Benefits of using ET inside the classroom: Easy to access course materials. Class website, blogs and wikis Subjects made easier to learn Improved student writing Student motivation Wide participation Smart boards Online media Educational Technology

History of Educational Technology

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Hi, everybody! We want to share with you, the power point presentation Natalia and I made. Hope you find it interesting.

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Page 1: History of Educational Technology

Benefits of using ET inside the classroom: Easy to access course materials. Class website, blogs and wikis Subjects made easier to learn Improved student writing Student motivation Wide participation Smart boards Online media

Educational Technology

Page 2: History of Educational Technology

Educational technology

From its beginning …

1453 The printing of the Bible with moveable type created by Gutenberg transforms society.

1635 Founding of the first public school in the U.S.

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1872 QWERTY: Christopher Sholes develops a machine to print the alphabet.

1954 General Electric is the first business to order a computer.

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Apple introduces the Macintosh.

Commodore introduces the Commodore 64.


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1989 The World-Wide Web begins at the Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire.

2002 Apple releases its third generation iMac in teal with a built-in microphone. Students take it to class, and it records the lecture so that the student can organize the lecture to meet his/her learning style.

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2005 The laptop computer merges with the student's notebook and textbooks to create the Interactive Textbook.

Books are published in a dual format, Opti-books, which can be read as print books, but they also have a CD-ROM embedded in the back.

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demonstrate a new lesson, present new material, illustrate how to use new programs show new websites.

Computers allow teachers to

Technology in the classrooms and its uses.

Clickers or Smartphones can be used to enhance the experience in the classroom by providing the possibility for professors to get feedback

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touch control of computer applications enhance the experience in the classroom by showing

anything that can be on a computer screen not only aids in visual learning interaction - students can draw, write, or manipulate


Interactive whiteboards provide

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Deal with noisy classrooms

Make themselves be heard clearer

No longer lose their voices at the end of the day

Wireless classroom microphones allow teachers to

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