Show Me the Money! Identifying Foundation Grant Opportunities for Public School Teachers By Erin Kennedy LIS 560 Assignment 3 University of Washington, MLIS Program

Identifying Foundation Grant Opportunities for Teachers

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Show Me the Money! Identifying Foundation Grant Opportunities for Public School Teachers

Show Me the Money!Identifying Foundation Grant Opportunities for Public School Teachers

By Erin Kennedy

LIS 560 Assignment 3University of Washington, MLIS Program

Target Audience

3.4 million public school teachers in the U.S.92% public school teachers have a Bachelors degree or higherAverage annual salary = $56,000

Why grant funding for teachers?Decade long decline in budgets for public education.A teacher will spend an average of $945/year on school supplies.99.5% of public school teachers spend their own money on school supplies

Information Needs of Target AudienceInformation NeedsArticulating the need for a grantFinding funding sourcesPreparing proposals79% of public school teachers site a lack of knowledge of grant funding sources as the greatest obstacle to writing a grant.

Information Seeking Behaviors

70% of public educators site teaching load and lack of time as the biggest challenges to writing grants.

Information Seeking BehaviorsLess than 5% of teachers have received training in grant seeking.Teachers rely heavily on the internet to find funding sources.

Needs Addressed by WorkshopNeed: Identify funding sourcesOutcome: Teachers will be able to identify potential grant funding sources using the Foundation Directory Online database.

Need: Match potential grant makers to a teachers funding need.Outcome: Teachers will be able to evaluate the suitability of grant opportunities using the Foundation Directory Online database.


Workshop ActivitiesSkill 1: Gain an understanding of the Foundation Directory Online database and the information it contains.Activities: Instructor will provide a brief introduction to the Foundation Directory Online database and demonstrate how to access the database from a computer.

Workshop ActivitiesSkill 2: Use the basic search parameters of Foundation Directory Online to identify potential grant opportunities.Activities: Instructor will provide a brief introduction of 5 main search parameters and demonstrate a search; class will conduct sample searches and participate in discussion.

Workshop ActivitiesSkill 3: Evaluate information in a foundation profile on Foundation Directory Online to determine suitability.Activities: Instructor will select a foundation profile and explain how to evaluate the contents; class will conduct searches and select foundation profiles; students will share the results.

Kellers ARCS Model

McCarthys 4MAT Learning Styles

AssessmentFormative Assessment

Q&AClass Discussion

Summative Assessment


ReferencesAbout Grants.gov. Grants.gov, 2015. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.Clark, Charles. Costly Proposals. Education Week 13.6 (2002): 7. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.Digest of Education Statistics: Table 211.60 Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by state: Selected years 1969-70 through 2012-13. National Center for Education Statistics, 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.Grant Writing Receives Little Support. NSTA Reports 25.1: 6. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.Kennedy, Clinton. Personal Interview. 22 Oct. 2015.Kennedy, Tara. Personal Interview. 22 Oct. 2015.Maxwell, Jackson D. Money, Money, Money: Taking the Pain Out of Grant Writing. Teacher Librarian 32.5 (2005): 16-22. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.Monahan, Thomas C. Grant-Seeking as Professional Development of K-12 Teachers (Incentives and Obstacles). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Education Research Association (1992): 3-10. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.NSSEA Retail Market Awareness Study. Education Market Association, 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.Pawlicki, Dakota, and James Chase. The Insiders Guide to Winning Education Grants. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014.Schools and Staffing Survey. National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.Taylor, Chris. Granted! A Teachers Guide to Writing & Winning Classroom Grants. Chandler, AZ: Five Star Publications, Inc., 2009.Turpin, Tammye, and Bob N. Cage. Factors Influencing Grant Writing of K-12 Teachers. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Education Research Association (1998): 3-15. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.