Chris Adsetts

Initial ideas

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Page 1: Initial ideas

Chris Adsetts

Page 2: Initial ideas

Classic rock is a genre of music which

erupted out of the late 60’s musical

revolution. It came about with a changing

in musical direction from

short, sharp, poppy British invasion-esque

sounds, in favour of

heavier, bluesier, lengthier numbers. It

typically covers hard rock from the

whole of the 70’s, and modern music which

has a similar feel and sound. Classic rock

has its musical roots in the delta

blues, rock n’ roll of the 50’s and

60’s, and the psychedelic culture of the


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Sub Genre- Niche

Gender- Male


ABC1- 55%

Gender ratio (m/f) - 70/30

Mode of address - Teacher to pupil ; I’m

informing them of new information, but in

their eyes, I’m not always right with my

opinions or views

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Turn Me Loose

Stone Free

Live Wire

Play It Again

Sound and vision


High Voltage

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John is in his early 20’s. He loves all forms of rock and even a bit of metal, but his main passion is that of the classic rock genre. He is a keen musician and loves playing various instruments with his musician friends. His deep musical desire runs through the rest of his life as it rubs off on his fashion, moral standings, and friends. He enjoys regular drinking and social occasions which will always include talks about music. His favourite bars include rock bars such as f.u.b.a.r and s.n.a.f.u and loves attending gigs both small and large scale.

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My magazine will be a glossy mag with a hefty amount of content.

content will include:

New releases





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Zanzibar SF


Chicken Scratch

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