History on animation

Histroy of animation

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History on animation

History of animation

The first sign of animation dates back to paleolithic times discovered by a Greek astronomer called Ptolemy in 130AD. The first drawings were found as cave men drawings on the walls which showed different positions of the animals. So they were trying to recreate the motion of the animal.

Then a Chinese man made an animation device which was called a zoetrope. There was also other devices which were called Phenakistoscope, praxinoscope and the flip book and all made in the 1800s. The flip book is made up of sequential drawings, this means that when you flip it, it makes an animation.

The first animated short film was made by someone called J. Stuart Blackton it was called “humorous phases of funny faces”.

In 1910 a woman called Emilie Cohl was the first person to make an animation out of paper cut outs. In 1913 the development of celluloid made it easier to make animations.

Walt Disney's first animation was Steamboat Willie which was the first animation ever to have sound. Then they went on to make a full length film called snow white.

To watch Steamboat Willie click on link
