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Granny winter letter

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Page 1: Granny winter letter

Hello dearest,

I am sure you are looking forward to your holidays… and guess what? So am I !

I am soooo excited because this time, Granny is coming to town! Yes dear… instead of you coming out to my village, I will come over to visit you. This way, though you have only a few days of vacation, both of us can make merry together

We will gather together your friends and I will invite my other grandchildren, so that together we can celebrate the holidays like never before!

Not only will we play and have fun, but we can also learn many new things together. Let us do new dances and even act out a theatre play together! In fact, let us make our own masks for this play… how cool is that?

We can also learn clay modelling and pottery to make pots for us to use. I will teach you gardening so that you can help me with my garden when you visit in summer. You can also make a thatch roof for me, so that I can bring it back to replace my old one. That would be so sweet and helpful of you! I would really appreciate your making me a scarecrow too! The crows have been causing so much trouble out here…

In the evening we will make a lovely bon-fire and I will share all my new Stories with you. I also have a fascinating friend who will conduct a thrilling Drum Circle for us. Can you imagine the fun we will have making music together? I just can’t wait to see you

And to make sure that your parents also feel included in all our cool activities, let us put up a dance and play performance on the last day of my visit. They will enjoy the chance to see all your painting, pottery and many other creations ;)

I am going to write to your mum and dad immediately! And ask them to plan right away for the 26th, 27th and 28th December now! (You talk to them too.)

Can’t wait to see you dearest!

Love,Granny dearest
