T.C. ANADOLU UNIVERSITY EDUCATION FACULTY ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING DEPARTMENT GRAMMAR TEACHING (LESSON PLAN) Student Teacher : Nesrin AHMETOGLU Mentor Teacher : Yücel ÖZ Grade/ Level : 9-10th Number of Students: 30 Subject/ Description of Lesson: Will have- Future Perfect Date: 01/06/2011 Time: 40’ Materials: Some pictures about the context Learning Outcomes:

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Student Teacher : Nesrin AHMETOGLU

Mentor Teacher : Yücel ÖZ

Grade/ Level : 9-10th

Number of Students: 30

Subject/ Description of Lesson: Will have- Future Perfect

Date: 01/06/2011

Time: 40’

Materials: Some pictures about the context

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to,

identify and express the different features of Simple Future and Future Perfect Tense

construct meaningful utterances using future perfect.

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Greeting the students:

T: Good morning class!

S: Good morning teacher.

T: How are you today?

S: Fine, thanks, and you?

T: I’ m also fine, thank you. You can sit.


T: Hi Emre, how are you? You didn’t attend the last course.

S: Yes teacher. I was ill.

T: Are you ok now?

S: Yes.

T: (Asks a few students more) What are you doing these days?

S: Reading books, playing volleyball, football.

T: Very nice.

T: Did you visit your friends at the weekend?

S: Yes. We played games.

T: Hmm… One of my friends visited me at the weekend and he made me very happy because

we couldn’t see each other for a long time. I want to tell you about what we talked.

(Transition): You seem very curious about that.

S: Yeeees…

T: Ok, then let’s start our lesson.:)

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(Creating the context)

Photo of a Captain

T: (Showing the picture and sticking on the board) This is my friend Kivanc and he is a

captain. He always travels around the world. He came for the holiday and visited me. He sets

off tomorrow morning and he won’t be in Turkey for a long time again and he told me the

things he planned (predicted) to do/ finish in a certain time through his following journeys. He

set some certain dates before his journey and made some predictions.

S: What are they?

T: Be patient. I will tell you one by one.

(Clarifying meaning)

T: Look at the picture (Showing and sticking it on the board). Do you know where this castle


S: No.

T: (Showing the flag of the country) Now?

S: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus…

T: Yes. Northern Cyprus. He said ‘I will have visited the Girne Castle in Cyprus by next

week.’ Then he will start his journey from there. He will complete his works in Cyprus. Ok?

S: Yes.

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(Teacher writes the sentence on the board.)

(Checking Understanding)

T: Will he be in Turkey next week?

S: No.

T: Will he be going to the Cyprus next week?

S: No.

T: Good. Then, will he complete his visit to Cyprus next week?

S: Yes.

T: That’s right. He will have visited the Girne Castle by next week.

(Clarifying the meaning)

T: Look at this photo now. (Sticks it on the board) Where will he go?

S: He will go to Italy.

T: Right, he’ll go to Napoli in Italy.

S: Napoli…

T: Yes and he will have seen the beautiful sea sides of Napoli in a month. (Teacher writes the

example under the first example.)

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(Checking Understanding)

T: Will he stay a month in Italy?

S: No…

T: Will he go to Italy after one month?

S: No…

T: Will he be ready to set off his journey from Italy in a month?

S: Yes…

T: Good. He will have seen the beautiful sea side and been ready to go.

(Clarifying Meaning)

T: (Showing the pictures) He goes on his travel. He will be in… (with raising tone of voice

to make students continue)

S: Spain…

T: Yes, Barcelona in Spain; very good. He will have watched a football match in Barcelona

by three months. (Writes the sentence on the board)

(Checking Understanding)

T: Will he be watching a football match for three months?

S: No…

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T: Hmm… Will he be travelling around the Spain for the following three months?

S: No…

T: Will he finish his journey in Spain in three months?

S: Yes, he will.

T: Great, you are doing well today.

(Clarifying meaning)

T: Yes, he doesn’t stop. (Showing the picture and sticking it on the board) Do you know

where this statue is?

S: No…

T: It is in P… (giving the first letter teacher wants students to guess it)

S: P, P… Portugal?

T: Yes, that’s right, Portugal, Lisbon.

