Prepared by Bishwas kafle [email protected]

Leafy vegetable

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Page 1: Leafy vegetable

Prepared by Bishwas [email protected]

Page 2: Leafy vegetable

Introduction Leafy vegetables are sources of minerals and

vitamins. Dieticians recommended daily consumption of 100 – 120 gm leafy vegetables for a balance diet. The important leafy vegetables grown in Nepal are as follows:-


Spinch Lettuce

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IntroductionS.N Common name Botanical

nameNepali name


1 Broad leavedmustard

Brassica juncea var. rugosa.

Rayo sag crucifereae

2 Spinach Spinaceae olreaceae.

Palungo Chenopodiceae

3 Fenugreek Fenugreek Methi Leguminaceae

4 Lettuce Lactuca sativa. Jiri ko sag


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Broad leaf mustardClimate:It is a winter crop from terai to the mid

hills where as it is a summer crop for the high hills. It can tolerated frost and snow. The opt. temperature for its proper growth and development is 15 – 20oC. Under cooler conditions the quality of the leaf becomes better. Under warmer conditions it bolts and the leaf quality is also poor.

Soil: It can be grown almost all types of soils but loam soil is preferred. can be grown successfully within pH range 7 – 10.5.

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Cont……..Cultivar:Khumal broad leafMarpha broad leafKhumal red leafSeed rate:600 gm/hacSpacing: 30 X 10-15 cm.

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Nursery bed preparationThe soil is ploughed 3 – 4 times and the land is

made leveledWhile preparing the soil, the OM and fertilizers

should be applied as a basal dose and seeds are sown.

For raising seedlings, raised beds should be prepared in such a way that each bed carries single or double rows of plant.

Row to row spacing of 5 – 10 cm should be maintained. After the seed germinates and becomes 2 – 3 leaf stage they are transplanted to the prepared main field.

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Field preparation2 – 3 times ploughing and leveling of land is

needed. For the winter crop, a flat bed is prepared where as for a rainy crop seedlings are transplanted on ridges

Sowing and harvesting:

region Sowing time Harvesting time

High hill Falgun-baisakh Jestha-bhadra

Mid hill Bhadra-mansir Kartik-falgun

terai Asoj-poush Kartik-falgun

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Cont…………Manuring: FYM or compost: 20 Mt/hac.100: 40: 40 Kg NPK/hac.nitrogen should be side dressed in three splits:

1st 25 – 30 days, 2nd 45 – 20 days and the last doses 70 – 80 days after seedling transplanting

Irrigation:Light irrigation should be continued until the seedlings are well established. Irrigation should be given as and when needed.

Weeding:Weeds are a problem in mustard crops. Weeding and hoeing should be practiced regularly.

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Harvesting and yieldLeaves become ready to harvest at about 25 – 30

days after transplanting. Leaves should be harvested without damaging the plant and should be cut with the help of a knife at the base of the sheath. Tender leaves should be harvested regularly to get a higher yield. Delayed harvesting of over matured leaves causes lower yield. Depending upon the variety, the yield varies from 30 – 40 ton/hac.

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species varieties Seed rate(kg/ha)


fertilizer Harvesting

spianch Verginia savory,Early smooth leafPatane local

1.5-2 30*10 FYM: 20 tons/hac. and 60: 40: 40 Kg/hac. NPK

Leaves become ready for harvest in 40 – 50 days after transplanting. Leaves are harvested as in broad leaf mustard without damaging the plant

letttuce Great lakes, Impariol 859. White Boston, Big Boston, May king , Chinese Yellow, Slow Bolt

500 gm/hac.

30 – 45 X 20 – 25 cm

FYM or compost:- 20 tonn/hac.NPK in the ratio of 80: 40: 40 Kg/hac.

Leaf lettuce should be harvested when the leaves are fully developed and before head is formed.

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Nursery bed for leafy vegetables

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