Research into institutions that distribute similar products The magazine I’ve chosen to look into was top of the pops. The company the magazines owned by ‘immediate media’ they also own many other magazines such as top gear, the radio times, gardeners world and match of the day. These are all very different types of magazines to top of the pops except from ones like girl talk. These have a very similar content, front covers and themes. Immediate media is a special interest company that produces what that particular audience want to see. And for this particular company they need lots of different people working on these magazines that specialise in different areas and themes. This is because they produce a variety of magazines from gardening to music which will have very different design and content going into them. For them as a company it will benefit them having their name to all these different magazines as it means they will be more well-known and successful to a wider audience. It also means that it will benefit them as a company financially because of the amount of money they will make per magazine. Something they might to think about doing is having more music magazines as this will get their company better known by a

Institutional Research

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Research into institutions that distribute similar products

The magazine I’ve chosen to look into was top of the pops. The company the magazines owned by ‘immediate media’ they also own many other magazines such as top gear, the radio times, gardeners world and match of the day. These are all very different types of magazines to top of the pops except from ones

like girl talk. These have a very similar content, front covers and themes.

Immediate media is a special interest company that produces what that particular audience want to see. And for this particular company they need lots of different people working on these magazines that specialise in different areas and themes. This is because they produce a variety of magazines from gardening to music which will have very different design and content going into them. For them as a

company it will benefit them having their name to all these different magazines as it means they will be more well-known and successful to a wider audience. It also means that it will benefit them as a company financially because of the amount of money they will make per magazine.

Something they might to think about doing is having more music magazines as this will get their company better known by a much wider audience. Another reason they might want to produce another type of music magazine is because at the moment they don’t really have a lot of music magazines. The only genre they own is pop they could either want to develop and expand their line of pop magazines or create a totally new music genre magazine, as like I said before

this would make their business better known to a wider audience. As their will be different types of groups buying these different magazines.

Another publishing company that owns a pop magazine is Egmont. They own we love pop, this is a pop magazine mainly aimed at a younger audience of about age 7-13. This is apparent when you see the other magazines that they

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publish as they are all for children. A few examples of the magazines they publish are Disney princess, go girl and toxic.

They have some which are aimed at boys and some aimed for girls, but they’ve made sure all of them have bold bright and exciting front covers so they attract children’s attention. The colour is important when creating a children’s magazine because that’s what they are initially attracted to.

The company needs to have people working for them who specialise in children’s magazines as that are what they create. Even though they publish a lot of magazines meaning they have their name to a lot of different magazines, it’s all the same audience. A way they could make their company better known by a wider audience is by producing different types of magazines that are aimed at a slightly older audience. This might mean they might have to hire different specialised people who know more in designing that particular type of magazine. But this could make them more successful and even better known.

How will this research affect my ideas?

I feel like this has helped me a lot on deciding what colours I’m going to use for the front cover. Another thing that it’s helped me decide is what type of content I’m going to put into my magazine and the sell lines I’m going to use on the cover to attract the audience, when doing this you need to make short interesting sell lines that make your magazine sound as exciting as possible. Also another point I’ve took into consideration after this research is that in order for your magazine to be popular and sell well it needs to have something different about it that makes it stand out from other magazines in that market.