S: Hmm…

T: By the end of five months, Kivanc will have already strolled in the streets of Lisbon. (writes


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(Checking Understanding)

T: Will he go to Portugal after five months pass?

S: No…

T: Will he accommodate in Lisbon through five months?

S: No…

T: Will he complete his journey to Lisbon in five months period?

S: Yes.

T: Yes, you are right. Thank you.

(Clarifying Meaning)

T: And lastly, he will visit…(with raising intonation to make the students guess it from the

flag in the photo)

S: Netherlands.

T: Waow, yes. He will have swum in the North Pole Sea in six months period. (writes the

sentence on the board)

S: He will complete his journey very well.

T: Yes.

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(Checking Understanding)

T: Will he be going to the Netherlands in six months?

S: No…

T: Will he complete his journey in six months period?

S: Yes.

T: Wonderful. He will be ready to set off to come back to Turkey, then. Right?

S: Yes.

(Clarifying Form)

T: Great, you are doing very well today. (Teacher writes the name of the tense – WILL

HAVE -FUTURE PERFECT on the board above the examples.) Now remember the previous

lessons. What do you see that you know in the sentences?

S: Will…

T: Yes, you know will is used for…?

S: Future events.

T: Yes… And here there is something more than ‘will’, isn’t it? Let’s find out them

altogether. Firstly, Kivanc is…?

S: Subject.

T: Yes, subject (underlines and labels it on the board). And then?

S: Will…

T: Right ‘will’ future marker. After?

S: Have.

T: Yes, there is ‘have’ and more…

S: Verb 3

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T: Yes and V3 comes after ‘have’ (Teacher underlines and labels all the things said while

they are telling)

Teacher writes the rule under the examples –S+Will+Have+V3…-

(Checking understanding of the meaning and the form)

T: Do we use future perfect tense for the future events that are planning to be done


S: No.

T: Can we use this tense to mention about the things that are still on the way to be done?

S: No. It should be finished.

T: Yes, exactly. Then we can say that we use future perfect tense while making predictions

about the completion of a future event before another future time. Is it right?

S: Yes.

T: Do we use only ‘will’ to give this meaning?

S: No… Will+have+been(V3)

T: Great.

Rationale: Teacher used an inductive approach in this plan and involved the students in all

stages of the presentation part. Teacher created a context at the beginning of the lesson and

took their attention with a photo of her friend, then used different pictures to clarify the

meaning of the structure. Afterwards, teacher clarified the form and wrote the structure clearly

on the board by asking all elements of the sentence one by one. Lastly, teacher made a brief

conclusion using eliciting.

Transition: Congratulations, you get the idea I think. Let’s work on the structure a little


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T: Yes, now. Here is an activity.

(Context of the Activity)

John is making a survey with his friends to learn their future predictions about the completion

of an event in a certain period.

(Processing Activity for form)

A) However, there are some problems with the grammar of the given answers. Can you

help John to correct them?

(Instruction(T): Look at the sentences given and choose the correct answer. You have five

minutes to complete.)

Given Answers for the survey:

1. Ellen: ‘I............................. from my school by two years.’

a) will graduated

b) will have graduate

c) will have graduated

d) will graduating

2. Octavio: ‘I ……………………….. my new book about the human psychology by

three years.’

a) will have write

b) will written

c) will be writing

d) will have written

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3. Nadine: ‘I……………………… Paris by next month.’

a) will have visited

b) will have been visited

c) will have visiting

d) will visited

4. Stefano: ‘I ……………………..married with my girl friend by this year.’

a) will have get

b) will have got

c) will be getting

d) will got

5. Mike: ‘I………………………. my new product by the end of this year.’

a) will established

b) will have establish

c) will have established

d) will be establishing

Answers of the Activity: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C

(Checking Answers)

T: Ok… You all finished?

S: Yes.

T: Then let’s check the answers altogether. Ahmet read the first one and tell us the correct

one. (Teacher chooses the person to answer the question very carefully and want them to

answer one by one. With this way s/he can help students to better understand the form)

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(Processing Activity for Meaning)

B) In this part of the answers he has some problems to understand the answers properly.

Can you help him to understand the sentences better?

(Instruction(T): Choose the best answer that makes the meaning clear. You have five

minutes again.)

