Gamified Co-Design with Cooperative Learning Gabriella Dodero Rosella Gennari Santina Torello Alessandra Melonio GaC C Eective Assistive Technology Conference, Rochester, June 2014 Faculty of Computer Science http://www.inf.unibz.it

How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

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Page 1: How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

Gamified Co-Design with Cooperative



Rosella Gennari

Santina Torello

Alessandra Melonio

GaC C Effective Assistive Technology

Conference, Rochester, June 2014Faculty of Computer Science http://www.inf.unibz.it

Page 2: How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

Gamified Co-Design with Cooperative



Rosella Gennari

Santina Torello

Alessandra Melonio

GaC C Effective Assistive Technology

Conference, Rochester, June 2014Faculty of Computer Science http://www.inf.unibz.it

Page 3: How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

The idea

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techniques for prototypinginteractive products withchildren


releasing educational gamesfor and with children


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Cooperative learning

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Cooperative learning

strategies for group workWhat:

fostering inclusion and, moregenerally, cooperative work byleveraging on everybody’s skills


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Gamification of context for engaging all

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Gamification of context for engaging all

game elements andgamification principles


fostering engagementfor behaviour andemotions in order topromote a flow state


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Gamification of context

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Gamification elements in classrooms

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Gamification elements in classrooms

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Progression bar across missions split in challenges

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Progression bar across missions split in challenges

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Coins: contingent completion rewards for challenges

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At the shop

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At the shop

… but how todecide which?

a group can spend coins for buying prototyping objects

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Signalling disks for voting

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Signalling disks for voting and choosing, e.g., the expert card

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Expert card at work: “Help, game expert”

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Tree pieces: contingent completion rewards for missions

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Missione 4

Missione 3

Missione 5

Missione 2

Missione 1

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Missione 4

Missione 3

Missione 5

Missione 2

Missione 1

Progression bar across missions with gained tree pieces

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GaCoCo missions: highlights

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Training, roles and gamified material exploration, group formation and badge creation

Initial mission @ school

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Mission solved: big applause

Initial mission @ school

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Game idea form + avatar prototypingSecond mission @ school

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Groups are split in pairs, each works on a game level: form + prototyping

Third mission @ school

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Groups are rejoined, jointly revising and continuing game levels: form + prototyping

Fourth mission @ school

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Assembling levels and passage on a given A0 form

Final mission @ school

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Rehearsing presentation of game prototype (A0 form)

Final mission @ school

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Presentation, then gallery tour of each game with:Final mission @ university

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Presentation, then gallery tour of each game with:Final mission @ university

final game prototypes (A0 form);

Page 36: How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

Presentation, then gallery tour of each game with:Final mission @ university

Il#personaggio#principale#di#questo#gioco#è#Giovannino.#Giovannino#si#trova#in#un#posto#dove#c’è#il#mare#ma#fa#molto#freddo#e#al#posto#di#una#spiaggia#ci#sono#metri#e#metri#di#neve.##Questo# posto# è# abitato# da# una# famiglia# di# alieni.# Ci# sono# degli# oggetti#particolari#in#questo#posto:#un#tavolo#volante#ed#una*rosa*aliena#con#delle#spine#senza#punta.##!

Dove si svolge il gioco e quali oggetti e personaggi ci sono?

Lo# scopo# del# gioco# è# quello# di# riuscire# a# sottrarre# il# tavolo# volante# alla#famiglia#di#alieni#e#raggiungere#prima#che#muoia# la#rosa#con# le#spine#senza#punta# che# permetterà# a# Giovannino# di# tornare# sulla# terra,# nel# paese# senza#punta.##

Cosa fanno i personaggi e che sfide devono affrontare?

Sfide nel PRIMO livelloVite; Punti e Poteri"

Giovannino#ha#a#disposizione#2*vite#per#riuscire#a#superare#questo# livello.#Per# sconCiggere#gli# alieni#e# rubare# il# tavolo#magico#può#usare#due#oggetti:#una#mazza#ed#una#cintura#magica#che#una#volta#premuta#si#trasforma#in#una#spada.##Ci# sono# anche# degli# oggetti# speciali# che# compaiono# di# tanto# in# tanto# che#sono#un# fungo:# che# permette# a#Giovannino#di# diventare# piu# potente# e# un#cuore# che# fa# guadagnare# a#Giovannino#due#vite.# Se# si# perde# si# ricomincia#direttamente#da#questo#livello.#

Quando si perde il 2° livello appare"

Quando si vince il 1° livello appare"




final game prototypes (A0 form); game framework

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Evaluation of other groups’ workFinal mission @ university

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Evaluation of other groups’ workFinal mission @ university

I liked…

I’d change…

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Evaluation of other groups’ workFinal mission @ university

I liked…

I’d change…

I’d vote…

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Roles: highlights

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Teacher for: introducing and recapping missions; moderating her class

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Game design expert for: feedback on demand; validating product delivered at the end of a challenge

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Passive observer for: tracking group performances; tracking group social relations

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thank you

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G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. GAmified CO-design with COoperative Learning. In Proc. of the alt chapter of CHI 2014, Toronto, April 26–May 1 2014

G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. Gamification of Codesign Contexts—Two Studies in Primary Schools. Submitted

Original images by: N. Mastachi


Page 47: How To Gamify School Contexts and Teach Computer Science Concepts

G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. GAmified CO-design with COoperative Learning. In Proc. of the alt chapter of CHI 2014, Toronto, April 26–May 1 2014

G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. Gamification of Codesign Contexts—Two Studies in Primary Schools. Submitted

Original images by: N. Mastachi
