LESSON PLAN ON CLIL Teacher: Marta Barrachina

Lesson plan presentation marta barrachina

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Teacher: Marta Barrachina

Page 2: Lesson plan presentation marta barrachina


This is a Power Point Presentationwhere you can see the developingof my lesson plan.

My 2nd grade students whereworking on a project aboutromans, that is why I decided to teach one session about Roman mosaics using CLIL.

It consisted on one-hoursession, divided into two parts: onein the classroom and one in thecomputer room,.

In this presentation, I show yousome pictures of my group class in action and some of the Power Pointand other materials I used.

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Title of the Lesson: The Roman mosaics

Date: 22nd January, 2014

Unit of Study: The Romans

Level and group: 2nd

Number of children: 12 pupils.

Background Information:

The group is working on a one-trimester project about the Romans.

They already know some key words.

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Recognize what a Roman mosaic is.

Recognize how Roman mosaics are


Label some vocabulary about Roman


Built a mosaic using an on-line game.

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Act. 1. Let’s see some pictures: Students see

different Roman mosaics pictures on a

Power Point presentation. 3 min.

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Act. 2. What can we guess

about the Roman mosaics?

Students, in pairs, answer two

questions about what they

think about the mosaics. The

answers are checked with

the whole group. 8 min.

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Act. 3. What are the tesseares?

The teacher explains what the tesseares are

by showing some pictures from the Power

Point presentation. 3 min.

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Act. 4. Complete the worksheet: Students

complete, individually, the worksheet about

what they have learnt from the previous

activities. 15 min.

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Act. 5. . How were the mosaics made?

The teacher explains how the Roman mosaics were made by showing the interactive presentation found onhttp://www.rammtimetrail.org.uk/Roman-Mosaic/ 5 min.

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Act. 6. . Let's build our own mosaic!

Students build their own Roman mosaic by

using a game on-line found on

http://www.rammtimetrail.org.uk/Roman-Mosaic/ 20 min.

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The rest will be shown in our blog soon! Visit it!!!


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Teacher's observations of student


Student worksheet elaboration.

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I had a really great experience when teaching this lesson plan. The

students were surprised at the beginning because it was the first time they

listened English outside the language class. However, they followed it

without problems and the majority fulfilled the objectives of the lesson .

When they had to create their own mosaic with the on-line game they

were very motivated and the activity helped them “touch” a real Roman


I am very satisfied with my first class using CLIL. Altought it is a lot of work if

you wish to implement it on a daily basis, the results are positive and I think

it compensates the time spent.