Given answers for the survey:

1. Steve: ‘I will have finished my MA degree by the time my brother graduates from


a) First he finishes his MA degree and then his brother graduates

b) First his brother graduates and then he finishes his MA degree

c) They finish their education life at the same time

2. Mary: ‘I will have already joined the conference about marketing when the new party


a) The new party arrives during the meeting

b) The new party arrives before the meeting starts

c) The new party arrives after meeting is completed

3. Betty: ‘I will have already left the work when they move the office.’

a) She lefts the work after they move the office

b) She lefts the work before they move the office

c) She lefts the work while they are moving the office

4. Robert: ‘I will have completed my project work by my parents come.’

a) He completes his project after his parents come

b) He completes his project just after his parents come

c) He completes his project before ahead

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5. Susan: ‘I will have already announced the new candidates when the boss comes back

from Italy.’

a) She announces the new candidates before her boss arrives

b) She announces the new candidates after her boss arrives

c) She announces the new candidates with his boss

Answers of the Activity: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A

(Checking Answers):

T: Yes, you have completed. Let’s check them. First compare your answers with your pairs.

Then we will check them together. (Teacher first wants students to work on the right answers

themselves, correct them with their peers and then gets the right answers.)

Transition: Today, you perform very well. Perfect. Let’s move on to other activities.

Rationale: Teacher used an intermediary part with processing activities. There is not a

production students only focus on form in the first activity and meaning in the second activity.


Mechanical Activity:

T (Instruction): Now there are some sentences as you see. (Teacher hands out the papers) In

A part there are some prompts. Use them to make sentences by using future perfect and match

them with the appropriate sentences in B part. Who wants to tell me what we are going to do?

S: We are going to make sentences with the things written here and match the two halves of


T: Yes, that’s right. You have 7 minutes to complete it.

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1. Jenny/ pass her exams when her mother visits her

2. Louise/ get the job by the next week

3. Kate/ take the dog for a walk by tomorrow

4. We/ play volleyball by the time Jane comes

5. He/ revise his lessons when I phone him


a. But I had better wait a little bit more.

b. Because the exam dates has been taken before ahead

c. He has an appointment with the vet.

d. She always comes very late.

e. He has had a great interview with the boss.


1. Jenny will have passed her exams when her mother visits her. (b)

2. Louise will have got the job by the next week. (e)

3. Kate will have taken the dog for a walk by tomorrow. (c)

4. We will have played volleyball by the time Jane comes. (d)

5. He will have revised his lessons when I phone him. (a)

Checking Answers: Whole- class checking is done one by one.

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Meaningful Activity-1

T (Instruction): Here are one part of the results of the survey that John have made. There are

the names in the chart and the things they predict to complete in a certain time. Use the

information on the table and report them to your friends one by one. OK? What are we going

to do now?

S: We are going to report the written people’s predictions to be finished to our friends.

T: Right, let’s start now. You have 8 minutes.

Harvard resign from his job in three months

Samuel sleep the time you go

Richard invite in an hour

Emilie buy a new dress before her friend’s wedding

Sofia finish her investigation in five months

Checking Answers: Teacher asks students to report their friend firstly and takes answers one

by one.

Meaningful Activity-2

T(Instruction): Now, There are two friends talking about their future predictions that are

completed. You will work in pairs and use the cue cards (below). Prepare a dialog with your

friend according to these cards. Tell me what are we going to do?

S: We are going to prepare a dialogue with our friend according to the cards.

T: Yes. Let’s start now. You have five minutes to practice it then you will come to the board

and act it out. You have 5 minutes

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A: Ask question about the plan predicted to be

finished in three years.


A: travel around the Europe. What do you want

to complete by five months?


A: start to work in a company.


B: graduate from school. What is your future

plan in two years?


B: pass exams. Ask question about the plan

predicted to be finished in a year.

Checking Answers: Teacher takes students one by one to the board and checks the answers.

Communicative Activity

T(Instruction): I want you to stand up and stroll around the class. When I clap my hands, you

will stop and start to tell your plans predicted to be completed in 5 months. Use as many

sentences as you can. OK?

S: Yes.

T: Tell me what are we going to do?

S: We are going to stroll around the class and tell our predictions to each other when you clap

your hands.

T: Perfect. Let’s start now. 8 minutes.

Rationale: Teacher used the activities to make the students use the new structure and gave a

chance to play with the language.