Megan Hughes How To Andy Warhol Your Face!

How to andy warhol your face!

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Page 1: How to andy warhol your face!

Megan Hughes

How To Andy Warhol Your Face!

Page 2: How to andy warhol your face!

Step 1 : Cropping Your Image

The first thing you need to do when making your own Andy Warhol image is cropping the image that you photographed to the correct size so just your head and shoulders are in the frame rather than your whole body.

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Step 2: Removing the background

Secondly, you need to remove the background from your original image by using the Lasso Tool on PhotoShop to cut round the background, and then using your keyboard press delete which will remove it leaving your image like this…

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Step 3: Colouring Your Background

The next thing you have to do is make a new layer and using the brush tool, select the background and a colour of your choice to fill it in…

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Step 4: Threshold Your Image

Next, you must make the image a high contrast to bring out the detail. You do this by going to the top of your screen, click on Image > Adjustments > Threshold. This will then bring up a tab where you can select an appropriate contrast for your image.

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Step 5: Erasing The White

Now you have selected your appropriate contrast. The following step is to make another new layer and using the Magic Eraser Tool, select all the white parts on your image and they will change to the colour of your background, in my case pink.

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Step 6: The Face Layer

After following the past steps, you now need to create a 4th layer and (using the Polygonal Lasso Tool) select around your face, choose a colour to fill it with, and using the Brush Tool, cover it so all the detail is covered up. Then, drag the layer down in between the others which will then bring back all the detail in the face.

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Step 7: Extra Details Now you can make a layer for the following you want to colour in: E.g. eyes, hair, lips, etc. Just ensure you make a new layer for each and follow the basic steps – Select with Polygonal Lasso Tool, colour fill with Brush Tool and drag down.

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Step 8: Andy Warhol Style!When you have finished adding all your extra details/colours, etc. Select all your layers and merge them together. Next, copy and paste the complete image 3 times onto separate layers so you have 4 versions on 4 layers and line them up how shown in the image to the right. Then using the Magic Wand Tool, select parts of each image and mix them up with colours like so…

There you have your Andy Warhol style image!