists, we’ll follow tours and review every show, we’ll keep them up to date on the gossip, we’ll remind them of the year that has been and the new music they’ve learned to love the last year.


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Our main focus will be on in depth articles and reviews, as those were the most popular demands by our readers in the survey they participated in. This means we have some space to not always focus on the current trends, but sometimes just re-visit an old album or gain new appreciation for an old artist we used to like but no longer see anything about – except for in our magazine, where we won’t have expiration dates on our readers favourite artists. We’ll also include reviews of festivals, where we’ll focus on the vibe of the event.
